Dance with your Double

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Heathers POV
I'm walking to class with Aura. "The schools having another dance this weekend. Do you wanna go?" I asked. She looked over at me and I smiled. "I don't know babe. I'm not really in a party mood." She said. I frowned. "Ok. We don't have to go if you don't want too." I said. She sighed. "Do you really wanna go?" she asked. I got red. "Kinda." I admitted. She smiled. "Then we'll go." She caved in. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you Aura, and I promise we'll do whatever you want next weekend." I said. She giggled. "You're gonna be late to class babe." She smiled down at me. I looked up at her. "Do you wanna just skip it?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow. "What's happening? Are you really asking to skip class?" she asked, impressed. I shrugged. "I want to spend more time with you." I said. She smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "Come on. Let's ditch this place." She took my hand we ran off down the hall. 

Earth 32
Paws POV
I need to get more people involved in this. Why should I have all the fun of torturing the other world? I flew to the top of a building late at night. Its how I summon her. "Mystic!" I yelled. She flew out of the dark and landed in front of me. "What do you want?" She asked. "I need you to gather Weather Vane and Zip" I said. "Why would I help you?" she laughed. "Because I have a plan that you'll definitely want in on." I said. "I doubt that." She rolled her eyes. I sighed. "I'll pay you." I said. "Ooh! Now we're talking. How much?" She asked. "I'll give you three hundred." I said. "Each?" She asked. "No." I spat. "Five hundred." She said. "Total?" I asked. She nodded. "Deal." I said. We shook hands and she flew off. 

Now I'm in my lab waiting for people to show. Mystic is here, counting her cash, but no one else is here yet. "Are they coming?" I asked. "Be patient. You should feel lucky I got them to come at all." She said. I growled and looked away. "Aw is the wittle puppy angwy?" she asked in a baby voice. "Shut up!" I yelled. "Make me." She smirked. I was gonna yell again but then Zip ran in. "Ugh! Horrible timing! I was about to con her into giving me more money!" Mystic snapped. "You were not." I growled. "I could've, had speedy not showed up." She said. "Shut up Mystic." Zip said. Weather Vane walked in. "Ok. Let's get this over with." She said. "Yes. Let's." I agreed. I tapped a button on the table and a screen popped up that showed Earth 31. "What is that?" Mystic asked. "A parallel world. And I can get us all there." I said. "And why would we wanna go there?" Weather Vane asked. "In this world, all of us are heroes. Imagine what'd happen to them if we caused hell over there and left them clean it up. The public would turn on them. Cast them out as villains. It'd be hilarious. Or, you can go my route, and settle for killing your other half." I said. "Ha! That's what this is for? Damn, those daddy issues are really getting to you huh? You're gonna kill yourself without dying? That's crazy." Mystic said. My eye twitched and I ignored her. "Do you wanna go or not?" I asked. 

Earth 31
Reds POV
Here we go. We're at the dance and everyone is in the gym right now. Zill and the 32s are in the cafeteria. I have to find heather and tell her. Charlie didn't pick up when we called. We already told her friends and they're here with us. Maybe I should get Aurelia to do this. "Apollo I need you to follow me." I said, and she walked with me. I walked into the cafeteria and she stopped dead in her tracks. "What the-?" She said. "Apollo, these are the arrows from a parallel universe and they say that Paws, well the evil Paws, is coming with more villains. We need you to help us" I explained it slowly so I wouldn't have to repeat it. She just stared at them for a minute and then bolted out of the room. Aurelia sighed. "I'll handle it." She ran after her.

Heathers POV
I cant do this. Things were finally getting better around here and now this happens. I called Charlie. "Charlie I need your help. A bunch of villains from a parallel world are coming and I don't know what to do!" I said. "Wait what?!" he said shocked. "What do I do?" I asked. "Apollo, hold on. I'll be there soon" he said. "Ok" I said and hung up. "Heather?" Aura asked. I looked over at her. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared." I said. "Why? You've dealt with worse." She said. "Yes but... things were finally normal. It seems like I can never get a break." I said. Aura pulled me into her arms. "We'll get a break sooner or later. I promise. It's gonna be ok." She said. I looked up at her sadly. "Right now, these people need your help. So come on. You're Paws! You can do this." She said. I just stared at her for a second and then kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she pulled me closer by my waist. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." She smiled. I pulled away from her and she took my hand in hers. "Are you ready?" she asked. I nodded.

We walked back into the cafeteria and the floor started shaking. "They're here." Zill 32 said. "What are we waiting for then?" I asked. I snapped my suit on and we ran outside. I gulped seeing the other version of myself. "Hello Paws." She smirked. She pounced on me, grabbed me tightly, and bolted into the city. We crashed into the roof of some building. "Sorry for the crash landing. But I just wanted you to myself." She said. "It's so weird that that actually makes sense." I said. She rolled her eyes and jumped me again.

Charlies POV
I know something is wrong. I'm flying to the school right now. I tracked the call and saw Apollo was near the cafeteria, so I went in there. Looks like the kids evacuated the dance. This place is empty. I walked into the cafeteria and saw a dark shadow. "Hello Charlie" The figure said. I recognize that voice. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked. "Hard to forget it. If I did, I think that'd make me a bad husband." He walked into the light. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Zed?" I asked. "Hey babe." He greeted. "You came from the other world... with the villains?" I asked. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just needed Heathers help to build the portal. I've been trying to get back to you for years now." He said. "I... I thought you were dead." I said. He huffed a laugh. "For a long time, I wished I was." He said. He walked to me and reached for my hands. I pulled them back in fear. "Charlie, it's me." He raised an eyebrow. "I know but... it's like I'm talking to a ghost." I said. He sighed. "I'm sorry it took me so long." He said. "What? Don't apologize. I'm just glad you're alive." I smiled. He smiled back. I hesitated but hugged him. He hugged back. "I missed you so bad." He mumbled. "I missed you too." I said. We hugged for a second later before realization hit me. I pushed away from him. "The girls! She's gonna get herself killed! I gotta help her." I said. "What why?" He asked. "Long story, but I vowed to protect her and I can't let her die." I said. "Ok. Then let's go." He shrugged and came with me.

Paws 31 POV
We've been fighting for a while and she's barely taken a scratch. Damn I must suck if I cant even fight myself. "You're weak heather" she said. "I noticed." I groaned. She's standing over me as I lay on the ground in pain. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "You've got such a perfect little life. While mine has only been filled with pain and suffering. Every time I get something good in my life, it gets ripped away from me! So maybe, if I get rid of you, the roles will reverse, and I won't have to suffer anymore!" She yelled. She kicked me off the building and I caught onto the edge. I flew up and she blasted at me. I created a force field around me. "You think my life is great? Maybe it is, but you have no idea what I've been through! My parents were murdered! I lived on the moon for half my life! I've had to adapt to a new world, new friends, new powers, new everything! And every day I wake up feeling like I'm not good enough! Like every day I strive to be better, but I know I'm not. I'm still just that stupid girl from the moon who can't walk straight! Maybe my life looks better on the surface, but I guarantee you I'm living in enough pain even without you blasting at me!" I yelled. I flew down and landed after she stopped. "My mind is constantly swelling with all the shit I've been through, and you have the nerve to tell me that my life is perfect? Well guess what? You're wrong." I dropped the force field. She just stared at me for a moment. "Maybe we're not so different." She shrugged. "No. Because even though I've had it rough, I put on a smile and try to make the best out of life. You don't even try." I growled. She huffed. "What should I be happy about?" She asked. "I don't know! Find something!" I exclaimed. She crossed her arms. "Damn what cat crapped in your coffee?" She asked. "You did." I snapped. She shrugged. "Yeah that sounds right." She said. I rolled my eyes. "You wanna feel good about something? Maybe try saving people instead of hurting them." I said. "Ha! No." She said. "Ugh! Why do I even try?" I asked. I sat down on a nearby air conditioner. 

Charlie and some other guy flew in. "Wow. You're not fighting?" He asked. "No. She's just bitching at me." Heather 32 said. "That's cause you're a bitch!" I said. "I'm also you." She said. "Heather cut it out." The other guy said. "Who is he?" I asked Charlie. "That's Zed. My husband." He said. "I thought he was dead." I said. "You and me both." He said. "I was just trying to make her good, but she refuses." I pointed at Heather 32. "Yeah, not happening." She said. "Oh it'll happen." Zed said. "Excuse me?" Heather 32 asked. "You heard me. It'll happen with you and all your friends. I'll make sure of it." He said. "What? You can't just-" She started to speak but he raised an eyebrow and she backed off. "Ok fine." She caved. "Damn. I like him." I said. Charlie laughed. "Yeah, just wait until he does that to you." He rolled his eyes.

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