19 | an old world

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 People often say that the eyes that can't weep are the saddest eyes of all . She says wrong - eyes that shed bitter tears of longing , guilt and remorse endlessly are the saddest eyes of all - especially when there was no one to wipe the tears '
(Name) stared blankly at the crisp white nurse uniform . She reached out to it and placed her cold hand of the fabric . The thick , velvety material felt familiar against her calloused hands.
" What are you planning to do (Name) ? " Himari questioned , raising a delicately trimmed eyebrow . " The Kazekage hired me to take care of his son . I'm just doing my job ," (Name) uttered , removing the light blue patient robes . 
She slipped on the nurse uniform , that fitted snugly against her body . (Name)'s (h/c) hair was in a neat high ponytail , the locks cascading down her back. " (Name) ... Why do you even care so much for this Gaara boy ? " Himari blurted , shrugging slightly.

" When you truly love someone , it is in your nature to care for that person endlessly ," (Name) pursed a bitter smile as she tied the blue nurse ribbon on head .

" According to Lady Chiyo , Gaara would come around in about a week .." Himari added .
(Name) lowered her eyes . It was true that she told Temari she had around a month left , but in truth , (Name) felt as if her innards were gouged repeatedly with every passing second.

" Well ... I've got to go , my patient is waiting for me ," (Name) grinned in a fake motion . Her smiles were once beautiful , sincere and truthful , but now they are forced , fake and depression .
Himari stifled a sob at the thought . Her eyes trailed after (Name) as the (h/c) haired girl left the room . 

' I never stopped causing you pain , have I Gaara ? I hope that after my death , you will no longer feel those sickening emotions ... I just want you to be happy ...' (Name) monologued . She held her head up high , smiling at the other nurses and hospital attendants , who were utterly speechless .
' Isn't she supposed to be hospitalised ? What the hell is she doing here ?!" 

Of course , (Name) brushed off the words and glances thrown towards her and headed to Gaara's ward - the special Elite ward . She was able to enter as she had gained Temari's permission. On that particular day though , the blonde was no where to be seen .
Letting out a soft sigh , (Name) greeted the guards at the entrance . 
' They weren't here when I first came ...'
" What business do you have here ?" a stocky man rudely questioned (Name) .

(Name) rolled her eyes at the man's rudeness , suppressing the urge to kick his ass repeatedly . " This is a hospital and I am a nurse . I suppose you all understand why I am here ,"  (Name) huffed .
" Gaara-sama is under Lady Chiyo's care . No other nurses are supposed to be here ," the man retorted . " Wait ! " the other guard burst . " Only two nurses can enter - Lady Chiyo and (Name) (Surname) ," he corrected his partner .
" And you are ? " the man from earlier shrugged . (Name) smiled sweetly , her eyes mocking him .
" (Name) (Surname) ," she grinned . Grudgingly the guard allowed (Name) to enter Gaara's ward , rolling his eyes repeatedly .
The guard closed the doors afterwards , leaving (Name) alone with Gaara .

(Name) grabbed the stat clipboard and stared at the crisp sheet of paper at the top . A frown formed on (Name)'s face , her jaw hung loose . 

' As soon as Gaara no Sabaku gains consciousness and is fit for light work , he is to take the title of the Kazekage - replacing the previous Kazekage ' .

(Name) immediately realised why there were guards at the front entrance - they were guarding the future Kazekage . 

' And I once kissed the future Kazekage and gave him a bath ... Big deal ,'

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