29 | final verdict

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' I'll continue loving you, and not even death can part us. Not even oblivion can part us. One day, when both of us are reincarnated, I'll find you, and tell you that you are my true love ' 

Home. It was a term that (Name) could never understand. Some say it's a place that makes you feel comfortable, and a place you know like the back of your hand. 
A place that makes you feel safe and protected. Though the shields are barely visible, the walls are enough to comfort you. In her early childhood, (Name) had a home. The days always felt warm and sunny, and everything seemed perfect. 
And then came that blasted night.

(Name) spent the next ten years of her life in an orphanage, and no matter how hard it was, she kept her mouth shut. She learned to keep her mouth shut - the hard way.
The young girl changed her interests towards the medical world, however she was never intelligent enough to end up as a doctor or surgeon. Instead, she ended up as a nurse.
Her bright smile and kind words were what made the former Kazekage choose her to become his son's personal nurse, and that changed her fate entirely. From a girl who spent majority of her life alone, she found love. She found happiness.
However, it didn't last long. It didn't even last long enough for her to create sweet memories for her to cherish. 
As they say though, fate leads to the most impossible events. They met again. It wasn't at all pretty. No words could describe the pain in (Name)'s heart when she saw another woman around Gaara. It hurt her, it truly did.
Broken, she left him behind without looking back. However, he chased after her.
He was just like a knight in shining armor, on his pure white steed. As for Gaara though, he was a Kazekage in a tuxedo, in his shiny brand new red Ferrari. When the rain started to fall, he was the first to offer her warmth.
Loyalty? Dedication? (Name) couldn't help but wonder what he saw in her. What did he see in plain old (Name), compared to Kamiko. All above was true, it only missed one thing. Love.
Loving the Kazekage was a risky decision. She had a two scars to prove that fact. Despite that, (Name) was glad she took that risk. The happiness she felt now is unrivalled. The feeling of waking up in the morning in Gaara's arms.. It made (Name) yearn it for an eternity. 

(Name)'s eyes fluttered open the moment she felt a warm hand slowly stroking her cheek. 
    " Good morning." She immediately recognised it as Gaara's voice, and she sat up immediately. It was a bad choice, as she found herself groaning in pain a second later. 
    " Woah.. Easy there, " he blurted as he held her back. The moment (Name) laid her eyes on Gaara, the memories of yesterday came back and her eyes started to water. 
     " Gaara.." she whimpered, her vision slowly being clouded by tears. He quickly took her in his arms, noting that she was getting weaker, spiritually.
     " The nurse.. She tried to kill me.. What did I do to her..? What is my fault? " she sobbed, her voice cracking up. 

     " Shh.. It's not your fault (Name).. You haven't done anything wrong.." he soothed, gently stroking her hair.
(Name)'s feelings were all mixed up, but sadness conquered the lot. Is it wrong to love him? Was she so disgusting that she didn't deserve to be with him? Did she deserves to die? 
    " (Name).. The Black Ops arrested Kamiko earlier this morning. The interrogation will be held later this evening. Well, you have to be there too," Gaara exclaimed. 

(Name)'s eyes were lowered at the mention of Kamiko's name. 
    " I presume Suzuna will be there as well? "

Gaara simply nodded as an answer. He quickly sensed the fear in (Name)'s eyes. She had to be near with her almost-murderers afterall. He knew, (Name) was shocked at how many people wanted her dead.
First it was Kamiko, and then came Suzuna. The two girls were from the prestigious Oshiro clan, and (Name) was just a nobody. If it weren't for the fact that she was dating Gaara, the case would've already been closed for a certain sum of money. 
Afterall, rich people can get away with anything. They just have to give away some cash.
    " Let's go get some breakfast downstairs, hmm? You must be starving, " Gaara smiled, taking her hand. 

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