06 | shopaholic

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Gaara's POV

" Temari .. It's still early .. At least we should go get breakfast .. And please do not use the word 'darling' . There are underage kids around , and they are not familiar using sappy words ," Shikamaru drawled . 

Temari let out a sigh as she peered her head into the crack in the door .
" We'll just get breakfast first , kids ," she said . " But we're only two years younger than her ," (Name) whispered into my ear .

" Temari enjoys being the friendly 'Onee-san' stereotype ," I explained. (Name) shuddered . " Hey .. Sweetheart .." I whispered . Her eyes snapped wide open as a deep scarlet blush formed on her face.

" S..s..Sweetheart ? " she stammered . I always liked it when (Name) was embarrassed and bashful . " Yep . Sweetheart . Let's show them that we are familiar with lovey dovey words . We'll might as well piss them off  ," I said with a smirk.

(Name)'s face went blank and sullen . " (Name) ?" I called out . She seemed to be in a trance , and not a happy one . " Y..Yeah ! L..Let..Let's show them ! " she said cheerfully , but I could see that it was fake.

(Name) pulled my hand and we exited the room. Her face was smiling , but her eyes were empty. I stopped walking , my legs planted on the floor . " Are you alright , (Name) ? " I spoke .

" Of course ," (Name) replied. I felt slightly confused , she seemed slightly upset before . Perhaps it was something I said.

" Did I say something wrong ?" I asked . "Insensitive ," (Name) murmured . 
With that , she walked out of the room. I tailed after her , eager for answers.
" You should go get breakfast .. You musn't go on without food any longer ," (Name) spoke.
She continued to descend the stairs . " (Name)," I murmured softly . It caught her ears , and she whipped her head towards me .
" What ?" she questioned . Suddenly , her legs slipped from the steep stairs and (Name) lost her balance . 

" (Name) !" I bellowed as I quickly grabbed her hand  . (Name) was shaking from the fright as I wrapped my arms around her .
" I told you to not get yourself hurt , right ?" I murmured as I buried my face in her hair . It smelled fragrant , like grapes.

(Name) returned my hug by wrapping her hands around my waist . We sat in that condition at the top of the staircase for quite a while , until (Name) broke the silence. " Gaara ? " her melodic voice rang.

" Yeah ?" I responded . " What do you think about me ?" she questioned.

I blinked at her question . I did not know what to answer , as the question was far too complicated . Naturally , I answered with the first thing that came to my mind.
" Hmm.. I think you're kind .. Sweet .. Caring .. Lovable .. Beautiful ," I murmured. " Slightly clumsy though .." .

(Name) let out a pleased laugh . Her face was serene and happy .
" Perhaps we should go get going , or those two will think something had gone wrong ," I murmured.

This time we descended the stairs carefully , our hands intertwined.
I treaded on the oak floor , which now felt familiar against my feet .

(Name) and I entered the dining room , where Temari , Shikamaru , Kankurou and Yashamaru were seated.

" Oh hey (Name) !" Kankurou burst at the sight of the (h/c) haired girl . "And Gaara .." he trailed . Yashamaru nodded at me , while Temari grew ecstatic.

" Aww look at my cute little brother ! And he's so fashionable ! Guess where he got that from !" she squealed . " Unlike little miss Plainette there ," Temari scowled . 

I could see that (Name) was boiling on the inside . Her face was red and her eyes were narrow. I expected her to burst , but instead , a wide smile formed on her face.
" Aww .. You're acknowledging my existence .. How cute ," (Name) said sweetly , imitating Temari's sickly sweet tone .
Kankurou let out a snort. A smirk laced my lips as I looked at Temari's reaction.
She seemed pissed off , but she was unable to retort for (Name) did not say anything offensive.

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