The Friend

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Aurelia's POV
I walked into class and saw the seating arrangement had changed. I found my name on the back table and sat down. A few tables down from me, Heather was sitting with a girl Id never seen before. I watched them talk for a moment. They seemed to be having a normal conversation. Heather was laughing about whatever and the other shoved her arm playfully. My eye twitched as a fire lit inside me. I wanted to get up, go over there, and drag that girl to the tile, but I was interrupted. "Hey Aurora." I heard. I looked over and saw Darren sit down beside me. "It's Aurelia. What do you want?" I asked, disgusted. He smells weird. "Uh, to sit at my seat?" He raised an eyebrow. I looked down and saw his name on the sticky note. "Shit." I mumbled. "So what have you been up too?" He asked. "Minding my business." I replied, looking away. "Hey! What'd I do?" He asked. "You opened your mouth. Now shut up. The teacher is talking." I snapped. 

Heather's POV
"So that's your girlfriend?" Kayla asked. I met her a few days ago in math class. "Yeah." I nodded. She looked back at Aura and raised an eyebrow. "And how long have you been together?" she asked skeptically. "A month." I said. "Right... maybe you should quit while you're ahead." She said. "Why?" I asked. I looked back and saw her scowling at Darren beside her. I looked back at Kayla confused. "Looks like Darren is interested. He usually gets what he wants." She warned. "Aura won't let him." I shook my head. "Are you sure? Cause I'd be worried if my girlfriend got mixed up with him." She said. I shook my head again. "No way. I trust her." I smiled. Kayla shrugged. "Whatever you say." She looked back to her paper. 

"Hey. I um- I saw you with Darren in class today." I said. Aura groaned. "I can't believe I have to sit with that knucklehead." She shook her head. I smiled. "I'm glad to hear you say that. My friend was worried that you were gonna leave me for him." I said. "What!? God no!" she shouted. I chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't" I smiled. She wrapped her arm around me. "Why don't we go out tonight?" She suggested. "Where?" I asked. She shrugged. "It'll be a surprise when I pick you up." She said. I chuckled. "Ok. Sure." I smiled. "Ok. I'll see you later. I gotta get to class." she said. She kissed my cheek and ran off. 

I stared up at the neon lights in confusion. "What's a roller rink?" I asked. "You're gonna love it. Come on." Aura dragged me inside. She paid for us and sat me at a table. "Wait here. I'll be right back." She said. She ran off and I just sat there confused. "Heather!" Kayla walked up to me. I smiled and stood up. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here with my girlfriend Alex. I can't find her though." She said. "Oh nice. I'm here with Aura." I smiled. "You better get your skates on then. Oh hey, there she is! I'll see ya." Kayla walked away. Aura walked up behind me. "Who was that?" she asked. "Huh? Oh that's my friend Kayla." I smiled. "Right... well anyway, here." she handed me two shoes with wheels on them. "This looks dangerous." I said. "That's why it's fun. Now put them on." she said. "If you insist." I shrugged. 

Aura held my hand as we skated along the wall. I clutched onto her for dear life. God I wish I could use my powers. Charlie says I shouldn't use them in front of her. "You know, I thought you'd be better at this since it's almost like zero gravity." Aura laughed. "First off, this is nothing like that. Second, it's been a year since I was in space. And third, this is not funny!" I exclaimed. She just laughed some more. "It's a little funny." She said. I suddenly started wobbling and eventually fell. Aura laughed, but Kayla was nearby and came over to help me up. "Are you ok?" She reached her hand out to me. Aura stopped laughing immediately. I had never seen her look so mad. She zoomed over to us and practically jumped on Kayla. "Oh no! Are you ok? I'm so sorry." Aura faked. I looked at her confused. Aura stood up and helped me up. Kayla got up. "Yeah I'm ok. It's alright." Kayla said. Aura grabbed my hand and dragged me away to the arcade. 

"Why do you do that? You crashed into her on purpose!" I said. "I'm sorry. I just don't like that girl." She crossed her arms. "Why not? She's my friend!" I said. "I don't like the way she is with you. The way you are with her. You're so happy and always laughing. You're not like that with me!" she exclaimed. I was taken back. "Aura, she has a girlfriend. Look!" I pointed. She looked behind me at Kayla and Alex holding hands and skating together. "And I have you. Why would I want anyone else?" I asked. "I don't know! I just... I wish you were like that with me." She said. She skated to a table and sat down. I followed her and sat down beside her. "Aura, I'm real with you. You're the only one who known how I really feel about things. I would never tell anyone the things I've told you." I said. "I know. I know! I'm a horrible person." She looked down. "No. You're not. It's ok to get jealous. I was when you were talking with Darren." I said. "Yeah, but you know I'd never do anything like that." She said. "I know. But, why do you think I would do something like that?" I asked. "I don't... I'm just scared. I don't want to lose you." She said. I put my hand over top of hers. I put my other hand on the side of her face and pulled her to look at me. "I'm not going anywhere." I smiled. She got red. She slid her hand to my neck and leaned forward. My eyes widened and my heart started racing. She kissed me for a quick second and pulled away, beat red. My jaw dropped slightly and she smiled. "Sorry, I-" I pulled her lips to mine before she could finish. I never wanted to part from her kiss again. But we did pull back and I smiled at her. "Damn Heather. Thanks for the PDA." Kayla was standing behind me. I turned to her. "Sorry." I blushed. She shrugged. "My keys got stuck in your skate when I fell." She pointed. I looked down at my skate. Sure enough, her key was sticking out of it. "Oh. Sorry. How did I not feel that?" I asked myself. I grabbed it and raised an eyebrow at her keychain. It's a red arrow head. "Thanks. I'll see you at school." She took her keys and left. 

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