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Reds POV
Green and Cyan were friends behind the masks. If she'll talk to anyone, it'll be him. Now I'm standing in front of his door. I don't want to do this. He doesn't wanna see me. That much I know. He knows who I am because he was so close with Alex. I knocked on the door. It opened and I'm met with a tall boy with blonde hair that's dyed blue in the front. "Nice hair" I said with a laugh. He shut the door. "Shit!" I cursed. I knocked again. "Go away!" he yelled. "I need to talk to you!" He didn't respond. "It's about Alex!" I said. There was a short silence, but then he opened the door. "Come in" he groaned. "You have a nice house." I complimented. "What do you want?" he asked. "Cyan I-" I was cut off. "Ah ah ah, not my name. Not anymore." he said. "Trent, I need you to talk to Alex. She wont listen to me." I said. "Good. She shouldn't." he walked into the next room. "Have you not seen the news? I'm good now! And I'm trying to make her good too." I said. "Why should I believe what the tv says? For all I know you're planning something to fool them." he said. "No Trent. I really am good, and I know Alex has it in her too. Please, I need Cyan to talk to her." I said. "There's a reason I quit Red" he snapped.

Cyans POV
"Move out" Red said. We got to the neighborhood and saw our next target. We went through the normal procedure. Pink and Silver distracting the home owners. Blue and Purple stopping them from getting off task. Everyone going in to destroy the place. Orange setting it on fire, and then all of us watching outside. That's when I saw it. In the house there were two little girls around with their grandma. Their parents were probably still trapped inside, but they were doing everything they could to get that old woman out of the house. I got flashbacks of my own grandfather. I did everything I could think of, but I couldn't save him in time. From the looks of things, neither will these girls. That's when I realized that this was wrong. I saw my self in those kids. About to lose the one they loved. I sighed and rushed inside. I picked up the small old lady. "Come on girls. Run outside." I said, leading the way. They ran after me and I put the lady down. "Sorry ma'am." I apologized. "Thank you Cyan!" one of the girls hugged my leg and I just stood there shocked. It felt nice to have helped her. I smiled down at her and patted her head. "You're welcome. You all stay put until the cops arrive." I said. 

When I met up with the arrows again, they were not happy. "Dude what the hell?" Orange snapped. "Why would you help them?" Purple asked. "I'm sorry. I just... I saw myself in those kids. I couldn't let them lose everything like I did. No one deserves this pain." I said. "What do you mean? We've done this for years and now you're just gonna backfire?" Gold asked. "I cant do this anymore! The hurting, the secrets, its too much! This is all wrong!" I exclaimed. "If that's too much for you Cyan, than leave." Red pointed her finger away. "My name is not Cyan." I dropped my mask. "I think I'll go back to Trent from now on. I'm done with your bullshit." I snapped. They left me there and I turned myself in.

*End of flashback*
Kayla's POV
"I know you left for a reason, what we did is wrong and I'm sorry I couldn't see it sooner, but please, if you come with me you can be a hero Cyan. Only you can make her see the truth, so go help her see it!" I said. "I spent years in juvie because of the arrows. You think what happened to our families was bad? Spend a while in there. I bet you'll change your thinking." He tole me. "Trent, I will do anything. Anything at all if you just come with me and talk to my wife. Please. I don't know what I could possibly do to make up for all the pain I put you through, but I promise I will do whatever you want." I pleaded. He didn't say anything. He just walked to his room. I followed him. "Come on Trent, will you please just-" He opened his closet and I stopped talking. "You still have it" I said shocked. He had his jacket and his arrows. "Of course I do, arrows for life right?" He grabbed them out of his closet. "Does that still fit you?" I asked. He chuckled. "I got a new one. I may hate you guys, but I can't deny you were an important part of my life." He smiled. I reached in my jacket and pulled out his old mask. "I brought this for you." I handed it to him. He stared at it for a moment before taking it. "Thank you... Red." He said. I smiled. "Come on. Green needs you." I said. 

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