Techna and Virus

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Paws POV
These Dinotron attacks are getting out of control. They keep attacking the city. Yesterday it took us six hours to beat them. Whoever is making these must be a tech genius because they're getting harder to defeat. Zap said she had an idea to beat them though.

"Hey paws" Zap greeted. "Hey Zap. What's your idea?" I asked. "The Dinotrons are robots, so if we can find just one of their motherboards, then I might be able to track it to its source" she said. "So it would have to be in tact?" I asked. "Yeah You can destroy the bot. Just not the board" she said. "This is gonna be difficult." I sighed.

"Weather vane! Secure the tail" I yelled. Zap is trying to get the board out. She thinks its in its head. "Got it!" She yelled. "Great now move so we can destroy it" I said. She jumped down. Some of the functions started to fail but its still running. Damn, the person who made this had a failsafe and everything. Weather Vane and I killed it. "Now we can figure out who did this" Zap said. I hope she's right.

Techna's POV
I got a notification on one of my computers. "Your mainframe has been hacked." It read. I knew the hero's would get smart eventually. This is all just part of the plan. "Virus! They fell for it!" I yelled. My brother, Virus, walked out to me. We're dog mutants. He's got green ears and a green tail, while mine are pink. Virus is a super-mutant. He has the power of illness. "Perfect. Now we move on to the next stage of the plan." He smirked. "Good luck brother." I said. He ignored me and walked away.

August POV
I was in speed class and we were running around the track as a warm up. Out of no where though, Apollo just collapsed. I ran to her and bent down. "Apollo!" I shook her. She didn't respond. "Crap." I cursed. I picked her up and ran her over to the teacher.

I'm driving Apollo home. She's still passed out. The nurse said that she is definitely sick. Charlie took her to the lab. "Is she ok?" I asked. He scanned her and his eyes widened. "No... no she's not and you need to go get yourself checked" he said. "Why?" I asked. "She has some sort of virus and its highly contagious" he said. He scanned me and sighed. "Ok you're good, but you should leave" he said. "What about you and Arc?" I asked. "Glitchens can't get sick and Gabe is technically part computer so I think he'll be fine. I cant get sick from a human disease because I'm an alien but you can" he said. I nodded and left. I need to call Aurelia.

Heathers POV
I'm in a white room. I think its the room where we reformed Zill. I can feel my powers but I'm to weak to use them. I'm just laying on a bench. "Apollo, you're awake!" Charlie said over the speaker. "Mhm" I hummed. I'm too tired to talk. "Apollo you picked up a very contagious disease at school. Do you know where you could have got it?" he asked. I closed my eyes in thought. When I was running I saw something. It was a blur but I remember it being green. It was a person. "I saw a guy. He was green I think. I don't know its blurry" I said. "Ok Apollo just rest" he said.

Charlies POV
A green guy doesn't give me much to work with. "Charlie!" Aurelia ran up to me. "What happened?" She asked. "She has a bad disease Aurelia. I would let you see her but you cant. At school, did you see anyone new?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Guys you may want to see this" Gabe said, coming around the corner. He projected the news onto the wall.
"It seems that a highly contentious disease is spreading across the state. Will our hero's be able to stop it or is this something the people have to do themselves" it said. Gabe stopped projecting it. "That's not good" I said. 

Virus POV
My plan is working. Paws is down and the hero's are nothing without their strongest player. "Hey Virus?" Techna asked. "What?" I snapped. "If you wanted to get rid of their strongest then why didn't you go after Zill?" She asked. "I don't know who Zill is you idiot" I snapped. She looked away. I sighed. "I only know who paws is because you spied on her when she stole the motherboard. Zill is to smart to fall for that" I said.

Zill's POV
If Apollo is down, that puts me in charge. I don't wanna be in charge. I would probably end up killing half of our friends. "Zill we need you!" Gold yelled from the live room. I walked out to see them all suited up. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. "We're going to help with the Dinotrons and you're coming with us" gold said. I sighed and snapped on my suit. "Ok" I said.

"Holy shit!" I yell. That's a big dinosaur. "Well that's new" Red says. "What kind of dinosaur even is that?" Blue yelled. "Don't know, don't care, just kill it" I yelled. I saw Silver and Pink using their new powers, and something behind them caught my eye. There's a green dog. Apollo saw a green person before she dropped... which makes this dog a mutant. "Guys move!" I yelled. They didn't hear me. Weather Vane and Lightning jumped to push them out of the way but they all got hit as a result. We stopped the Dinotron but they were infected. 

We went to the lab. "Four people in one" Charlie said angrily. "I saw him" I said and he looked up. "You did?" He asked. "Well sorta. I saw a green dog right before they got hit" I said. "If you saw him then he must have been aiming for you" Charlie said. "Somehow, he found out who Apollo was and now he wants me" I said. "If that's true then whoever is behind the Dinotrons must be working with this guy" he said. "It also means we should take that motherboard away from Khloe" I said. He nodded.

Chloe's POV
I feel like I got shot. It hurts so bad. "Hey Chloe" Apollo greeted. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "We're infected" she said. I'm sitting in a corner. Lea is across from me in the other corner. Apollo and Brittany are on the bench. Carly is curled up in a ball shivering on the floor. "Sil you good?" Apollo asked. "N-n-nope" she shivered. She looks like she's freezing. Now that I look at it, Brittany looks like she's melting. She's burning up. I think their powers are taking a toll on them.

Charlies POV
Turns out we were being tracked by that motherboard. But now we do know where they are. We were able to find out the dogs name too. Virus... very fitting. The lights just flickered. "What the hell?" I asked. "Figured you'd be happier to see me" zed said. I turned around and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "We're connected remember. Silver, Pink, Lightning, Weather Vane, and I are here because something happened to your version of us" heather 32 said. "Yeah I'm actually very glad your here" I said. We don't stand a chance without them.

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