11 | call out my name

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Gaara's POV


A frown formed on my face . The sound was indeed the sound of the phone . 
" (Name) ? " I murmured softly , caressing her hair softly while keeping my eyes closed . " What ?..." (Name) drawled lazily , yawning slightly . I forced my eyes open . A wave of serenity flooded my heart as I looked into (Name)'s lovely (eye colour) eyes as she lay on top of me . I gazed around , realising that we were in the living room . 

" We fell asleep in the living room ? Imagine if Kankurou and Yashamaru happened to come home .." (Name) sweatdropped . I let out a soft chuckle . 
" They have no say in that situation ," I declared as I wrapped my arms around (Name)'s waist . However , (Name) pushed my arms away and swiftly got up . 

" At least go answer the phone . And then I'll follow whatever you say ," she spoke . I let out a displeased grumble . 

I trotted towards the never ending ringing phone and answered it . 
" Hello ? " I voiced . " Can I know who is on the line ? " the person on the other side spoke in a rather rushed manner . 

" I'm Sabaku no Gaara ," I introduced . " Oh it's you Gaara-sama .. I'm Rock Lee , Konoha's official highway officer . While patrolling the highway earlier , I found your brother in law - Shikamaru - in a car crash ,".

" Car crash ?! " I burst . I do not really care about Shikamaru , but I am sure Temari does . 
My echoing voice seemed to catch (Name)'s attention , as she went to stood near me . 
" Yes . Currently he is in the Konohagakure hospital ," Rock Lee exclaimed . " How is his condition ? " I asked . 
" I don't really know much . They didn't give out any information ,".

I let out a sigh as I pinched my forehead . " Uh .. Thank you for the information ," I spoke as I ended the line . 
A frown formed on (Name)'s face . " That's not nice ," she voiced . 

" It's a car crash . How can it be nice ? " I blurted . " Not that . The way you simply ended the line ... It's rude ,  you know ,".

" How can you think about that at times like this ? " . (Name) shook her head . " Manners are important , no matter what the situation is ,".

Right .. (Name) , always sophisticated at all times .. " Never mind that .. We need to get to Konoha now . And we can't leave Temari behind ," she spoke sternly . "Shikamaru was on his way to Suna , I presume . I'm sure he wants to see Temari ..".

" We need to get Temari to follow us to Konoha . For that , we'd need a good reason ,". (Name) looked at me with a wide smile on her face . 
" I think I have the perfect reason . 

" Come on (Name) ! Drive faster ! " Temari bellowed as she kept looking behind through the window . 

" So .. What did you tell her ? " I sweatdropped as I whispered into (Name)'s ear . " I told her that a massive flood wave will crash Suna in three hours ,".

" What the hell is a flood wave ? " . (Name) snickered as she shook her head . " No idea ,".

(Name) drove casually , despite Temari begging her to go faster . 

" Eh ? Why are we stopping at the  hospital ? " Temari blurted as (Name) parked the car in Konohagakure hospital parking lot . " There's someone important in there ," I spoke . 

Temari raised an eyebrow at my words . " Who ? " .

I let out a sigh as I turned to face (Name) . She simply nodded at me .
" Shikamaru ,".

" What ?! How ?! " Temari boomed , concern lacing her voice . " Earlier this night , Shikamaru was involved in a car crash at the Konoha-Suna highway.. ".

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