21 | remembrance

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' Fairy tales nowadays end so sweetly - a happily ever after they say . The prince kisses Sleeping Beauty and she wakes up so simply . The kingdom rejoices , and they all live happily ever after ,'

Gaara's eyes slowly dulled as memories of the classic fairytale entered his mind . ' Only if I could awaken (Name) with a single kiss ,'   the young Kazekage thought bitterly . It was Saturday night , and he was finishing the remaining paperwork so he could take a break the day afterwards . 
The Sunagakure council had grown accustomed to that that the Kazekage would never be in Suna on Sundays - he would be in Konoha . 

Only if fairy tales were a bit more realistic . ' The princess succumbs to the curse , and there was nothing the prince could do . The kingdom citizens never wake up from the eternal sleep , and it soon fades from memory - it was as if they never had existed ,' 
It was a horrifying thought to Gaara . ' What if (Name) never wakes up ? ' Gaara pondered . Being the current Kazekage - young and single to boot , Gaara is currently listed as one of the most desirable bachelors in the Five Great Countries , ranking second - behind Uchiha Sasuke , the heir of the Uchiha corporation and followed by Hyuga Neji , a share partner of the Hyuga Company . 
Love letters filled his work desk , along with chocolates and flowers . ' Who would've thought Suna girls are so desperate ? ' Gaara sighed , noting the ungraceful ways of the girls in his country . 

The chocolates were not half bad , and after being examined by Kankurou , they ended up being placed at the office's pantry - specially for the office workers . ' The new Kazekage is so  generous !' they would say . 

No one knew how much Gaara was suffering - he kept an untaintable emotionless facade on at all times. True , his father died for him , but the latter's death barely meant anything to him .

To Gaara , Rasa was a father that never existed . Rasa never spoke kindly to him , nor treated Gaara like his own son . To Rasa , Gaara was simply a bitter reminder of his wife's death .

(Name) however , was a completely different matter . She was like an angel sent from the heavens - at least to Gaara she is . He was undoubtedly fond of the (h/c) haired maiden . Her eyes , her lips - everything . Gaara sunk lower into his seat , growing numb with each passing second . 
' Love is undoubtedly a very dangerous force . At times it makes you happy - a serene , calming and soothing feel . But it also breaks you - so bitterly and painfully . Imagine taking a rock and slam it onto a glass wall , until it breaks . Love is such a cruel melancholic force , yet foolish people keep falling into it ,' 
It was a bitter thought , matching Gaara's depressed mood . He was desperate - he wanted (Name) to recover more than anything. ' Pain can be healed ,' she said . ' There is an antidote to everything ,' she said . 
" Well prove it ! " Gaara burst , slamming his hand onto the table . Tears started to drip from his eyes , and sobs racked his body . " Prove it (Name) ! Prove it to me that you will recover ! " 
' The process of healing is not easy as people say . It might speeden with the help of an antidote , but for sicknesses with no antidote , the process of healing will be slow - or the patient might never recover . At times , death seemed like a wonderful thing - a place without pain . Just blankness .. '

" Hey Gaara ! Are you alright ? " Kankurou shouted as he burst into the scene . His eyes were wide at the sight of his brother , who had tears running down his cheeks.  
Gaara swiftly wiped his tears and turned on his emotionless facade . " Yeah .. I'm fine ," he spoke . " You can go now ," . Kankurou shook his head and steppes further into the room .  " Well , I have some good news for you . Really good news ," he pressed on the ' really '  . 
" What is it ? " Gaara responded incoherently , clearly unamused . " It's (Name) . She just woke up ."

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