33 | a gift

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' I could never forget the day I first met you. It was as if I knew , that you are the man of my destiny. I knew I couldn't just let you walk away , so I approached you - marking the start of our love story .'

A month had passed since the honeymoon , and Gaara had to return to his Kazekage duties , although he tries to come back home as early as possible every day. Most of the time , (Name) would stay at home , in the palace that Gaara had built for her . It didn't please her at all though , for the time when she felt truly happy was when Gaara came home , and they spent time together .

For the past few days though , (Name) felt absolutely uncomfortable and had headaches during the morning. She would refuse her favourite food , and eat something she used to abhor.

      " Are you sure you're alright (Name) ? You hate dried fruits ," Gaara exclaimed , watching in disbelief as (Name) snacked on a packet of dried oranges. " I even got you cookies and cream chocolates."

(Name) simply shook her head as she popped another piece of dried orange into her mouth. " It's too sweet for my taste ."

Gaara frowned slightly , as his eyes trailed all over his wife. He noticed that (Name) had gotten plumper, and her appetite had increased.

    ' Could she be.. Pregnant? '

Instantly , Gaara thought of a boy , with fiery red hair and pale seafoam green eyes like him , or a girl , with (Name)'s (h/c) hair and wonderful (e/c) eyes.

    " Let me set the table ," (Name) said , breaking away Gaara's trance. The possibilities were there , and all he had to do was confirm it. (Name) had went to the kitchen , and began plating the dishes she cooked earlier . Gaara quickly followed suit , the unanswered question hammering against his chest.

     " (Name)-" he called out , but froze when he saw her clutching her head and leaning against the kitchen counter weakly. A few seconds later , she collapsed on the floor.

     "(Name)!" Gaara burst , catching her unconscious body and brought her into his arms. He was worried , but he knew that it was linked to the unanswered question. He peered into the pot , which was filled with baby carrots and baby cabbages.

He quickly called their private doctor , and brought (Name) to the living room , laying her down on a long leather couch. While waiting for the doctor to arrive , Gaara sat by her side , staring at her serene sleeping face.

     " Am I going to be a dad , (Name) ?" he murmured , resting his head gently against her stomach .

After the doctor left , Gaara picked up (Name) and brought her up to their room , tucking her in comfortably. 

    ' Maybe I should install an elevator ? She will be exhausted to climb up all the stairs.'

    ' I need to hire a nutritionist . It's impossible to stop (Name) from eating what she likes. ' 

     ' Temari-nee designs pretty dresses . I'll request her to design some maternity dresses for (Name).'

     " Gaara ?" (Name) murmured as she opened her eyes , pushing away the covers and sat up.

     " Yes, (Name) ," he replied as he sat on the bed facing her . Gaara smiled softly at her , and kissed her forehead in a tender manner.

     " (Name) , I'm going to be a dad , aren't I ?" he whispered warmly , pulling her into a hug.

     " Yeah . I was going to tell you , but then I passed out. I even cooked up dishes to give you hints," she chuckled softly. " By the way , what gender do you think our child would be ?"

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