20 | therapy

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'Dying dreams are not fun . When people hustle and bustle around , saying you are not supposed to be alive - that moment your heart breaks - painfully. There are many states of dreaming - the one when you fall in a trance - the one when you fall asleep ... But the one that is plaguing (Name) is no doubt a dreadful one . Simply said , dying dreams are not fun ,'

Nurses , doctors , bodyguards - practically everyone burst into the room moments after (Name) slid into unconsciousness . His face was shock ridden - his once serene eyes now flooding with fear . 
(Name)'s body was limp and lifeless - except she was not as cold as a corpse . " Quick ! Help her ! " Gaara ordered the nurses - Himari among them - to help (Name) . She was taken from his arms and laid onto a bed . The nurses proceeded to wheel her into the Emergency Room . 

The bodyguards and doctors left - basically the room was void of people , bar Gaara and a certain blue haired nurse . " You know , they're just going to hook up some tubes and wires onto (Name) and let her die slowly ," Himari commented bluntly . 
Gaara's eyes snapped wide open . " What do you mean by that ?! " he demanded .
" Do you think (Name) would cough up blood and faint because of nothing ? She has a disease you idiot ! " the bluenette burst , her teeth clenched . 
Himari had never been fond of Gaara - whom caused her best friend to fall into deep depression , and (Name)'s condition also had worsened because of Gaara .
" Disease ? " Gaara blurted . " What disease ? " .
Himari narrowed her pinkish violet eyes as she faced Gaara . " Cancer . Stage three lung cancer , to be exact ,". Gaara's eyes widened at Himari's words . ' No ! That can't be ! ' 
Memories of a bright , beaming (Name) flooded his mind . All this time , she had been battling against such a terrible pain , yet a smile was always present on her face . Gaara could not help but compare it with his own past self - ' I completely isolated myself from the world , I shut down compassion . I let myself drown in the pain - I did not find my way up to the surface , (Name) dove down and brought me up ,' . Tears dripped from his eyes at the thought . 
' The sweetest smiles might be hiding the worst of all pain ,' .
" She's gonna be okay , right ? " Gaara questioned stupidly . Himari shook her head . " She doesn't afford the treatments - and she refuses other people's offer to pay for her . So she is just going to die ," . 

Gaara's eyes widened at Himari's words , and he almost jumped . 
" Blue hair ! Follow me ! " he called out as he leapt off the bed and slipped on green indoor slippers . 
He roughly shoved the door open , and started to sprint towards nowhere . 
" Hey ! (Name)'s ward is this way ! " Himari bellowed , and Gaara sprinted to the direction Himari had pointed out . 

Halfway to (Name)'s ward though, Gaara could not help but note that the appliances were horrible - musty beds , rotten floorboards , peeling off wallpaper - what's not to love ? Everything .
The place contrasted the ward Gaara was staying at deeply - in the terms of class , hygiene and importance .
" People that are deemed unimportant end up here . People of importance - like you - end up in better wards ," Himari sighed . Gaara felt his heart drop at Himari's words . 
" And a penniless person like (Name) ends up at the worst ward of all ," the bluenette added .  " You didn't try to get her in a better ward ? " Gaara blurted.  Himari nodded.  " I tried - but the doctors refused . They said she didn't stand a chance - so they placed her there ," .

Ward 13 - the worst ward in Suna Public Hospital , meant for penniless people who have little chances of survival . It was bleak and empty , bar the bed with a lifeless (Name) (Surname) on it . Himari was right - almost nothing was done to (Name) . The nurses only injected pain killers and inserted water tubes . 
Gaara's face grew saddened as he neared (Name)'s bed . His pale hand gently caressed (Name)'s face - which was as cold as ice . 
" Blue hair , go get the doctor in charge of (Name) ," he commanded . Himari scowled at the nickname Gaara ' graced ' her with , but followed his orders nonetheless .
" I will make sure that you will recover (Name) . I promise you that ," Gaara stated , kneeling down and kissed (Name)'s hand gently . To him , (Name) looked so fragile - as if a castle made from playing cards that would crumble to destruction only by a single gust of wind . 

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