10 | his filthy ways

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Shikamaru's POV

" What's the meaning of this Shikamaru ?! " Naruto bellowed as I stood in front of him in the Hokage's office . " You know .. Shiho and her rambles .." I responded . A tick mark formed on Naruto's forehead . 

" The hell with that ! How could you do that to Temari ?! " . I let out a sigh . Naruto is a good , carefree person , but he is also a person who did not stand cheaters . 

" I had my own reasons ," I spoke sternly . Of course , the reasons were simple . Temari is the Kazekage's daughter , and marrying her would boost my reputation . It ultimately earned me the role as the Hokage's advisor. " If you think I chose you as my advisor because you're the Kazekage's son in law , you've mistaken Shikamaru ! ".

A scowl formed on my face. " Hey .. I know you are the Hokage.. But I have my own personal life , and it has nothing to do with you ,".

" I understand that , but rumours are bound to spread . Fine , you have your own life right ? Well , I'd like to see all the rumours put to an end by the end of this week . Dismissed ,".

I winced as I walked out of the room . I felt as if a huge boulder was strapped across my back . Naruto's word brought an odd feeling to me . 

They made me re think . True , I had hidden reasons when I courted Temari . She is a bit on the hard headed and annoying side , but I started to like her - and as if on cue , Shiho bugs in . 

I met Shiho three years ago - much longer than I knew Temari . But I always had a certain doubt to her . 

* RING * 

I froze slightly at the ring of my phone . I swiftly took it out from my blazer pocket . The name on the screen read Gaara . 

He probably knows nothing , and possibly just wanted to know about any news . 
" Hello ? " I spoke after I tapped the green symbol . " It's me , Gaara , " I heard Gaara bellow on the other side . 

" Oh hey Gaara .." I answered awkwardly . " How is it in Konoha ? Having a nice time with your future bride ? " .

A shiver ran down my spine at the tone of Gaara's voice . It was low , but venomous.

" W..what are you talking about ? " . It was unlike of me to stutter , but somehow , I just did . 

" Huh ! It's all over the media ! Everyone in the Five Great Countries know that you cheated on my sister ! " Gaara bellowed . 

I let out a sigh . How am I supposed to answer to that ? 

" I'm sorry Gaara , but I gotta go .." I spoke swiftly .  
" I don't care about you , but at least think about the woman you want to divorce and the child she is carrying ,".

I froze abruptly . Temari is ... Pregnant ? 
" What ?! " I burst . However ,there was no response from Gaara . All I heard was silence . 

At the moment , there was nothing I wanted more that to be with Temari . I betrayed her . Being in the fashion industry , Temari could have easily cheated on me with some guy , but she chose not to . 

My heart sank deeply into the sea of misery .
 " Oh ... Temari .." .. I am such a terrible person.

(Name)'s POV

" Temari-san . Please calm down .." I spoke out of concern at the sobbing Temari . 
" W..what is going to happen to me ?! What is going to happen to the child ?! " she bellowed . " I might as well abort it ..".

My eyes widened . " Don't you ever think about doing that ! That child is a living thing ! Aborting it would be the same as killing a living person ! " I blurted . 

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