24 | who am i

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 'Everything goes in circles.. Round and Round.. Never close, and never far away, '

" (Name),  you will escort the pair from Table 21. They should be arriving in 15 minutes,  and also,  Akihito will help you out with the beverages , " Nao Ikeda whispered to her,  careful not to disrupt the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant. 
" Escort? Why do they need an escort? Usually I only have to show them the table and take the order. "
Nao shook her head,  and pursed her lips. 
" Tut-tut, oh (Name).. The girl is the heiress of the Oshiro family, and the guy is someone from the Suna council. "

' Ah.. Posh much? '

(Name) grudgingly shook her head, and glanced at the mirror to fix her appearance. 
Fifteen minutes flew fast - it felt like seconds. 
  At exactly 8:15pm, the door swung open.

(Name) went to greet the customer, but when she laid her eyes on him, she felt her entire world stop.
The Earth stopped spinning, and the waves stopped crashing.
       " Gaara? " 
Those lovely seafoam eyes were clearly focused on her,  but all (Name) could sense was disgust.  
       " Welcome, Lord Kazekage and Miss Oshiro. I am (Name) (Surname),  and I will be your waitress for today. " 

' Death would be a pleasure. '

She led the two to their seat and handed the menu, although her hands shaked lightly when she passed it to Gaara.
      " Would you like red or white wine? " 

      " White, " Kamiko spoke, or huffed, by the way it sounded.
      " I'll  leave you two to decide which meal you'd like, " (Name) uttered, and bowed slightly. 
      She ran to the second floor, and saw Akihito who just came to work. 
       " Aki!  Get your ass to the first floor. You're supposed to help me out with this.. Frickin.. " (Name) trailed off.
    Akihito chuckled lightly and nodded his head. " I know, (Name). Ah, what did they request? "

"White wine, " she answered shortly. Akihito grabbed a bottle of the wine and headed to the first floor with (Name).

     He turned over the wine glasses and poured it quarter full. 
    " 1953 [Insert wine name], specially for you two,  Lord Kazekage and Lady Kamiko."
Akihito then stepped back and stood in standby mode. 
       " Have you made up your mind yet? " (Name) questioned. 
       " Yes,  I have, " Kamiko responded. " I'll have the Summer Garden King Prawn salad as the appetiser, the Basil Filet Mignon for the main course,  and a Rosemary Creme Brulee for dessert. " (Name) gulped as she jotted it down,  cringing at the snooty tone of her voice.
    " And Lord Kazekage? " she inquired. Gaara turned towards her, and stared at her rather longingly. The disgust in his eyes were long gone, and his lips were in a seemingly relieved smile.
      " Let's see. Something you made for me on the day we first met, " he replied. 
(Name) felt her heart drop at the response. Akihito couldn't help but raise a confused eyebrow.
     " Pardon? " 
Gaara let out a soft sigh, and shook his head. " Never mind,  I'll take the Blanche Ciel course. "
(Name) nodded , swiftly witting it down. 
       " I'll be here with your meal shortly, " she spoke as she bowed slightly. 
After passing the order to the kitchen, she headed to the staff's washing chamber, feeling her eyes slowly tear up. 
       " What is this, why is he here?!" she trembled. (Name)  eyed her reflection in the mirror, feeling indifferent. 
Her (h/c) hair seemed so plain,  it could never compare to Kamiko's platinum blonde locks. Her (e/c) eyes were so dull, they were nothing like Kamiko's sapphire blue ones. 
   ' Was I always this ugly?  How could Gaara even love such a hideous being like me?  Now that he has that girl, I don't think he'd even look at me.. '

(Name) stood up straight and wiped her tears,  reapplying the lost makeup.
     " I should move on.. "
With gritted teeth, she walked out from the washing chamber, bright-eyed and stiff limbed. 

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