03 | with you

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(Name)'s  POV

Scientists say that sleeping is an essential to the human body.
An average human should at least get eight hours each night.
And that's what I'm doing here.

The sun was creeping through the dark curtains I hung in my  room .  I couldn't care less though.
For someone who went to sleep just four hours ago , all I wanted to do is sleep more and more.

Night time at Sunagakure is rather cold , compared to daytime , which is painfully hot. 
Suddenly , the alarm clock started to ring loudly in a sickening tone.

Since my younger days , I always hated the sound of the alarm clock , as it awakens me from my sweet slumber and forces me to go to school.

" Aww! Curse you alarm clock!" I said groggily as I muted the alarm clock.

I rose from the bed , my (h/c) hair in a messy puff.

I slowly walked towards the large balcony window , which I covered with  sangria red curtains. 
I yanked the curtains , making the sunlight flood into the room in a bright yellowish hue.

It was a beautiful sight - the sky was in a clash of sepia and bright teal , and the clouds complimented it beautifully.

Gaara seemed to treat me better since my outburst last night , as he no longer spoke ill and bitter words. I guess his impression of me had taken for the better.

I closed my eyes as I felt the wind blew  softly through my (h/c) hair . I went to the balcony , which was sickeningly high. But then again , my room is located on the third floor.

" Sheesh.. What's with the rich people's obsession with building huge houses ? It's not like they are tons of people in here ," I murmured as I stared at the other vacant windows. 

My eyes stopped abruptly at Gaara's window. It was covered with slate grey curtains , and I was unable to peer within.

I bit my lip slightly. Yelling at him would not make him happier. Perhaps I should take him out from the sickening room.

Or I can simply bring some cheerfulness into that room , as he could not move much.

When I decide to do something , I will make sure that it is done. And when I decided to ease Gaara's pain and bring light into his life , I will do anything to fulfill it , even if it costs my own life.

[ Time Skip]

After preparing a nice breakfast for Gaara , I headed up to his room. It was dull and sickening to my eyes . It would be nice if there was a hint of colour in this room.
The walls were white , the bedsheets and the duvet were ivory white , the curtains were slate grey and heavy , preventing any light enter the room.

True , Suna is a very hot place , but Gaara's room felt extremely cold.
On the pallid calico white bed , Gaara lay fast asleep.

I placed the breakfast tray of the table as I made my way towards him.

A small smile crept up the corners of my lips.
His face seemed slightly healthy than yesterday , with a faint rosy tint on his cheeks.
​​​​​​I began to think whether I thought Gaara was attractive or not. I always had a certain liking to boys with red hair , and his skin tone complimented his hair. The insomnia rings made him look slightly like a panda , which distracted people from his lack of eyebrows.

The insomnia rings did not fade though. I started to wonder whether he was born with it.

" Gaara.. Wake up ," I said as I lightly shook his frail shoulder. 

Gaara shifted slightly , his red hair getting more ruffled in the process.
His eyes twitched and he muffled a small yawn.

" Gaara ? Are you awake ?" I questioned and his eyes blinked open.

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