30 | dream house

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' Everyone's got these memories. Some are so sweet that they make you giggle. Some are so bitter that they make you cry. But they both incorporate the bittersweet element of life - bitter enough to make you suffer, but sweet enough to make you smile. It isn't always a spool of cotton candy, and also not a cup of thick espresso. Combining the two will give you the definition of life, all you have to do is relish it '

2 weeks later ~

(Name) stared at her reflection in the mirror, completely stunned. She ran her hand on the fine diamond embellishments on her wedding gown, a small smile tugging her lips.

(Name)'s gown was a traditional one, the usual white one with a long trail behind her.

The sleeves were long and made from fine lace, and the skirt was puffy and flared out. The diamond embellishments completed the entire look, giving it a hint of luxury.

She twirled around, feeling like a true princess.

    " (Name), are you done? " Gaara called out from the other side of the curtain that separated them.

     " Yeah! " she replied, unable to cap her excitement.

Gaara motioned the workers of the wedding boutique to lift the curtains, and they quickly complied.

When the curtains were lifted, it was Gaara's turn to be stunned.

The gown seemed as if it was made for (Name), and he couldn't wait to see her walking down the aisle wearing exactly that.

    " Looking good, " she smiled, pointing at Gaara's black cashmere tuxedo.

    " Really, angel? " he concurred, sneaking a small peck on her lips.

   (Name)'s face turned into a raging bright scarlet immediately, and she quickly covered it with her hands.

    " (Name), I'd like to bring you somewhere after this. I'm sure you'll love it, " Gaara grinned, taking hold of her hand.

     " Really? Where? " she quickly questioned.  " If I tell you now, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, " Gaara ended his words with a pout.

    " Okay.. I won't ask. It better be nice though, " she replied.

    " No doubts about that."


When they got into the car, (Name) asked Gaara thousands of times where they were going, yet he didn't give in to her.

The route was rather unfamiliar to (Name), and all she knew was that it was headed to the most luxurious and exclusive area of Suna's residences.

The Fourth Kazekage's mansion was built in the upscale area of the capital city, for his wife Karura refused to live in the oh-so exclusive area. In fact, she was reluctant to live in the upscale parts of Suna. Karura was from a well off, famous clan.

Majority of her life was spent being cooped up in the mansion, and surrounded by the sons and daughters of nobles.

Unlike herself, they were proud of their luxurious lifestyle, and could barely live without it.

When Rasa courted her, all she could say were that she was pleasantly surprised.

She learned that Rasa was the Fourth Kazekage, and thought she would be surrounded by snobby and arrogant people with all the high class rubbish until the day she died.

The thing is, Rasa was different. Instead of forcing her to adapt to the lifestyle she hated so intensely, he simply gave her what she wanted.

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