The Fight

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Heathers POV
"Ok ready?" Charlie asks. "Ready" I nodded. He waved his hands in a circle, creating an orb of magic. I reached out and stuck my hands in it. He did the same. A large blast came from the orb and I fell to the ground. "Are you ok?" Charlie asked. "Yeah. What exactly was that again?" I asked. "Something your father asked me to do. It links us together. I can feel whenever you're hurt, and I can track you wherever you are. And you can do the same to me." He explained. "That doesn't sound legal." I said, standing up. "It's not. Just don't mention it." He said.  

"Charlie can you turn on the television?" I asked. "Just hit the red button on the remote." He said. "But it scares me!" I exclaimed. "What?" He looked at me confused. "How does clicking this button turn on that black box? It doesn't make sense!" I said. Charlie sighed and took the remote. He pointed it at the television and pressed the button. It didn't come on and he got confused. "Is this thing dead?" He looked at the remote confused. "Oh no. It heard me." I shrunk. Charlie rolled his eyes. Suddenly, the tv glitched to life and I jumped. "Really?" Charlie looked at me disappointedly. I laughed nervously. The screen continued to glitch and we looked at it confused. Then a dark figure appeared in front of a black background. "Hello Paws." The figure smiled. "Is that-?" I asked in shocked. "Zill." Charlie confirmed. "I've broadcasted this message to everyone in central Orlando, so I know you're seeing this. I would like to propose a meeting between you and I. No strings attached. Just come meet me at our parents old warehouse. If you knew your parents at all, you should know where it is. See you there." The message cut out. We just stared at the screen for a moment. "I feel insulted." I said, still confused. "That's cause you were just insulted." Charlie said. "So... should I go?" I asked. "You have to. You don't know what she'll do if you don't." He said. "Ok." I gulped.

Charlie gave me address of the warehouse Zill was talking about. It seemed desolate. Like no one had been here in years. I walked inside and saw that the whole place was a mess. I could feel I was being watched. In the center of the room there was a large open container of this familiar blue liquid. The container went up to my waist. Fascinated, I reached out to touch it, but was cut off. "I wouldn't do that. Not unless you want to lose the hand." I heard. "Zill. Where are you?" I looked around. She chuckled. "So you're the hero people want me to fight? Ha! You look like a kid." She said. "I am a kid, and so are you!" I said. "I meant a little kid dumbass! With all those colors on your costume, you're an eye sore." She said. "Oh yeah? And what's your costume? Straight black?" I asked sarcastically. She jumped down in front of me and I jumped. "Bingo!" She exclaimed. Her costume actually is straight black. She's shorter than me, and she's got long black hair with grey eyes. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." She snapped. I straightened up and crossed my arms. "What do you want Zill?" I asked. "Just to talk." She smiled. I took a step back. "No really. I just want to chat." She said. "Is that why you just threatened to cut my hand off?" I asked. "What? No. Are you stupid? That blue shit, is Cytosine. You space bitches call it moon water? It's what gave us our powers. And once it's ingested, it becomes toxic. We've got the metabolism of Tublos. That's why this crap will kill us if we get close." She explained. "You curse a lot." I pointed out. "I have anger issues!" She snapped. "I noticed." I said plainly. Her eye twitched and she took a deep breath. 

"Look, I just want to talk." She said. "About what?" I asked. "We don't have to be enemies. I don't have any desire to be like my dad. I could work with you." She suggested. I looked at her for a moment and then laughed. "That's a weird joke." I laughed. She frowned. "I'm not joking." She said. "Why should I believe you? You insulted me in front of all of central Orlando. And then you just now called me stupid and threatened to cut off my hand! Why would I ever work with a villain like you?" I asked, genuinely confused. Her brow slowly furrowed as her anger rose. She took another deep breath. "Fine." She said calmly. I raised an eyebrow and she blasted me into the wall. I looked up in shock as she flew into the air. "You want me to be evil? Then so be it!" She shouted. She blasted at me again but I flew out of the way. I zipped around and got ready to punch her, but she ducked down, grabbed my leg, swirled me around, and threw me into another wall. I groaned in pain as I hit the ground. She slowly flew down to me and stood over me. "You still wanna face me?" She growled. She squatted down to me. "You're no match for my power Paws. You better quit while you're still breathing." She warned. I huffed angrily. "In your dreams." I snapped. I swung up my legs and kicked her back as hard as I could. She was sent flying back but quickly caught herself and shot back at me. I flew at her and shot her down into the ground by her collarbone. She launched her feet into my stomach, sending me flying into the ceiling. Then she blasted at me and I quickly blasted back. When our magic met in the middle, it exploded and I fell from the ceiling. I groaned in pain and Zill grabbed me by my cape. She lifted me up, grabbed my neck, and slammed me back against the container of Cytosine. My eyes widened and I glanced back at the blue liquid in fear. I clawed at her hand but her super strength was much stronger than mine. "What did I tell you Paws? You're no match for me." She growled. I noticed the veins in my hands and in her arm were glowing blue. We're being infected. I needed to get away, but I could hardly breathe, so I did the only thing I could think of. I turned my finger nails into claws and scratched at Zill's face. She groaned and let me go. I took my chance and darted out of there immediately. 

Charlie gave me the antidote to the Cytosine infection. I had to skip school for a few days though. Zill really drained a lot of my energy. "I didn't know she was that powerful. She's almost at the same power level of an actual Tublo. You'll have to train harder to deal with her." Charlie said. "Ok." I agreed. There was a knock on the door. Charlie went to go get it and then came back in. "Your girl is here." He said. I looked up as Aura walked to me. I smiled and stood up. "Hey babe." I smiled. She punched my shoulder. "Ow! Hey, what was that for?" I asked, rubbing my shoulder. "You left me on read for two whole days! I got worried." She snapped. "Oh... sorry. I was... sick." I lied. "And you couldn't have told me that?" She asked. I glanced back at Charlie and he shook his head. He doesn't want me to tell her the truth. "I'm sorry Aura." I looked down. "It's fine. Are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm ok." I smiled. She hugged me. "Just say something next time, ok?" She asked. I nodded. "I will." I said. I looked at Charlie and he just shook his head again. I looked back down. I wish this wasn't a secret. 

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