12 | utter silence

435 26 1

Third Person POV

A smile graced Gaara's lips at the sight of Shikamaru and Temari . 
' Wait .. What am I doing here ? Am I .. Peeping ? ' . 

Gaara swiftly shook his head , getting the dirty thoughts out of his head. He quickly rushed out of the room , his eyes wildly searching for (Name) . 

" When are going to transfer back here (Name) ? It's pretty dull around here . All the coworkers are so snobby and intolerable ," the pink haired woman sighed .
" Eh .. I think I prefer Suna .." (Name) replied . " But you're right . The receptionist is so .. Ugh .. If there were no laws , I would gouge out her eyeballs ," .

A shiver ran down Gaara's spine . 
' Is that really (Name) speaking ?! '

" Woah .. That's pretty violent of you ," Sakura chuckled ." It's around 6 am now . Aren't you tired ? After all you drove here all the way from Suna ," .

" I had a really good night sleep before that . So I'm fine ," (Name) replied casually . " Eh ... You sound suspicious .." Sakura rebuked playfully .

" (Name) .." Gaara voiced as he walked near the eager chatting women . 
Sakura whipped her head around and her eyes widened at the sight of Gaara .

" Gaara-sama ! " she burst and bowed at Gaara's slightly slouching figure . " You didn't have to do that ," he blurted , a frown dipping his forehead . 

An amused expression formed on (Name)'s face . " Gaara , meet Sakura . Gosh ! Both of you have green eyes and wide foreheads , if I hadn't known better I would've thought you two are twins ! Ahahahaha ! " she burst insensitively . 

" W..wide f..forehead ? " Sakura seethed . Gaara and Sakura glared at (Name) intensely , making the (h/c) haired girl flinch slightly . 

" Did I say something wrong ? " she exclaimed , sweatdropping heavily .
A tick mark formed on Sakura's wide forehead. " Don't talk about my forehead ," . 

" Eh ? But I heard that a wide forehead symbolises intelligence ," (Name) gushed .  A proud expression formed on Sakura's face . 
" Of course I am smart ! " she burst . 

Gaara shook his head at the two's quarrel . Tired of being left out , he crept behind (Name) and wrapped his arms around her waist . 
" (Name) .. I'm tired . Let's go lodge in at some hotel and rest ," he whined . 

(Name) shuddered . " W..what do you mean by that ?! " she burst . Sakura snickered . " He clearly wants you to lodge in some hotel with him . And .. You know what I mean ," . 

Gaara's eyes widened . " No ! That's not what I meant ! " . 
" Gladly ," (Name) sighed . " We can head to a lodge and rest , but what about Temari ? Currently it's 6 am . Absolutely not within the visiting hours ,".

" She's Shikamaru's wife , (Name) . Temari can stay here anytime she wants . Its part of hospital protocols , don't you remember ?" Sakura raised her delicately shaped pink eyebrow .

" I must have forgotten .. Yeah .. I don't even work at the hospital now ," (Name) snickered . 

​​​​​​" Eh ?! Did you get fired ? " Sakura gushed . " No . Now I am Gaara's personal nurse , so I stay at the Kazekage's mansion - which has no hospital protocols ," (Name) grinned . 

' Man ! I'm getting left out again ! ' Gaara thought . 

" (Name) .. Let's go . We'll come back in the noon and you can chat all you want ," he whined again . " Looks like your patient has called for you . Run along (Name) ," Sakura implored. 

(Name) let out a sigh . " Yeah .. Let's go ,". The two exited the hospital , but not before (Name) glared the receptionist intensely - until her eyes were at the verge of popping out .

" You know (Name) , I love girls with glareful , piercing stares ,".

" I'd like to book a room for two , please ," (Name) spoke to the hotel receptionist . " For one night , I presume ?" the receptionist winked . 

(Name) let out a soft chuckle . " For three nights ," she spoke sternly . 
" Are you two on a honeymoon ? We have a special package for newlyweds ," . Gaara's face turned bright red . " No we aren't . But , one day we might be ," .

The receptionist smiled brightly . " Good luck with that ," she smirked as she handed (Name) the room key . 

" Thank you ," she replied. Gaara heaved an average sized backpack while (Name) slung a small sling bag and a huge carry bag . 

Gaara and (Name) headed to the elevator , as their room was on the third floor . 

' Again with this metal box ! ' Gaara burst inwardly as the elevator doors slid open . 

" What is our room number ? " he gushed . " Hmm .." (Name) pondered as she looked at the room key . 
" Room 313 ," . A shiver ran down Gaara's spine . " 313 ?! That's a cursed number (Name). Let's go sleep in the car ! " he blurted , sweat covering his forehead .

(Name) let out a hearty laugh . " You're afraid of a number Gaara ? " she teased . 
A scowl formed on Gaara's face . " I'm just worried of your safebeing , that's all ," . For a second , fireworks erupted in (Name)'s heart . But they soon died out , resulting from the cheesiness in Gaara's sentence . 
" Aww ! So cute ! " she blurted . 

Soon , the elevator doors slid open again . Gaara silently swallowed the lump in his throat . 

" Aha ! " (Name) burst as she placed the key into the keyhole. " It's so silent .. And cold ,". Eventually snow was piling up outside , making the air dry and chilly . 

" (Name) ! What if there is some clown statue inside , or a portal to Hell in there ? " Gaara blurted , his voice clearly indicated that he was frightened . 

The lock opened with a click , and the door creaked slightly .
" Waargh ! " (Name) screamed , running into Gaara's chest . " What was it (Name) ? Speak to me (Name) ," Gaara voiced out of concern . 

He wrapped his arms around (Name) in an attempt to calm her down . 
" T..the bed ," she mumbled incoherently . 

" Eh ? " . Gaara peeked his head into the room , and found two kiddie sized beds complete with blue quilts . 

" Separate beds .. And they're kiddie sized ," he spoke in defeat . " The receptionist really took in the fact that we are unmarried ," .

Suddenly ,  a light bulb formed on (Name)'s head . " We can conjoin the beds , it should be enough ,". Gaara smiled at his lover . " Aww you're so smart ,"- . " … for me . You can take the floor ," (Name) grinned.

" EH ?! ". (Name) swiftly joined the two beds , and took off her shoes and tossed her sling bag away .
She took one of the quilts and covered herself with it . 
" Oyasumi ! ".

Gaara stood on the other side of the room , sweatdropping heavily . 
" (Name).." . Ignoring (Name)'s word that tell him to sleep on the floor , Gaara defiantly slid onto the bed and crept up behind (Name) . 

He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair . 
" Every time you come near me you always do that . Don't you get bored , Gaara ? " she questioned out of pure curiosity . 

Gaara simply snickered and gently pecked (Name)'s cheek , making the (h/c) haired girl's face turn bright scarlet . 

" No one would be bored of their world ," he replied . A frown formed on (Name)'s face . " What do you mean by that ? " .

" Simple . Let's just say that you mean the world to me . And I'll never get tired of that world (Name) . Meaning , I'll never get tired of you ," . 

A pleased expression formed on the two's faces . 
" Gaara .." (Name) began , her breath hitching slightly . " I love you ," . 
This time , it was not fake - it was a true message from her heart . 
" I love you too (Name) ," Gaara smiled pleasantly , tightening his embrace around (Name).

" I love you too ," .

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