18 | everybody's fool

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Pretend - the dictionary refines it as acting that something is true when it's not , to imagine and act out a role or situation .
That's what the dictionary refines it as , but in real life , things are very much different . Take (Name) (Surname) as an example . Slowly dying from stage three lung cancer , (Name) refused to let anyone know about the pain she had been caged in , nor she would let anyone share her pain . Is that pretending ? Pretending that she is not dying and severely sickly , when she actually is ?
Everyone lies - the saints , the devil , humans , children .. Everyone . In (Name)'s case , is it alright to lie just so Gaara could live in peace ? But lying is still a sin , is it not ? 

A week has passed since (Name) and Gaara were hospitalised . They were not together though , and barely saw each other . (Name) was slowly improving - yet still bedridden - in one of the low class wards . She has woke up , however it did not change anything . She was still dying , and being conscious just doubled up the unbearable pain . 
(Name) particularly dreaded lunchtime , where Himari , her childhood friend would come in and force feed her . Now , Himari might sound antagonistic - but (Name) barely ate anything for the past two weeks , and all Himari wanted was for her childhood friend to be healthy - which she is not .
" I don't want to eat Himari .. Leave me alone ," (Name) murmured as she stared at the hospital lunch .
Cold rice , an overcooked slab of meat , an umeboshi that had gone dry and a slice of honey dew that was at the verge of rotting . " (Name) ! You can't starve yourself ! " she burst . Instead of coming up with a nasty comeback , (Name) simply pulled the sheet over her head and shut her eyes . 
" Go away Himari ," she voiced . However , the blue haired girl still remained by the bed , much to (Name)'s annoyance . " Fine then .. I'll go away ," she huffed and ripped the wires and tubes from her arms .
" Hey (Name) where are you going ?!" Himari burst , running after her now sprinting friend . (Name) completely ignored the blue haired girl and continued to sprint . She knew the hospital like the back of her hand , and (Name) knew she would not be lost by any means . The hospital was a very familiar place to (Name) (Surname) , but not at all homely . It never failed to make (Name) flinch when she inhaled the anaesthetic induced air . Her lungs had weakened , and after running for a good fifteen minutes , (Name) was standing against the wall , gasping for air .

" (Name) ? "  a familiar yet foreign voice intervened . The (h/c) haired girl's eyes snapped open at the sound of the voice . " Temari-san ," she gasped , shakily turning to face the blonde . Instead of her usual revealing outfit , (Name) was surprised to see a simple white down-to-Earth dress clad to her body . Her face was also void of any makeup , making her look more natural .

Her lips were pressed in a thin line , and her eyes clearly showed sorrow . " How could you (Name) ? " she blurted . (Name) raised her eyebrows , clearly confused . " Why did you leave Gaara ?! He's in pain because of you ! " Temari shouted as she roughly shoved (Name) , causing her to collapse onto the cold tiled floor .

' Gaara is in pain ? But I did all this so he would not be hurt ... How did he get hurt ?! Is my effort .. Worth it ?!  ' (Name) monologued. She was took weak to stand up , and simply laid crumpled on the floor under Temari's seething shadow . The blonde's rage was fiery - (Name) was all Gaara ever loved , and she simply broke his heart and left him ! Of course she was raging ! 

" (Name)! " Himari burst into the scene , taking hold of her collapsed friend . " What are you doing Mrs Nara ?! " she shouted . That moment , Temari blinked harshly and let out a shrug , her anger fading away - allowing her to see what the situation really was like .

" Why are you wearing the patient's outfit , (Name) ? " she questioned , her eyes wide . (Name)'s eyes flickered towards Temari , whose facial features had a stark resemblance to that of Gaara . " It doesn't matter .. Everything that has something to do with me doesn't matter .. My feelings don't matter .. Put me at the bottom of a list and pester with other people ," (Name) coughed , brushing off Himari's hand . She started to walk , leaving the two women behind. " (Name) .. Would you like to see Gaara ? " Temari voiced suddenly , putting a halt to the (h/c) haired girl's steps . 

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