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Heathers POV
"Don't let her get away!" I shouted. We flew through the microgravity chamber. "I'm trying!" Caroline said. "You guys are slow!" Khloe zoomed around the corner. We're chasing her because she took Caroline's stuff. Khloe hit the wall at the end of the long tunnel. "Uh oh" she panicked. Caroline slammed into her, being unable to stop. I slammed into both of them and we laughed. We tried to grab the picture frame that Khloe was holding but she kept it away from us. "No! You're not taking it!" She exclaimed. "We leave soon Khloe, we have to pack" Caroline said. "I know you're leaving! That's why I took it!" Khloe shouted. "What?" Caroline asks. "Its the only photo of the three of us and if you two are going back to earth today then I'm keeping it." Khloe said. "Awww, you're sentimental" I poked her. "Stop it! I definitely wont miss you poking me!" she snapped. We laughed and flew back.

We walked into the air lock chamber. Magic has improved technology so we don't have to wear space suits. We have these metal cuffs that keep our metabolism stable and allow us to breathe. We wear them as bracelets or anklets. A green light flashed on our cuffs, meaning its safe for us to go out. We left and went to a tent set up next to our station. This might as well be our battle station because its where we prepare to fight the Tublos. The Tublos are the alien species that live on the moon. They are quite literally magic ferrets. They don't like that we live on their land without permission so they attack us. They told the government to make us move but they never listen. Khloe grabbed our sticks and tossed them to us. Everyone is equipped with an electric stick. Its exactly what it sounds like. It sparks electricity. Khloe is a tech genius and has upgraded her stick to do pretty much anything. Khloe spun around her stick and hit a table. "Woah! Careful! You'll knock over the test tubes." I said. "At least I didn't drink the test tubes." Khloe rolled her eyes. The test tubes have a bright blue liquid in them. We call it moon water. Caroline and I drank it when we were little because everyone told us not too. It tastes awful but it didn't do anything. "Are we taking these with us?" I held up the stick. "Yeah, they make us take them." Caroline nodded. "I cant believe you're staying, you could come down too." I looked at Khloe. She shrugged. She wants to stay here. "Ill be down eventually." she said. "I hope so. Moms gonna kill me." Caroline groaned. They're sisters. They were sent up here to keep me company when I was six. "Come on, we cant be late for a rocket." Caroline punched my shoulder. We hugged Khloe. "Bye Khloe!" I waved. "Bye Apollo" she said. They call me Apollo because I was born here. "Bye sis" Caroline said. "Bye, love you" Khloe said. "Love you too" Caroline said.

"Preparing for launch" people are rushing around. A man instructed me and Caroline on how to strap into our seats. He made us wear these really weird helmets. I guess magic isn't powerful enough to stop brain damage. "Ok girls, it'll take us an hour to get home. Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah" we said. I guess its strong enough to get us there really fast though. The others strapped in and after a few minutes we felt the rocket rapidly shake. I went pale. I've never been as nervous as I am right now. I'm leaving the only home I've ever known to go to earth. My parents left me here when I was four. They didn't want too but they signed a contract. They were up here with their friend Dexter. I didn't know them very well but now I get to see them again. I should be excited but I'm just nervous.

We headed towards the space station and suddenly the rocket stopped. People down below are using their magic to hold the rocket and land it safely. They put us down and we were evacuated from the ship.

My heart is racing and I'm breathing fast. Caroline took my hand and led me out. I tripped and fell almost immediately. "There's gravity here Apollo. You gotta get used to it" she said. "Right" I stood back up. People clapped seeing me. I don't know why. "Right this way girls." a man guided us. He took us in for a check up. "Why don't the others have to see a doctor?" Caroline asked as we sat up on a bench. "Well, the others didn't drink the so called 'moon water.'" he glared. We looked at each other scared. "Don't worry. Your parents and their friend were just as reckless. You'll be ok." he said. "They drank it too?" I asked. He nods. "Drinking it on the moon has no apparent affect but once you come back to earth it happens. You two have been given the same powers as a Tublo" he said casually. "What?!" We shrieked. "Does that make us aliens?" I asked. "No, you're super human, or 'supers' as they say" he told us. "How did you know we drank it?" Caroline asks. "We suspected something when you didn't get your periods." he said. We looked at each other confused. "Supers, Mutants, Aliens, and basically every woman that isn't human doesn't have a period. Their mixed DNA takes care of the whole reproduction thing" he explained. "What's a mutant?" I asked. Caroline face palmed herself. "You know the people that have animal parts, like ears or tails, and how they can turn into whatever animal they have the part of? Those are mutants" the doctor explained. "We worked with like 3 of them" Caroline said, like I was an idiot. "Oh" I looked down. "Ok. This might hurt a bit, or it might not, we'll see" the doctor said. He took a small hammer looking thing and hit my knee. I punched him. I stared at my arm in shock. Caroline laughed. "Sorry!" I panicked. "Its alright, your mother did the same thing." he straightened up. He did it to Caroline and dodged her punch. "Where is my mother?" I asked. He looked at me confused. Realization flashed over his face. "Oh no. I'm not the person for this" he shook his head. "For what?" Caroline asked. "Wait here" he quickly walked out. 

"Girls!" We were called out. The doctor and another man walked to us. "You tell them." the doctor said. "Tell us what?" Caroline asked. "Heather, a few years ago there was an accident. Your parents didn't make it" the other man said. "Wow. Straight to the point. That was harsh." the doctor said. "What? I don't understand what that means" I said. Caroline put her hand on my shoulder. "Heather." she said slowly. I looked at her confused. "They died" she said. My ears started ringing. My eyes went wide. I slowly looked down. They're talking but I cant hear. My knees buckled in and I collapsed onto the ground. My breathing picked up. Caroline bent down to me but I still couldn't hear her. Then suddenly, the ringing stopped. "How long?" I asked. "What?" The man asked. "How long ago did they die?" I clarified. I stood as the tears threatened to fall. "Eight years ago" he said. "What?! Why didn't you tell us!?" Caroline yelled. "We did! We sent the information to your que. They probably hid it from you to save you from... this" he looked at me. I hugged Caroline as I started to cry. "Its ok, calm down Apollo" she cooed. "I am sorry about this. However, your rides are here and you do have to go" the guy said. "What? Where is she supposed to go?" Caroline asked. "Well, her house still belongs to her. So we'll send her there" he said. "What!?" Caroline says. "Its fine" I stood up straight. "Ill be fine" I sniffled.

We stood outside as our cars pulled around. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Caroline asked. "Yeah, just go home." I said. "I wish I didn't live in another state." She sighed. "I'm gonna be fine. Go see your parents." I smiled softly. She sighed again. "Alright, bye Apollo" she hesitated, but left. "Bye" I said, but the car had already took off.

My car pulled up at my house and I got out. "Hey kid! Remember, turn the key to the right to unlock the door." The driver said. I nodded and he zoomed off. I only have one bag since I didn't have much. As I walked up the driveway I noticed small things. The house looks new. The paint is fresh, the lawn is short, and there's a car in the driveway. I got up to the door and struggled with my key. "How does this even work? What did that guy say?" I asked myself. I kept trying to turn the key and open the door. I pulled on it and fell backwards as I pulled it out of the door. I groaned and got back up. I went to put the key in again but it unlocked by itself. I was confused but opened the door. I tripped over the doorstep and huffed. I sighed and got up. I closed the door and walked in. I stopped in my tracks seeing a ferret on the kitchen counter. "Trouble with the key?" He asked. I screamed and threw my bag at him. He jumped over it. "Woah, wait!" He said as I keep throwing things at him. "Wait! Woah- stop it! I knew your parents!" He shouted. I stopped and raised an eyebrow. He exhaled in relief. "Ok, put the paperweight down" he said. I slowly put it down. "How did you know them?" I asked. "They saved me. I ran away from the moon and they treated me with kindness. I'm sorry I couldn't save them." He said. "They took you and left me?" I asked. "Not exactly. I left in my own ship. I've met you before. I doubt you remember though" he said. "Do you have a human form?" I asked, uncomfortably. "Huh? Oh, yeah if that makes you more comfortable" he said. He jumped off the kitchen counter and turned into his human form. He's tall, he has white hair, and grey eyes. My jaw dropped a little and I closed it. "You do remember" he noticed. "They thought I was crazy. I kept asking for the boy I used to play with and they had no idea what I was talking about." I recalled. "And then they sent you Caroline and Khloe. I've been keeping tabs on you. I promised your parents Id look after you." he said. "What happened to them?" I asked. "I promise Ill tell you everything, but you need to rest. You've had a long day. I'm Charlie by the way." He held out his hand and I stepped forward to shake it. "The master bedroom is over there." he pointed. "Isn't that yours?" I asked. "No, I sleep in the basement." he says. "Basement?" I asked confused. "Ill show you tomorrow. Get some sleep." he said. I nodded and walked into my new room. I sat down on the bed and stared down at the floor. "I want to go home." I whispered. 

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