Secrets prt.2

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Heathers POV
"On your left!" Mystic shouted. I looked to the side but didn't see anything. The gold arrow suddenly tackled me down from the other side. "Your other left." Mystic said sadly. Gold punched me a few times before I threw her off me. The others were busy with the rest of the arrows. Gold shot her arrow at me but I caught it. "Ha! I caught it." I said surprised. Suddenly, someone picked me up by the back of my shirt. I looked over and my eyes widened. "Hey Zill!" I smiled. I threw a punch at her but she caught my fist. "Oh crap." I sighed. She swung me by my hand and threw me into Mystic. I crashed onto her and lifted myself up. "Hey babe. How are you doing today?" I asked innocently. She smiled. "I'm great." She said. She rolled us over right before the silver arrow shot us. she stood up and held out her hand to me. I took it and stood up. Everyone had suddenly stopped fighting and was looking to the side. We looked over and saw Red and Gold yelling at each other. Mostly Red though. "I told you to stop calling her! I refuse to do any heists with that bitch!" Red yelled as she pointed at Zill. "I didn't call her! She just showed up! Why are you always so quick to blame me!?" gold yelled back. Zill left when they started fighting. "We should go." Mystic whispered. I nodded. I silently gathered my friends and we made our exit. "What- hey! Boss! They're getting away!" Silver yelled. The girls looked over and everyone started shooting at us. Red watched me carefully and shot her arrow precisely. It got caught in my cape and I didn't notice until I got home.

"There's a note on this arrow." Charlie said. I took it and read it. "She wants to meet." I said shocked. "Don't go. You're not good at meeting with villains." Aura smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I have to go. It's just like with Zill. I don't know what she'll do if I don't." I said. "Try to keep an open mind this time." Charlie said. "I'll try, but if I come home with another arrow in my cape, it's your fault." I said. 

Reds POV
"Boss!" Silver approached me. "What?" I asked. I may be the little sister but I still run this joint. If Gold had it her way, Zill would be our partner in crime and I'm not down for that. "Why did you send Paws a note?" She questioned. "I don't need to explain myself, you'll see soon enough" I walked to my room. I pressed the mute button the wall as I came in. We installed these buttons a while ago. They're very useful. It mutes any sound made in our rooms to the outside. "Hey babe." Alex greeted. "Alex I told you, keep your mask on when we're not at school" I told her. "Why? No one else is here right now, so if its just us why does it matter?" she asked. I smiled and looked down. "You have a point there" I said, looking up at her. "I know" she shrugged. "So why did you give paws that note?" she asked. "I need to talk to her. See what exactly she's planning. She may be a hero but she's stupid so I'm sure I get something out of her" I said. "Ok just be careful" she said. "Always am" I said. I went to the window and jumped off the balcony. I shot my grappling hook and swung over to where I'm meeting with Paws.

Heathers POV
I don't wanna do this but here we are. In an alleyway. Waiting. "Didn't think you'd show." she said. I can't see her. "You shouldn't underestimate me." I looked up towards the voice. She's sitting on a balcony above me swinging her feet. "What do you want?" I asked. "Just wanna talk" she said. "Ha! Last time someone said that, it didn't go so well." I said. "Yeah well I'm not Zill." she said. That much is true but I still don't trust her. "Why don't you come down here so I can ask you something?" I suggested. She hesitated but jumped down. She's like two inches shorter than me and it's kinda throwing me off. "Why do you do what you do?" I asked. "We feel pain. We simply want to make others feel our pain." she said proudly. "Wouldn't it be better if you made sure no one else felt your pain?" I asked. 

Her eyebrows shot up. "Why would I do that?" she asked. "I get that you feel pain. So do I. All the time! We all feel it, but that doesn't mean we deserve it. You should help others not to feel pain, not cause more!" I exclaimed. She just stared at me for a minute. "Nah." She shrugged. "But why? You know I'm right! Plus, maybe if you helped others, it would start to heal some of your own pain!" I said. She just blinked a few times. "Shut up. You're making me think and I don't like it." She said. "Too damn bad! You should think about it. Especially if you know what your doing is wrong!" I exclaimed. "If you don't shut up, I will shove this down your throat." She pointed at me with an arrow. I panicked and snatched the arrow from her. The tail of it came up and swiped her across the face. Mixed with my unintentional strength, the swipe caused a line of blood to across her face. My jaw dropped. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I dropped the arrow. She didn't say anything. She just turned around and left. 

Reds POV
"I told you it was a bad idea!" Gold yelled at me. Green wiped up the blood and cleaned my wound. "Yeah, well, I don't know what you expected was gonna happen. Besides I'm fine. Its just a scratch." I said. "Scratch my ass! That's a scar in the making!" Gold yelled. The team laughed and I bit my lip to hold in mine. "What are you laughing at now?!" Gold snapped. The laughter died immediately. Green looked over. "It's cause you said 'scratch my ass' and the wound isn't deep enough to scar." She explained. She looked back at me. "Not that you wouldn't look insanely hot with a scar." She whispered. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I looked down in thought. I'm afraid that Paws may have actually been right. I guess my reasoning wasn't as good as I thought it was. God, what am I gonna do? I couldn't just leave the arrows. They're my family. But then again, it wouldn't be the first defection. "Babe are you ok?" Green asked. I smiled at her. "Yeah I'm fine." I nodded. I definitely can't leave her. She's my wife! I'd actually die if I ever hurt her. And then there's Gold. I know she's a bitch, but I still care about her. I don't know what to do.

Heathers POV
I've been out of it all day. I can't focus on anything after yesterday. I feel so bad for hurting Red. I mean, I've hurt her before, but this was a neutral meeting. I feel horrible. Charlie said everything would be fine but I don't believe him. Kayla sat down next to me in class. "Hey, are you ok? You look a little out of it." She said. "I'm fine. Just zoned out." I lied. I did a double take as I looked at her. "What happened to your face?" I shrieked. "Huh? Oh this? I fell off my bike. Nothing serious." She looked down. There's a long red line across her cheek. My heart stopped in fear. There's no way that's a coincidence. Kayla is the Red arrow. 

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