27 | demon in the flesh

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' Even when it seems that you've passed all the obstacles , there's always something that drags you back to the hell of suffering '

(Name) smiled brightly as she stepped off the Ferrari in front of the apartment complex . " Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you home ? " Gaara asked , eyes full of concern. (Name) let out a soft chuckle and shook her head.

         " I'm fine . I just have to take the elevator and I'm home ," she grinned. Gaara nodded , however there was an uneasy feeling in his gut. He grabbed (Name)'s wrist and pulled her back into the car . Gaara pressed a soft kiss on her forehead and another on her cheek . 

         " I'll see you tomorrow , (Name) ," he smiled , caressing her cheek. Her lips twitched into an angelic smile that made Gaara melt , and bright red tinted his cheeks . " I'll be going now ."

With that , (Name) left him and walked into the the apartment building. Gaara sent her with the corner of his eyes , and when she was out of sight , he drove away . Little did he know , for the past few days , someone had been watching them . Observing every single move . If Gaara had knew about this , he'd would've never let her leave. 

          ' Never in a million years '

She hid behind a large stone pillar , and her petite stature allowed her to hide perfectly . Her long curls of golden blonde hair was now untamed and matted , and they've seem to lost their colour . Her sapphire like eyes were dull and lifeless - and beauty was nowhere to be seen . 

The knife that had been cold earlier was now warm thanks to her strong , constant grip . Her breath was rather loud , and the rage she was holding back was reaching its limit .

          ' Just a few more seconds . Just a few more goddamned seconds '

That was precise - unfortunately. The elevator's doors slid open , and an insane , happy smile formed on her face .

Back in the Oshiro mansion , Suzuna paced back and forth . Her amber eyes ran wildly as she fidgeted . Her cousin Kamiko had never been normal . Most of the time she sported a good girl persona - sweet voiced , bright smiled and kind words . But when provoked , she was the demon in the flesh .

Kamiko always had jealousy issues , and it often became a sizzling topic in the Oshiro clan . For as long as Suzuna could remember , they clan members brushed it off . It wasn't until that incident that they realised it was real - and threatening. 

Her persona irritated Suzuna , it almost drove her insane . ' If you're a crazy bitch then act like one ! You don't have to act like an innocent little girl ! ' 

To Suzuna , Kamiko was extremely similar to Yuno Gasai , a character from a manga she once read . An insane , crazy bitch who'd do anything for love. Even when her love interest would hate her to death .

And what scared Suzuna the most was how strange Kamiko acted before leaving the clan compound earlier that day.  The missing kitchen knife just added to her suspense . Suzuna knew , Kamiko found a new love interest recently .

        The Kazekage himself. But what drove Kamiko to become like that this time ?

Suzuna couldn't help but wonder.

She hummed softly as she exited the elevator , happiness exuding her entire being. Her eyes were bright and her lips were in a smile . (Name) couldn't have been happier . Gaara and her were planning for their wedding, and the date was coming closer with each passing day. 

She was excited , she was nervous , but most of all , she was happy . Something she hadn't felt for a long time. Gaara made her happy , and she was confident he could make her happy until the day she died.

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