16 | moving on, not!

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Temari's POV

" I was thinking about launching a new line of clothes . Something that is relaxed , comforting and makes you feel confident . You know , I got this idea from (Name) ," I giggled , biting into the peanut butter spreaded toast .
Shikamaru , who was sipping on his coffee nodded . " It's best if you cover all the necessary parts ," he commented .
" Eh ? What is that supposed to mean ? All my designs cover the necessary part . Well , I guess they only cover the necessary part ," .
Shikamaru smirked . " See what I mean ? " . It has been five days since Shikamaru retuned from the hospital . His limbs were still in the cast , but he could move just fine .
In the past , he was rather silent and passive towards me , but now he treats me like someone important in his life . Truthfully , I feel very appreciated .
" Naruto gave me a good two week holiday . I guess we can spend some time together ," he winked . " No we can't . Baby says no ," I grinned .
Shikamaru let out a small groan . A baby bump had developed on my abdomen . It was only two months old , yet very protruding .
I placed two slices of bread into the toaster , and let it do its job . I felt hands creeping through my waist and enveloped me into a warm chest . " Shika .. I'm busy ," I groaned . Shikamaru planted a kiss on my cheek , yet refused to let go of my waist .
" You know .. We should think of a name for the baby ," he murmured .
I bit my lip , randomly browsing the names in my brain . " Just reminding you though , that is much have a 'Shika' at the front . You know , like my father . Shikaku , Shikamaru ..". My expression went blank . " Huh , think of a name ? It's practically a rip off of your own name . I'm starting to think that you are basically trying to name the baby after yourself ,".
Shikamaru shook his head . " No I'm not trying to name the baby after myself . It's the Nara clan traditions ," . I scowled as I grabbed the peanut butter jar , and spread the paste onto the freshly toasted bread.
Simply said all of my children will have a 'Shika' in their names .
But 'Shika' is my pet name for Shikamaru ... I roughly bit into the toast , my lips were covered in peanut butter . " OW !" I burst out in pain .

" Temari ? Are you alright ? " Shikamaru called out from the other side of the kitchen . Slowly , he inched towards me . My hand was covering my mouth , which had a metallic taste in it . " What's wrong ?" Shikamaru asked , taking hold of my hand . " I bit my lips . Hard ," I murmured , struggling to speak .
" You're so clumsy ," Shikamaru voiced , caressing my lips gently . It did not hurt me though , and the words warmed my heart . " Ne , Shika .. Naruto gave you a two week holiday , right ?" I began . Shikamaru nodded , " What about it ?" he responded . " I think I need someone to help out with my new designs ," I grinned widely , looking at Shikamaru's horror stricken face . " Can't you just let the sick man rest ?" he drawled . I simply shook my head .

" Nope . Now , let's begin !" .

Third Person POV

Joy , delight and bliss . These feelings once had a sturdy position in the (h/c) haired girl's heart . Once had , though . Now , all she feels is agony . It was as if she were drowning in a deep sea , vines pulling her deeper and deeper into the freezing water . Slowly suffocating her , choking all the air from her lungs . An event that would eventually lead to her end .

​​​​​(Name) would not mind if that did happen , for she was exhausted - of life . Tears splattered the chartreuse pillowcase , soaking the cotton fabric in the semi salty liquid . A handsewn quilt covered her body , head to toe .
It was a particularly humid night , yet (Name) felt as if she was encased in ice . Her heart was broken , shattered , torn ... The pain she felt was beyond words . Her lungs ached with every breath she took , and every time she spoke her voice was wheezy .

For the past few days , (Name) was able to bottle up her feelings and keep a straight face . But tonight , when no one was around , she opened the bottle lid and let the contents flow out . Her fingers were sturdily wrapped on the duvet .
The (h/c) haired girl often wondered what had become of the scarlet haired boy whom she loved dearly .

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