New Kids

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Kayla's POV
I walked up to Alex after class. She smiled at me nervously. "What's wrong with your face?" I asked. She laughed nervously. "Well uh... don't freak out ok? But um... you were right." She said, taking a step back. "About what?" I asked confused. "The arrows are here." she said. My heart stopped. "What?" I asked. She glanced behind me I turned to look. The arrows walked right past us. Full costume and everything. It's not like they knew who we were but still. Gold smirked at me and Alex. "She you in class." She sneered. I huffed as they walked away. Suddenly, Trent popped out from behind a trash can. "Are they gone?" He asked. "What- why were you back there?" I asked. "I don't wanna get jumped!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Well you just might. They all got put in our shooting class." Alex said. "Oh just kill me now then!" Trent said sarcastically. "It'll be fine guys. Let's just go." I sighed. 

Golds POV
It was no surprise that we got put in a shooting class. The tension in that room was like no other though. All the arrows wanted to pounce on Trent, but didn't. The teacher was staring at us the whole class. It was kinda unsettling. "Why's he only staring at me?" Pink whispered. I looked at him and then at her. I guess he is really just looking at Pink. "Pedophile." I shrugged. She got nervous and looked down. "Oh calm down. You'll be fine." I said. She nodded and looked away hesitantly. "Can we please just kill him?" Lime asked. "Who? The pervert?" I asked. "No. What pervert? No, I meant Cyan." She groaned. "Oh. No." I said. She huffed in annoyance. 

Two weeks of school and Zill still hasn't talked to me since that night. It's been killing me. Like an itch under the skin. You can keep clawing at it, but at the end of the day you're just itchy and bloody. She'll have to come back soon though, because our plan has been set, and she's a part of it. I heard a breeze blow the curtain by my balcony. "What's the plan?" Zill asked sternly. Anger flushed through my body. "Hello to you too." I groaned. "I don't have time for your pleasantries. Just tell me the plan." She snapped. "Don't give me that crap. You're really gonna just fly in here and act like what happened didn't happen?" I asked. She stared at me for a minute. "Yeah" she shrugged. I glared at her. "God you're such a bitch." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "At least I'm not crying over a kiss. You did this to yourself Gold. This is what happens when you fall for a villain." She said calmly. "What do you mean!? You stared it!" I exclaimed. She just blinked a few times. I sighed. "You can discuss the plan with the other arrows. I already know it." I pointed to the door. She left, and as soon as the door shut, I punched my mirror. It shattered into a million pieces and my hand bled out. I hissed at the pain and went to my bathroom. I turned on the water to clean my hand and looked in the mirror above the sink. I wish I knew who I was looking at. 

On Friday, we put our plan into action. They were having some dance at school that night so it was perfect. Half way through the dance we left, knowing the heroes would see us and follow us out. So we waited outside until they came. All dressed in their stupid suits. Orange shot an arrow into the ground that set off a smoke bomb. The heroes coughed and waved at the smoke. While they were distracted, Zill dropped in. "Hello Paws. Long time no see" she said. The smoke cleared. "Wow Zill. Never took you for the type that needed help" Paws said. Zill visibly got angrier. She signaled for us to drop in, and when we did, we had the supers surrounded. Paws launched at Zill while the rest of them launched at us. I really don't want to fight right now. I just feel depressed. I saw Pink aiming for Red and stopped her. "I'll handle her." I said, and Pink ran off. "Red!" I yelled. She turned to face me. "Its just you and me. Bring it." I challenged. I knew what she would do. She ran towards me so I pulled out my grappling hook shot it at her. It wrapped it around her and I swung her over to the roof. I retracted my grapple and then shot it again so I could swing over myself.

There was a lower platform behind the roof that hid us from everyone else. When Red hit the roof, she rolled to the edge and was now hanging from the side. "What happened to you Gold? I know you're better than this. I know you wont let me fall." she yelled. "Well, you got one of those right." I reached my hand for her to grab and she did. I pulled her up and brought her over to sit down. She clutched onto me as she limped across the roof. "Sorry about your leg." I sat her down next to me. "What are you doing Gold? Why aren't you fighting me?" she asked confused. I couldn't hold it back any more. I took my mask off and wiped my hands over my face. I took a deep breath and let my head hang low. "Because I need help right now" I admitted. She got confused. "What happened?" I asked. "Zill kissed me." I looked over at her. Her eyebrows shot up in shock. "It actually was a little more than a kiss... and then she bolted out and left me there. And now she refuses to talk about it. I told her how I felt, and she kissed me... I mean am I crazy for thinking that means something?" I asked. "No you're not. I'm so sorry Gold. There really isn't much I can do for you. You're just gonna have to find a way to work things out." She shrugged. I nodded. "I know... I just had to get it off my chest. How's Alex?" I asked. "She's fine. Oh, and thank you for not letting the others jump Trent." She said. We chuckled. "No problem. We may be enemies but, we gotta have some class right?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, and by the way, I want pay back for my leg. So I'm gonna have to throw you back into the courtyard." she said. I sighed. "Could you at least aim for the grass?" I asked. "We'll see." She shrugged. 

I landed in the grass. Before I could even get up, Zill threw me over her shoulder and we all left. I guess the hero's won. We got back to HQ, and before Zill could leave, I snatched her cape. "Hey, what the-" I cut her off. "Shut up. You're gonna listen to me." I snapped. She raised an eyebrow. "You need to grow up Zill. I understand that bad shit has happened to you. It happens to a lot of people. You want proof? Then look around. We've all had bad shit happen. The difference is, I surround myself with people that help to numb the pain. You would rather push away anyone near you so that you can continue feeling sorry for yourself. I love my team, and I love you. I have for a long time. And as weird as it is, you actually do help me feel better Zill. And I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry that I clearly couldn't do the same for you. So you think that over, and go ahead and keep feeling sorry for yourself. And if you get the balls to actually open up, I'll be here. But otherwise, you can go fuck yourself, cause I'm done." I said. I let go of her cape and she just stared at me. I glared at her. "Why are you just standing there? Don't you have somewhere to be?" I snapped. She hesitated but nodded. "Yeah I do, but suddenly I feel unwelcome there." She looked me dead in the eye. My eyes widened a little, but before I could say anything, she left.

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