32 | honeymoon

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' Back then , I used to think of the perfect world as one studded with gold , diamonds ,and filled with luxuries. But I soon began to realise that luxuries don't make you happy. Sure, they satisfy the greed within you ,but they don't make you happy . Love is what makes you happy. Someone to talk to, someone rely on.. Having someone like that, is true happiness.'


She responded with an incoherent mumble , eyes still shut. It seemed that she was unwilling to leave her sweet slumber.

   " (Name)...!" Gaara repeated , this time a little louder. She didn't respond , instead , she snuggled comfortably into the bed. 

Gaara let out a soft chuckle , and sat on the bed next to her. He ran his fingers through her hair , and slowly they began to trail on her face . He knelted towards her  , and kissed her cheek gently.

    A smile formed on her lips , and her eyes fluttered open.

      " Good afternoon, my love," Gaara exclaimed. (Name) raised an unamused eyebrow , while repeating the word ' afternoon'.

    " Ah , if you haven't noticed yet, the sun is up high in the sky . It's alright , you should get some rest anyway . Besides , you might be tired from last night's..." Gaara trailed off , purposely trying to provoke (Name).

    " Yah ! " (Name) burst , her face turning bright red. He let out a soft chuckle at her response , and reached out to stroke her hair - bed hair, to be precise .

     " You're so beautiful..." he smiled , taking her into his arms. Gaara rested his head on (Name)'s shoulder , and encased her in his warm arms.

     " Gaara.." (Name) called out.

     " Yes , dear ?" Gaara replied in a motherly sort of way , that made her burst out laughing .

       " I'm feeling kinda hungry. ." she said.

        " Oh.."

After showering and dressing up , (Name) descended the stairs - which means all the four floors , mind you . And by the time she arrived at the kitchen , she was out of breath. 

     " Ah , (Name). While you were up there , I whipped up some lunch for you ," Gaara smiled while stirring a pot full of dumpling soup.

    (Name)'s eyes lit up in awe when she saw two plates filled with steak , with a side of coleslaw and mashed potatoes with gravy.

     " Did you make these ? The last time you cooked , it was instant ramen," (Name) said in a doubtful tone , trying to provoke him.

    " Of course I made them. Besides , I've been learning how to cook in my free time. Well , Kankurou had to be the food tester.." Gaara spoke as he put a bowl of dumpling soup in front of (Name).

   " Wow , it tastes great ," (Name) grinned , quickly taking another bite from the dumpling. 

     " It's all based on experience , really. When I was still learning , Kankurou had diarrhea all the time ."

(Name) nearly choked on her dumplings at Gaara's words. "Now I'm afraid to eat ."

   " I improved in time , (Name). I think I can cook better than those chefs at your old workplace , Le Chatte Rouge ," he grinned.

    " Really ? That's good, I'm starving right now ," (Name) giggled. 

    " Ah !" Gaara blurted. "I forgot about something. "

He left the kitchen and entered another room , and when he came back, (Name) could see that he was hiding something behind his back.

     " What are you doing ? " she questioned . " Hey , isn't that ...?"

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