07 | rainy streets

703 33 11

Gaara's POV

" Now what ?" I said as (Name) and I stuffed the items we bought earlier into the car boot.

" Hmm .. I know a nice bookstore .." (Name) voiced. " Eh .. I think we have enough books at home ," I respond.

" Is it just me or do you incline to use 'we' ?" (Name) said , raising her eyebrow.

I wish I could do that ,but then again , I do not have eyebrows.
" 'We' sounds nice and friendly , don't you think so ?" I said enthusiastically.

" Yeah right .." (Name) responded. " Let's just go to some random cafe .. It's lunchtime .." .

" We just ate back at home . Perhaps we should go sightseeing ?" I suggested.
Interest sprouted in (Name)'s eyes.
" Sounds nice ! Let's go !" she voiced. A smile spread upon my lips.

We walked on the avenue as wind blew gently . (Name)'s (hair length) (h/c) swayed brilliantly in a pop of colour.

" It's unusually cloudy today , isn't it?" (Name) murmured as she tilted her head above. The clouds were in a dark grey tone , indicating that it was about to rain. 

" I guess we have some time before the rain falls ," I voiced . For a person who is shut away from the world for years , I was not exactly desperate. But I would do anything for a visit to the park with (Name).
A blush spread across my face , as red as my hair.

Memories from my last visit to the park years ago dawned in my mind. I felt slightly hesitant . The taunts still echoed wildly. I felt tears slowly brim in my eyes . 

" What's wrong Gaara ?" a soft , gentle voice spoke . I turned my head towards the direction the voice came from.

I found myself staring into the (e/c) eyes of (Name) (Surname) . Her face wrote concern .

Without thinking , I grabbed her hand and held it in mine . " Your hand feels so warm ," I murmured. " Gaara ? Are you feeling cold ?" (Name) voiced.

" I'm fine . Let's go ," I spoke as I pulled (Name) into my arms . Her eyes widened abruptly and her cheeks grew bright pink. " Kawaii .." I said as I poked her pink cheeks.

(Name) let out a giggle as she rested her head on my shoulder. I intertwined my hand with hers.

[Time Skip]

(Name)'s POV

The park was utterly deserted by the time Gaara and I arrived . But then again , who would want to be at the park when the clouds were about to pour and wind was howling wildly.

" So uh .. What do you want to do ?" I voiced as I shuffled my legs. Gaara held my hands as he led me to a bench.

" I .. Wanted to tell you something .." he murmured softly . " Tell me what ?" I responded immediately.

" I .. Really like you , (Name) ," Gaara voiced. I felt my cheeks go bright red. I liked him too , I really do . But I was afraid about what he saw me as.

" Well , of course I like you too !" I burst . Gaara shook his head . " No . As in love . I love you ," he spoke . The wind howled violently at the moment . The trees swayed along the wind and rain started to pour.

" Gaara ," I softly whispered. Rain was pounding above our heads and we were soaked .

I expected him to find shelter or anything , but he just sat there , holding my hand and waiting for my answer. 
I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked into Gaara's seafoam eyes.

I loved him , but isn't it too early for all that ? I only knew him for two weeks , and now he is confessing ? I wanted to tell him that love has to wait . At least a year .
But it would break him inside out . And only god knows how long he would live.

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