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Zill's POV
I got the mail and flew up to HQ. I'm going through the letters and see that one is for me. I never get mail. Even for bills and stuff, its addressed to Gold, not me. Gold was out with Red so I went to our room and opened it. I saw the name on it and I immediately dropped it. "No.... it cant be" I said to myself. I threw the letter in the trash can and tried to forget about it. It cant be. It just cant be.

"Babe are you ok?" Gold asked. We're watching TV in bed. "Yep I'm great" I lied. "Are you stressed about the wedding because I am" she said. "Yeah sure" I said, not paying attention. She stared at me confused. "I'm breaking up with you" she said. "Ok" I said, still not paying attention. "Zill! Listen to me!" She yelled. I looked over at her. "What's up with you babe?" She asked. "I'm just really stressing right now" I said. She put her hand on my shoulder. "You can tell me whatever it is" she said. I hesitated. "When you were a kid... did you ever picture your wedding day?" I asked. "Yes of course" she said. "Well I keep playing that vision in my head" I said. "What do you see?" She asked. "My dad..." I said. "Zill I'm sorry-" I cut her off. "And my mom" I said. She stopped speaking. "Your mom?" She asked. "She's alive gold. I just never went back for her" I said. "Is that what you want? For your mom to be there?" She asked. "I would never want my father to be there but she deserves to be there" I said. Gold smiled at me. "Why are you thinking about this Zill?" She asked. "She sent me a letter" I said. Gold looked shocked. I used my magic to lift it out of the trash and bring it over to us. Gold read it. "When did you get this?" She asked. "Today" I said. "Then we have to go find her! We can use the return address" she said. "Gold.... I'm scared" I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because when my dad took me, I could have overpowered him, but I didn't and with heather, I could have gotten over my anger issues but I didn't. I turned into a villain. I don't think she's gonna want to see me" I said. "She's your mother. She's gonna understand" gold said. "I hope your right" I looked down.

I knocked on the door. We heard a dog barking. A man answered the door. "Jax go outside!" He yelled at the dog. He looked at me. "Who are you?" He asked. This man was tall with short blonde hair and a scruffy beard. "Babe whos at the door?" A woman yelled from the house. She came around the corner and looked over. She saw me and dropped her phone in shock. I caught it with my magic and handed it to her. She took it. "Do you know them?" The man asked. "Um.. I think so. Go do something else" the woman said, patting the man away. He walked off. "Sarah?" She asked me. "Hi mom" I said. Her eyes widened. "I didn't think you'd get the letter" she said. I shrugged not knowing what to say. "Come in" she said.

We sat down on the couch. "So your father gave you magic?" Christy asked. "Uh huh" I said. This is awkward. We sat in silence for a moment. Gold nudged me. "So whos your.. um..?" I asked. "Oh that's Matt, my husband" she said. "Oh ok" I said nervously. He's my step-dad. "Whos your?" She pointed at Gold. I looked over at her. "I'm Regina" she introduced herself. "She's my fiancée" I said. My mom was stunned. "Oh ok!" she said. "I see how you're related" gold whispered to me. I glared at her. She shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "So you're dating the gold arrow?" she asked. I should have known she'd figure it out. "Yeah" I said. "So is it weird that I call you Sarah?" She asked. "No. If you called me Zill I would die" I said with a laugh. She smiled. "So did he change your name?" She asked. "Just my last name. I'm not a Myers anymore. I'm a Roberts" I said. "Not for long" gold coughed. There was another silence. "So how long have you known I was Zill?" I asked. "Oh I knew ever since you first showed up on TV. Even with a mask I couldn't mistake you for anyone" she said. I smiled. There was a knock on the door. Matt got it. "Thanks for watching him" he said and the door shut. A small boy ran in and jumped on my mom. "Mommy!" He yelled. My jaw dropped. "I have a brother?" I asked. The kid looked back and smiled at me. "Uh..." Christy didn't know what to say. I got up and super-sped out of the room. "Sarah wait!" She yelled. "Zill!" Gold yelled, but I was already gone.

Christy's POV
I know where she is. I walked into the backyard. I walked over to a bush and sat down. "I know you're there. No amount of magic can change where you go to hide from me" I said. A black snake slithered out from the bush. I gasped and backed up. "Stop! Its me" she said as she transformed back. I breathed out in relief. "Why did you run away?" I asked. "I saw myself in him. So exited for someone he doesn't know. Someone who has a terrible past and could make his live a living hell" she said. "You are not your father" I said. "But I was. For a short time I was exactly like him" she said. "No you weren't. You were never like your father. I refuse to believe that" I said. She looked down. "I missed you mom" she pouted. I held out my arms and she hugged me. "I missed you too" I said. "I tried so hard to forget you but you were always in my head. I tried to forget you but I couldn't" she said sadly. "I tried to forget you too but seeing you on the news made it hard" I said. We laughed. "When I met Matt I thought I could start over and forget what happened but I couldn't. Looking at Adam just reminds me of what I lost with you" I said. "Adam?" She asked. "He's my son and your brother" I said. She hugged me. "I love you mom" she said. "I love you too" I said. "Will you come to my wedding?" She asked. "Of course" I said. She smiled. "You should go find your fiancée though" I said. "Oh shit" she said. She got up and super-sped away again. I'm never gonna get used to that.

Golds POV
Zill ran out front. "There you are!" I said. "Sorry" she said. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned. She nodded. "My mom is coming to our wedding" she said. "So it worked out?" I asked. She nodded again and hugged me. "Thank you for making me do this" she said. I smiled. "That's what I'm here for" I said. She laughed and kissed me. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" I said.

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