Secrets prt.4

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Pinks POV
"Babe?" I asked. "What?" Sil asked. We're in her room. She's brushing her teeth in the bathroom. "Do you think Gold would get mad if I told her I have a family?" I asked. She choked on her toothpaste. "Uh... why do you wanna tell her that?" She asked. "I don't know. I just... everything is actually good now. We're all back together as a family again. I've got you. Gold's got Zill. The others have their partners. I think Orange is only single one." I said. "Don't tell him that. He'll kill you." she said. "Yeah I know. That's not my point though." I said. She came out of the bathroom. "Ok. Then what is?" She asked. "I just feel bad lying to them. If everything is gonna be good now, shouldn't there not be any secrets  between us. Like as a team?" I suggested. Silver was hesitant. "I don't know babe." She said, unsure of my idea. "Cyan told us about his girlfriend! He was hiding her!" I said. "That's different. Cyan hasn't been here as long as you have, and he got with her after he left us. I don't know how Gold would react to you telling the truth." she said. I looked down. "I just feel guilty." I said. She sighed. "Alright. If this is really that important to you, than I'll support you." She said. "Really?" I perked up. She smiled and nodded. "Thanks Sil." I said. "Of course." She said.

I told Gold I had an announcement to share so she called a meeting. Everyone sat in their roller chairs waiting for me to say something. "So, now that we're all back together, I wanted to share this with you to get rid of all our secrets." I started. They all leaned in, still waiting for me to say it. "My family is still alive." I blurted out. "Wait what?!" Gold said. Everyone's jaws were on the floor. "You told me they died in a plane crash!" Red exclaimed. "Yeah. I was lying." I shrugged. "Why would you lie about that?!" Gold exclaimed. "Well I ran away for a reason! I obviously didn't just join the arrows for no good reason!" I said. "And that reason would be?" Red asked. I went silent for a moment. Silver put her hand on my shoulder for support. "You know what happened with that teacher last year?" I asked. "I thought we agreed not to talk about that." Gold said. "Yeah well let's just say he and my step-brother have something in common." I said. Gold went dead silent. The silence was so thick I could probably cut it with a knife. "Well then... I'm glad you lied." Red said. I smiled. There was an awkward silence after that and I didn't know what to do. Silver sighed. "My family is also alive." She blurted out. "What?!" They yelled again.

Silvers POV
I can't believe I just said that. I had to get Pink out of that awkwardness somehow though. "Seriously?" Red asked. "Yeah, they kicked me out after I didn't get my powers." I said. "You're a super?" Gold asked. "I'm supposed to be. I just never got my ice magic." I shrugged. "I'm supposed to have fire magic too." Pink added. "Oh my god! How much have you two been hiding?" Red asked shocked. "A lot. I mean, what did you expect? Think back to your younger selves. If we had told you the truth, would you have taken us in? I can almost guarantee you wouldn't have. You would have killed us on the spot." I said. There was a short silence. Gold and Red looked at each other. "She's got a point." Gold shrugged. Red rolled her eyes. "I guess it's a good thing we aren't like that anymore." Red said. "You really don't mind?" Pink smiled. "Seriously?" I asked, confused and shocked. "Yeah I don't care. Gold?" red asked. "Nope. Don't care." She shrugged. Pink and I smiled. "Anybody else have something they'd like to unveil to us?" Gold asked. "I'm a prince." Blue said casually. 

"The fuck you mean you're a prince?!" Gold asked. "I'm royalty. I was in line for the throne too, but my father told me I had to marry a woman." Blue shrugged. "Are you serious right now?" Red asked. "Yeah, I'm dead serious." He said. "Is that why you had a British accent when we first met?" Gold asked. "Yes Gold. I ran away so I wouldn't have to marry a girl. Finding you at the airport was just a happy accident." He shrugged. "Wait so who took the throne?" Red asked. "My brother Shawn. He's adopted, and he's a mutant, so I'm sure that sent my father insane when he was the only heir left." Blue said with a laugh. "Wow. Ok. Anybody else?!" Red asked. "Yeah, Orange do you also have a secret girlfriend?" Gold asked. Orange glared over at her. "No." He spat. "That's a shame." Gold smirked. Orange flicked her off. 

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