Secrets prt.3

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Kayla's POV
Apollo was acting really weird around me at school. I don't know why. She looked almost afraid of me. I didn't think the scratch made me look that intimidating but maybe I was wrong. "Aw, are you sad that your friend doesn't want anything to do with you?" Gold teased. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Look, it happens. Friends don't always last out of high school. I know mine didn't." she shrugged. "She's not ignoring me! She's just afraid of my scratch" I crossed my arms. "Yeah ok. Keep telling yourself that." She ignored me. I rolled my eyes again. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. "Duh. Lets go." she said. 

"Pink, Silver, let them know we're here." I said. They swung down to the ground and walked up to the house. Silver knocked on the door and a man answered. "Hey there! Could we interest you with an arrow in your head?" She asked. He freaked out as he realized who they were and Pink punched him in the face. "Or a punch?" she asked. Silver knocked him out and then looked at her hand. "Ugh, he got blood on my rings." She pouted. "You're adorable." Pink shook her head. "Blue, Purple, go get them back on task." I groaned. "Come on babe." Purple grabbed Blue's hand and dragged him down to the girls. The four of them went inside and within seconds, there were screams. "That's our cue. Let's go." Green stood up, and the rest of the team followed her over to the house. I swung down to the yard and just watched them set it ablaze. I took a deep breath as I watched the flames. The fire sent flashes through my mind. I remember being the one screaming as we ran out of the house. It was terrifying. Soon, the heroes arrived and crashed the party. I sighed, knowing what I had to do. I quickly scribbled a note onto my arrow and shot Paw's cape again. I whistled for my team and they all looked over. I signaled them to leave and they followed. 

I tried to sleep. I tried to act as if I didn't ask Paws to meet me again. I wanted to stay so bad, but my mind just wouldn't shut up. I was tossing and turning for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only ten minutes. Finally, I sat up and sighed. I guess I'm doing this. I got up and got ready to leave. "Babe? Why are you awake? Where are you going?" Green woke up. I looked back at her in a panic. "Nowhere Alex. Go back to bed." I said. "You're a horrible liar." She groaned. I huffed. "I'm going to meet with Paws... and I don't know if I'm coming back." I walked to her. "I promise I won't leave you here. I'll be back for you." I kissed her head and went to the balcony. She just stared at me tired and confused. She probably has no idea what I'm even talking about, but I don't have time to explain. I jumped off the balcony, shot my grapple, and swung off to meet Paws. 

Heathers POV
"What am I doing here again? And why are you late to your own meeting?" I asked. "Honestly? I was trying not to come." Red jumped down to me. "I can't believe I'm about to say this but... I think you may have been right." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "Why should I believe you?" I asked. "You shouldn't. I don't know why you would." She shrugged. I crossed my arms and thought for a moment. "So what? Are you leaving the arrows?" I asked. She sighed heavily. "It pains me to say it but... I guess I am." She shrugged. I squinted at her. "Would you find it rude if I scanned you to see if you telling the truth?" I asked. "You can do that?" She asked confused. "As of last month, yes." I nodded. I did it to Aura on accident and she got mad at me. "Uh... sure?" she said. "Great!" I smiled. A light beam came out of my eyes and I scanned it over Red body. She closed her eyes from the brightness and turned her head. The light turned green. "Wow. You really mean it." I said shocked. "Yeah, I'm just as shocked." She said. "Well, I can't let you go back to the arrows if you're on my side. Why don't you come with me?" I held out my hand. She was hesitant but took it. 

I teleported us to the lab and she immediately leaned over on the table and grabbed her stomach. "Oh god, please don't do that again." She sounded like she was gonna barf. Charlie looked over confused. "What the hell!? Why would you bring her here?!" He exclaimed. "What's with the angry rodent?" Red asked. "This is Charlie. And I didn't just bring her here for no reason. I scanned her first. She's on our side now." I said. "She is?" Charlie was not convinced. "I am?" Red asked. I glared at her and she sighed. "Yeah I am." She looked down. "If you really are, then take off the mask." Charlie said. "Ok." Red shrugged. She took off her mask and tossed it on the table. My eyes widened. "I was right! It's you!" I exclaimed. Kayla looked at me confused. "Huh?" She asked. I took my mask off and raised an eyebrow. "Apollo?! Damn no wonder you were so stupid." she said. I frowned and rolled my eyes. Aura walked into the lab and stopped immediately. She panicked, made a rope, lassoed me, and pulled me to her quickly. "What is she doing here? that Kayla?" she asked confused. "Yes. She's with us now. Can you untie me?" I asked. "Oh wait, if you're Mystic then that would make your friends... wow that explains so much." Red looked down. "Ok, well, besides whatever is going on here, Arc needs your help with something." Aura said. "Ok. You still have to untie me." I said. She rolled her eyes and destroyed the rope. "Come on Kayla. We have a spare room." Charlie led Kayla away. 

Kayla's POV
"Alex just talk to me" I ran after her. "No I don't wanna talk Kayla. You cant just make a decision like that and leave" she snapped. "Then come with me, we can be hero's together" I said. She stopped and turned to me. "Do you know how insane you sound right now? You made the arrows. You know how much our cause means to us. For you to turn on that, and fight for good, all out of nowhere?! You're fucking crazy if you think me, or any of the other arrows, will follow you anywhere now." She spat. I frowned. "Alex please. I don't want to leave you. Just come with me after school and we can escape together." I pleaded. "No Kayla!" She yelled. I was taken back. "This isn't fair. You can't just expect me to drop everything and follow you like some loving puppy. I'm a person!" She exclaimed. "I know, but don't you see what the arrows are doing is wrong?" I asked. "What we are doing, is what puts food on the table. It's what heals us." She snarled. "There are better methods of healing." I reasoned. She shook her head. "Keep telling yourself that. See how well it works out for you." She snapped. "Alex don't do this." I pleaded. She sighed. "I think we need a break." She stormed away. Apollo came up behind me. "Are you ok?" She asked. I took a deep breath. "No." I walked away.

Heathers POV
My friends didn't take likely to Red joining us. They don't entirely trust her. We told them who she is and I showed them my scan, but they still have doubts. "Wow. I haven't been in the city in years." Red looked around. "Yeah well, let's make sure there's still a city here after we beat up this hunk of metal." I said. We looked up at the Dinotron. Red looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you suicidal? Like actually, just tell me now." She said. I laughed and flew up to the robot. "Don't just stand there! Put those arrows to good use!" I said. She gulped and shot her arrow at the robot. It bounced off. "Oh wow. So affective." Weather Vane mocked. Red huffed and tried again. She waited for a moment this time. Zip ran around below to distract to the Dino. It swung it's tail at me and Mystic flew in to push me out of the way. "Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded and Weather Vane zapped the robot with lightning. It raised it's head up and roared into the sky. Red shot her arrow and it landed right in the eye. The Dinotron started glitching and I blasted it to the ground. Zip got all the pedestrians away from the crash. It glitched out and died there on the ground. "Nice shot!" I yelled. Red nodded. "It wasn't that great." Weather Vane looked away. 

Golds POV
"Were here at the live scene where Paws and new super hero's are fighting the Dinotrons! What's this... the Red arrow seems to be helping them?! Lady's and gentlemen could we have a new superhero here?" The news report echoed through the room. I spit out my water. "Let me see that!!" I yelled, snatching Limes phone from her.  She slowly looked up at me annoyed. "They're working together!?" I yelled, throwing the phone down. Lime frowned at her smashed phone. "Did you know about this!" I yelled at Green. "No. I didn't." she looked down. "Fine! If Red wants to play a good guy, then we'll deal with it" I snapped. "What do you mean?" Silver asked. "I'm in charge now, and we're gonna stop those super-bitches once and for all." I snarled.

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