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Aurelia's POV
We're about to leave. Everyone was almost ready when Charlie pulled me aside. "What's up?" I asked. "Heather needs to talk to you" he said. I looked at him confused. "I put her in a separate room so you could talk." He said. I walked over to the room. I'm behind the glass but I can see her and she can see me. "Hey, you wanted to talk to me?" I asked over the mic. "Yeah, I wanted to wish you luck." She said. I smiled. "Thanks. I promise we're gonna get you out of there." I said, She gave me a weak smile put her hand on the glass. I put my hand over hers. "Just so you know, when this is over we are so getting married" she said. I laughed. "Ok" I smiled. "Aurelia!" I heard someone yell. "Go, they need you" she said and I walked away.

"Ok so someone explain how we're going to travel from here all the way to that warehouse?" Zill asked. There's no way we could teleport there. It would take up too much magic. "We're gonna fly there" I said. They all look at me weird. "Half of us cant fly" Gold pointed out. We're in the training grounds right now so no one can see us. "I know but some of us can, and some of us can also shapeshift" I said. "What are we turning into?" Claws asked. "Well we have a lot of people so what do have that's big with wings?" I asked. "Uh.... a dragon?" she suggested. "Can you do that?" I asked. Claws and Paws 32 nodded. "Zill what about you?" Gold asked. She sighed. "I'm really good with most of my powers but shapeshifting has never been a strong suit of mine" she said. "I'm sure you can do it Zill" I said. Paws 32 and Claws shapeshifted. "That's awesome." August said. "Come on Zill you got it" I said. She backed up for room and then closed her eyes tightly. In a bright flash, Zill dropped to the ground as a tiny baby dragon. "Aww!" we cooed. She growled and flew up above the clouds. There was a bright flash above the clouds and we saw the shadow of a dragon bigger than Paws 32 and Claws combined. Zill roared out in what sounded like pain and then, in a puff of smoke, a little baby lizard came flying to the ground face first. She changed back to her human form and coughed out smoke. "Yeah that's not happening" she coughed. Gold patted her on the back. "That's ok. Arc!" I yelled. He teleported out and changed into a dragon. Now we can leave.

We landed and were faced with an army of Dinotrons. "Ok you guys get Jinx inside. Us 32's, Claws, Zap, and the arrows will handle this." Paws 32 said. Zill went with them too. Zill got us to the door and shut it right on time. Now its just me, Zip, and Jinx. "Stay quiet. We don't wanna trigger anything" I whispered. They nodded. As were walking Jinx stopped and we bumped into her. "Hey!" I whisper yelled. She pointed down to a string that was very low to the ground. I nodded and we stepped over it. All of our trust is in Jinx right now. She knows her way around this place.

Techna's POV
They're here. I pressed a button and all my Dinotrons came to life to attack the heroes. I felt bad, but if I didn't do it, Virus would cast his disease on me and I don't want that. I'm in my lab right now looking at the cameras. Watching the battle. I never realized how much space the robots took up until they weren't in here. Its really empty. I sat in my roller chair and just spun from side to side. I'm so bored.

"Techna?" I hear her voice. A voice I haven't heard in years. A voice that I didn't believe. Was my mind playing tricks on me. I quickly spun my chair around and stood up. "Are you really here?" I asked with a shaky voice. She nodded and took a step closer. "I'm here" she said and reached out her hand. I pulled away. I just stared in shock for a moment before hugging her tightly. She hugged me back and I felt her smile on my shoulder. She hasn't changed a bit. She's just as tall and she still has two red dog ears, a red tail, and two pink wings. She's a mixed mutant. I saw the hero's behind her and backed away slowly. Did she do this just to capture me? She saw my concern. "Tech listen to me, I know you don't wanna go with Virus. Please, you can change him to someone better. You have to help us" she pleaded. I backed into the table and hit a button. The button flashed red. I looked up in panic of what I just did. "He's coming" I said softly. 

"Well well well, look whos back" Virus said seeing Jinx. She turned to face him. He chuckled. "You should be more careful with the hearts you break" he said and went to attack. The hero's stopped him. He got punched to ground and laughed. "You know, if you wanna play that way. I still have one thing left. Techna open cell 36" he said. I stood still, looking at him in panic. He glared at me and I sighed. I turned around and opened it. Cell 36 holds an unstable robot. We call him Barry. B4rr7, or Barry, is a wolf like prototype that went wrong. He has a mind of his own and doesn't listen to any commands. He just kills everything he sees. "I'm sorry" I said softly as Barry emerges from the shadows with red eyes and sharp teeth. He charged at the heroes and they put up a fight. Virus went for Jinx. She shifted into her animal form and took off flying to dodge Virus. "Techna what are you doing?!" She yelled. "Don't act so innocent. You're only here to help put me in jail!" I yelled as I cried. "That's not true! I'm here for you! To get you out of Virus's grasp!" She yelled. "Don't listen to her" Virus snapped. "Techna I'm sorry I hurt you but I'm back and I'm not leaving again!" She said. I turned to face the computer. I logged into all the cells of robots that haven't been released. "Yes Techna, do it!" Virus yelled. I hesitated for a moment. I can't do this. I pressed a bright green button and every robot in the building turned to ash. I always have a backup plan. "What did you do?!" Virus stormed over to me. I looked at Jinx for a second then back at Virus. "Look, I'm done with your bullshit. You're my brother and you treat me either like a child or like your slave. Well guess what? You don't get to control me anymore. So you can either be my brother or you can let the hero's have you." I said. Jinx smiled proudly. Virus was dead silent for a second. He looked at heroes, who looked ready to kill him. Then he looked at me and held out his hand. I took it and he squeezed the living shit out me in a hug. "I'm sorry." he said. "It's ok." I said. There was a big flash of light and I backed into the table again. 

"Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Vaccine. I'm your brothers alter ego" he said. "What?" I asked. "Virus has a split persona. He didn't tell you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Don't worry Techna. You have the machines to separate me and Virus. He'll be fine" he said and I smiled. "Not to interrupt but could we get to healing the state now please?" Zip asked. He laughed. "Yeah sure. Lead the way." Vaccine said. They left and I was inside with Jinx. "So..." I said. "So?" she said. "You wanna help me make a machine to split my brother?" I asked. Never thought I would say those words. She chuckled. "I thought you'd never ask." She smiled.

Emma's POV
I got a message from heather saying she's coming over. I smiled at it. "Right on time" I said. She walked in and I waved to her. "Hey. What's up?" I asked. "Don't give me that. You know what's up" she said. I smiled. "You knew didn't you" she said. I nodded. "I knew everything heather" I said. "You said you came here because I came back to life. That's not true is it?" she asked. "No, you coming back to life was a big possibility actually. We had an option to make. Come here and have some fun or stay where we were and let your time line go in a different course" I said. "So did you know about Mikaela?" she asked. "No I don't look into my own future, nor my sisters" I said. "But why?" she asked. "Time is delicate Heather. I cant explain it all" I said. She huffed a laugh and shook her head. "Thanks Emma" she smiled. I nodded and she left.

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