02 | his story

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(Name's ) POV

I stared at my phone as I searched for recipes for heart patients. It sounds typical , but I'm not required to cook at the hospital. I could just tell the cook , but I want to cook for Gaara myself.

Kami ,what am I thinking ?! Gaara survived all those years eating the cook's food ! 

[ Time Skip ]

I ended up making a bowl of porridge , some salad and grilled fish. What if he refuses to eat this? Well , the website did say it's healthy...

I placed the food in a tray and left it on the kitchen counter. I rushed to my room ,which is still full of boxes and changed my outfit. I changed into a simple light blue blouse and a black skirt with red floral patterns.
I braided my hair into a fishtail braid. At least I should look presentable.

Later I went to the kitchen to get the food. However , I bumped into someone headfirst and plunged onto the floor.

" Sorry!" I blurted as I tried to get up. A brown haired boy was holding his hand in front of me. Right.. Kankurou , the most popular boy in Suna.

I took his hand , and he pulled me up.

"(Name) , right?" he asked . I nodded. " Kankurou ," he said.

" I know ," I murmured . His expression grew proud. " I guess I'm kinda famous ," Kankurou said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
I smiled at his behaviour. I think he'll be nice to have around. Seems like a funny guy , although it looks like he lacks common sense.

" Excuse me , Kankurou , but I need to get this meal to Gaara ," I said as I took the food tray.

" Oh.. You're Gaara's new personal nurse.. I hope you can hang on longer ," Kankurou said.

I blinked. " Hang on longer ? What do you mean by that?" I asked with a frown.

" Gaara has a habit of scaring away his personal nurses. They never last longer than two weeks. Gaara has a problem with socialising.. So I hope you understand if he is a bit.. Rude," Kankurou explained.

I nodded and flashed a smile at him.
I walked towards the staircase and started to climb up the stairs.

It was rather hard , as the steps were very steep , and I had to balance the tray as well. I wonder if they have an elevator. Because how can Gaara come down then? Surely they don't have to haul him down..

I opened the door to Gaara's room as soon as I reached the top. I didn't bother to knock , as I knew that he wouldn't care to answer.

Yeah. He won't answer because he was asleep. Gaara seemed so peaceful in his sleep. I smiled as I placed the tray on a table.

I debated whether I should wake him up or not. But judging on the black insomnia rings on his eyes , he probably hadn't slept for ages.

His breathing was hoarse and exhausted. Gaara's shirt was slightly revealing , and I could see the surgery scar.

He was thin and frail  , and his skin was deathly pale. I pulled a chair from the table and sat. 

I placed my head on Gaara's bed and stared at him.

​​​​​It wasn't long before I eventually fell asleep.

Gaara's POV

I can't remember the last time I went to sleep on my own will . Usually I had to be sedated in order to sleep.

I blinked my eyes open , ignoring the sharp pain in my chest. I struggled a breath as I tried to sit up.

My eyes landed on (Name's) sleeping figure. I couldn't help but feel jealous. She is born perfect. Every single feature on (Name) is perfection. She doesn't suffer any diseases.. (Name) must be so happy.

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