Broken Arrows

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Silvers POV
Its October. The month of fears! Unfortunately, I mean that a little too literally. In October, fears come to life. They're dark clouds of smoke that stalk their creator around. It only happens if your fear is great enough to take form. Select schools, like Green Strike, turn it into a lesson. They make everyone fill out a paper on what our fear is and whether or not we were able to beat it. If we can face our fears by the time October ends, the smoke will disappear, and never come back. If we can't, then we just have to avoid it until the month is over, and then it may or may not come back next year. The thing about the living fears, is you have no idea whether they'll appear or not. Mine already has though. I was walking to class when it appeared in front of me. It swirled around until it formed what I was afraid of. I was soon facing myself, without my arrows costume. She smirked at me and opened her hand. A snow flake spun around in her hand. I huffed in annoyance and walked right through it. I know what I'm afraid of, and I don't enjoy being reminded.

Golds POV
I whistled, letting the arrows know there's a meeting. "Alright. I've just been waiting for one of your fears to show up so I could do this. Silvers showed up, so now we can proceed. Now, I know that a lot of you have the same fear. Unmasking to the group. That's probably my fault for saying you couldn't. Sorry, I guess. But in any case, to get rid of this stupid fear, I'm letting you all unmask." I said. They were shocked. "Really?" Blue asked. I nodded. "Who's first?" I asked. Surprisingly, pink raised her hand. I gestured for her to go ahead and she took her mask off. "Honestly, the mask was just getting itchy. Anyway, I'm Brittany." She said with a laugh. "Alright. Lets get this over with." Silver took her mask off, and the rest followed. I could tell a wave of relief washed over them. "Ok, before you go to your rooms, listen up. You know those two girls that Cyan is friends with?" I asked. "Yeah?" They asked. "That's Red and Green." I reveled. "Of course it is!" Purple exclaimed. "No wonder you wanted to go there so bad." Lime realized. "Ok. Meeting adjourned. You can go back to whatever you were doing" I waved them off and they went back to their rooms. 

Pinks POV
Unmasking isn't my fear. I don't want them to know what my fear is because its too bad. I'm too afraid. I went to my room and heard the smoke swirling behind me. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around to face it. It took the form of a tall blond boy with green eyes, wearing a letterman jacket. I recognized him all to well. He's my step-brother, Jake. I knew it was just the smoke, but I was still shaking. "Look at you. Shuddering for me already?" He smirked. "Shut the fuck up!" I snapped. He stepped closer and I panicked. I grabbed a book from the dresser behind me and chucked it at him. It flew right through him and the smoke disappeared. I breathed out relieved and then heard a knock on my door. "Pink? Are you ok? Why was there a thud on my wall?" Silver asked. "Sorry! It's uh... it's nothing!" I lied. I picked up the book and put it back. I forgot Silvers room was right there. "Are you sure? I heard you yelling." She said. I groaned and went to the door. I snatched her jacket and pulled her inside before slamming the door.

"What's going on? Why are you so stressed?" She asked. "My fear isn't gone. It's never gone." I sat down on my bed. "It's not?" she asked, sitting beside me. "No. I don't think that's possible." I kept my head down. She looked at me for a moment and then looked down. "Neither is mine." She said. I looked at her confused. "What are you afraid of?" I asked. "Getting my powers. I was supposed to have ice magic, and the doctor says that I am  a super-human... but my powers still haven't come in. That's why my family threw me out." she said. "Your family is still alive?!" I asked shocked. She nodded. "Let's just keep that between us." She smiled. I smiled back. "I'm just afraid to get my powers because I'm scared that my parents will come back. That they'll act as if nothing happened." She said. I stared at her for a moment and then sighed. "I'm in the same boat. I'm not afraid of getting them but, I'm technically a super-human. My fire power just never came in." I shrugged. "Your parents didn't care?" She asked. I shook my head. "No. That's not why I left." I said. "Wait, you left too!?" She asked shocked. "Like you said, let's keep it between us." I said. She smiled. "So what were you afraid of?" she asked. I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it. I hesitated, but then sighed. "When I was younger, and my parents got divorced, I went to live with my dad. My step-mom and my step-sister were great. I liked being around them and I didn't mind them replacing my mom. Thing is, my step-brother wasn't as nice." I said. "What, did he like, hit you or something?" she asked. "Yeah, from the back." I looked away. Her jaw dropped. She stayed silent. She just put her hand on my back. "Are you ok?" She asked. I looked at her. "Are any of us?" I asked. Her eyes softened sympathetically. "Do you want me to stay? I don't want you to be alone right now." She said. "Oh jeez Sil. If I really wanted to kill myself, I would have done it already." I rolled my eyes. "I know that. I still don't think you should be alone." she said. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "You've never had someone care about you before, have you?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well you do now." She held out her hand. I looked at it and then at her. My heart started thumping. I've never had anyone do anything like this for me before. "Are you single?" I asked. She got confused. "Yes?" She said confused. "Not anymore." I grabbed her and pulled her in to kiss me.

Golds POV
"Ok guys we're running low on arrows so we're gonna have to rob the warehouse to get more and... Silver are you ok?" I asked. She's slumped back in her chair, staring wide-eyed at the ground. "Yep, just tired... and sore" she whined. Pink smirked and I raised an eyebrow. Pink has a track record of sleeping with her teammates. Silver is one of the only ones she hasn't, until now apparently. I laughed. "You let her get to you!?" I laughed. "You're not so innocent Gold. Who was it that I did first again?" Pink asked. Everyone looked over in shock. Their jaws dropped and some of them smiled. I panicked. "Never mind. Lets just go over the plan" I blushed and the team snickered behind me.

Silvers POV
We just arrived at the warehouse and as usual pink and I are the distractions. I don't even see the guards. "There they are." Pink pointed out. "Are they playing cards?" I asked confused. "Ooh! I wanna play." Pink walked over to them and I followed. "Hey boys" Pink walked up to them. They all looked up. "Watcha playin?" she asked. They all got up to attack her but I shot them before they got the chance. "Aw man. How will play now?" She asked sarcastically. I laughed. "I'll play with you when we get back." I said. She smiled and laughed. 

Purple's POV
Blue and I found the crates we need, but there are a lot of guards down there and we don't know where the others are. "Babe how many magic arrows do you have left?" I asked. "One" he said nervously. "Ok I have a plan but you cant miss" I said. His magic arrows have water power and mine have electricity. Blue shot the ground and the room started to fill with water. I shot a control panel on the wall and all the lights flickered as the power shot out. Pink and Silver opened the doors from the outside and the water flowed out. We got seven crates of arrows and the rest of the team met us out side. "Good job guys" Gold says high fiving us. "No problem." I said. "A little help!" Silver yelled. The water washed them into the ditch behind the warehouse. We ran to them and reached down to pull them out. "Sorry." Blue said. Pink punched him and smiled. "We're good." she said. "Enough talk. Let's go!" Gold said. We each grabbed a crate and moved out.

A few days later
Golds POV
I'm holding a meeting to talk about an email I got from the school. "Pink would you like to explain this email to me?" I asked, handing her the printed email. Her eyes widened as she read it. "What in your right mind thought it was ok to fuck a teacher?!" I yelled. Tears started to build up in her eyes. "Son of a bitch! I didn't fuck him!" She yelled back. "Really? Because that's what this says" I shouted. "Oh yeah and because I'm the slut you blame me! Did you ever think that maybe I didn't want him to touch me?!" She screamed. The room went silent. "You guys really believed that? I told you he was looking at me weird! Ugh! You all suck!" she exclaimed. She left out through the balcony and Silver followed her.

Silvers POV
"You cant quit" I said, walking up to her on the roof. "Why not? Cyan did" she said. "So you're a hero now?" I asked confused. "No, I'm still a villain. I just don't wanna work for Gold anymore. Why do you even care?" she asked. I sat down next to her. "Because you claimed me as your girlfriend, and I actually quite like that title." I smiled. She laughed a little. "I wasn't serious about that. You don't have to stay with me." She said. "I want to." I said honestly. She smiled at me. "I can't go back." She said. "That's ok, but next time you see something off, and it scares you, you have to tell me." I said. She nodded. "I will. Right now though, I have to see the gynecologist again" She said. "You think you have an STD?" I asked. "Probably" She said. "Perfect" I said sarcastically. 

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