13 | shatter my heart

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(Name)'s POV

Sleeping in the hotel room feels so nice . It has a weird intoxicating aura that comforts you - despite the fact that probably thousands of people have slept on the very same bed . You know , people who have died , and probably those on a honeymoon . 

Sunlight poured in from the slightly open curtains , and it fell directly upon my face . I swiftly turned my face to the other direction , which was considerably darker . " Eh ? What's this ?" I murmured as I fingered the soft hairy thing next to my face . 

" What are you doing (Name) ? " a familiar voice intruded my sweet half-slumber .

" Hi random person . Nice meeting you , probably not .. Why are you sleeping next to me ? " I voiced . " (Name) .. It's me , Gaara . You are half-sleeping again . Wake up ," . Instead of blinking my eyes open and start the day , I threw my arms to where I figured Gaara would lay at . 

" Hey .. Where are you ? " I grumbled as I forced my eyes open . My jaw hung loose at the sight of a shirtless Gaara . 

" What the ...!" I burst . Gaara eyed me sceptically . " I just wanted to take a shower ," he stated as if it was basic knowledge. A blush spread across my cheeks . ' Right , the guy just wanted to take a shower , why are you overreacting (Name) ? Shouldn't you be pleased to get a nice stare ? 'the evil within me chattered . 
I simultaneously crashed onto the bed , my face deep scarlet . " No .. Curse you dirty thoughts ! " I burst again . " Get a grasp on sanity (Name) ! " Gaara echoed from the bathroom . A chuckle escaped my lips , and it soon turned into a soft laugh .
I felt a slight tickle in my throat , and I coughed slightly . But soon my lungs started to ache painfully , as if they were squeezed and blended repeatedly .
I slapped my hand over my mouth , trying to stop the cough. I ended up wrapping my hands around my neck , but the coughing didn't stop.

Pain seared through my body , and tears slowly formed . No .. It can't be happening .. I thought it had ended years ago .. 

" (Name) ? Are you alright ? " Gaara blurted as he entered the room . I gulped quickly and turned my pain stricken expression into a tired , bored one .

" Sure I am . You took quite a long time in the shower ," I smirked . Water dripped from Gaara's scarlet hair , dropping on his exposed chest . He was not overly build , rather on the skinny side . 
(A/N : Think of L Lawliet , minus the slouching ) But then again , Gaara was perfect in my eyes .
" You should go take a shower ," he instructed as he passed a fluffy white towel to me . I stretched my sore back and let out a yawn . 

I treaded towards the bathroom , my feet making constant tapping sounds - also known as footsteps.
My mind felt blank - I kept thinking about my bitter past . 

I shut the bathroom door behind me , breathing heavily . I swiftly proceeded to the vanity , taking a good look at myself . 
My skin was much paler than usual , and my lips were almost bluish .

Then it came again . The agonising pain . 
I coughed again , this time much more painful than before . My breath was hitched in my throat , and a humid , slightly salty liquid rose in my throat .

I spitted some of it into the sink , and I froze . Blood . Another cough racked my body , and my blood splattered the sink's white exterior . 

I dropped down on the floor , breaking down in tears . Past memories flooded my mind in a bitter motion.

 " Listen (Name) . You have to survive . What happens to me and your father doesn't matter for now . What matters is now we have enough money for your treatment costs . You need to live (Name) . I want you to enjoy life (Name) ," .
My mother slowly passed a wad of cash into my hands . In the distance , I could hear the loan sharks cussing around . 
" Nothing valuable is with him . Perhaps it's with his wife and daughter ," a strident voice spat . Tears were running my face as I heard a loud thud , and a man groaning in pain .
My mother took hold of my hands , forcing me to look into her eyes .
" Now (Name) , you need to escape . Go to Himari's house . Make sure you get treatment , (Name) ,". I nodded tearfully . " Will I be seeing you and Dad again ? " I questioned .
My mother shook her head . " It depends (Name) . Now go ," she whispered as she opened the windows , and urged me to escape .

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