09 | a dirty cheater

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Temari's POV

I blinked my eyes open , yawning slightly. " Otou-san ?" I called out at the crouching figure of my father . 

" Oh , are you awake Temari ?" his raspy voice rang . I nodded slightly , attempting to numb my sore shoulders .
" Where's Shikamaru ?" I asked . Father turned towards me , a serious expression on his face.

" He left for Konoha earlier this morning . The Hokage sent a private jet
for Shikamaru. Eventually they landed on the rooftop ," he replied. " And while you are awake , go take a shower in the bathroom and help me with finding these forms ," .

" Forms ? For what ?" I questioned , slightly confused . " The flood is getting really bad . We need to evacuate our citizens to Konoha , as it's the closest country . As for us , well , we'll be fine . The Kazekage Mansion is on a hill top after all ,".

I nodded as I took a pair of clothes that I bought yesterday and a small towel . My feet treaded against the cold wooden floor , disappointment filling my heart. 

Why did Shika leave without uttering a single word to me ? Was I too hard on him yesterday ? He could have just woke me up , I was right there !

Tears pricked my eyes as I closed the bathroom door . I tore off the skimpy outift I wore . (Name) said only an uncivilised person would wear such an outfit . 

I turned the shower on , hot steaming water flowing out . A feeling of unease filled my heart . My head throbbed slightly and my throat felt bland . 

A lump formed in my throat , and an urge to vomit kicked in. I rushed to the sink and emptied my throat , a sickly bitter and sour taste filling my mouth . 

What is wrong with me ? The throbbing in my head grew stronger , and all I saw was small specks of light.

" Temari ? Are you alright ? " Father's voice rang from outside the room .
" I feel a little unwell ," I murmured , quickly slipping on a brown jumper and jean shorts on . 

" Perhaps you should go back home ," Father spoke , concern in his voice . 
" In what ?" I responded , raising an eyebrow . " There are some military boats in the second floor of the building . The water had rose up to the first floor , so everything valuable had been brought up ," Father trailed.

I nodded as I took my items and headed towards the staircase . " When are you coming home Otou-san ?" I asked.

" When Suna is in a stable state , I presume ," he sighed . " Don't overwork yourself ," I voiced as I went down the stairs.

[Time Skip] 

Gaara's POV

" Don't you have a camera Gaara ?" (Name)'s voice rang . " Obviously no . Otherwise why would we be rummaging through Kankurou's room ?" I replied .

(Name) let out a sigh as she sat on Kankurou's bed . " You wouldn't want to sit there (Name) ," I snickered . 

" Why not ?" (Name) frowned as she proceeded to lay on the bed . 
Immediately , her face turned sickly green . " Woah .." she murmured as she quickly hopped off the bed .

" Hmm .. A harmonious scent of sweat , beautifully partnered with damp clothes .. So heavenly ," (Name) commented .

" Ah ! Here it is ! " I burst as I held up the sleek and shiny new camera. " Let's take a photo !" .

(Name) nodded enthusiastically . " Now .. Let's find a good background !".
" First we should take a test picture , just to make sure that it works ," I voiced.
I activated the camera  , and (Name) and I posed in a freestyle motion. Eventually we held it on a selfie stick.

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