New Year New Students

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Heathers POV
"Hey guys" I sat with my friends in the courtyard. "Hey! Did you see the new girls?" Chloe asked. "You gotta be more specific than that. There's like, a hundred freshman girls who are new. It's a new year. I have no idea who you're talking about." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Over there." she pointed across the courtyard and I turned to look. "Put your hand down! It's not nice to point!" August smacked Chloe's hand down. There's three girls sitting in the middle of the courtyard by the planter. "What's so special about them?" I asked. "I just think their weird. They're dressed in all black. They haven't said one word to each other since they got here but yet they haven't separated either. And! They've all got the same powers as you. In fact, they have more powers than you!" Chloe explained. "What?! Actually?" I asked shocked. "Why do you care about that?" Aura asked confused. "I just... I've never met anyone with my powers, or more, that wasn't affected by cytosine. I mean, other than the Tublos, I didn't know that was possible." I said. "When supers pro-create, the powers usually get passed down. After a while, it's understandable that someone could have that many powers. Although, usually, the body can't handle the magic transfer, and will instead get rid of all power to make a human. That's the only reason humans still exist at this point." August said. We looked at him confused. "How the hell did you know that? You don't pay attention to anything in class." I said. "I was up all night studying and I'm reciting it to myself in my head right now. I have a test today." He said. I looked back at the girls. "I'm gonna go talk to them." I said. "Good luck with that." Aura said. 

I walked up to them and smiled. "Hi." I greeted. They looked over at me. "I'm Apollo." I introduced myself. "We know." They said in unison. Those two words intimidated me. I raised an eyebrow and took a step back. "Sorry. We've just... seen you around." the blonde said. "But you're new?" I said confused. "I'm Emma." The blonde ignored me and held out her hand. I shook it. "These are my sisters, Astro and Layla." She pointed. "You guys look nothing like each other." I said shocked. They shrugged. "That's a common occurrence in our family." Astro said. "Right. Ok." I said, still confused. "We're triplets. I'm the eldest, Layla's the middle, and Emma is the youngest." Astro explained. "She didn't ask." Emma snapped. "Nobody asked you either." Astro snapped back. Emma was shorter than both of them and had blonde hair. Layla was the tallest and had brown hair. Astros height was between both of them and had long black hair. I looked at Layla who was just watching the other two bicker in disappointment. "Anyway, I heard that you guys had a lot of powers and I wanted to ask if you were Aliens. I've just never seen another person with so many abilities." I said. "We're not aliens." Layla said. "Oh wow. That's impressive." I said. Emma and Astro were still glaring at each other. "Maybe it'd be better to talk to them during Above. I don't think you'll get anything out of them right now." Layla suggested. "Yeah you're probably right. I'll see you later." I waved and walked away. 

Emma is in my magical creatures class. She sits in front of me. She seems normal, but I don't know what it is about her. Something's just off to me. The phone rang and the professor picked it up. He talked to someone for a minute and then hung up. "Ms. Fate, you've been signed out by a friend. Have a nice day." He said. Emma stood up, grabbed her stuff, and left.

I went to lunch with my friends at the sports bar. "Do friends normally pick people up to go home?" I asked. August shook his head no. "So then why did Emma get called out of class by a friend?" I asked. They shrugged. "Why do you care?" Aura asked. "I don't know. Something about them is just giving me bad vibes" I said. "Heather, I love you but I think all these villains have been messing with your brain. They're just normal people" Aura said. I huffed. I don't buy it. Something's up, I know it.

Emma's POV
"Ready to go back to hell?" I asked, as Astro pulled the car into the driveway. "Yep. I can't believe they fell for that 'friend signed us out' crap." Astro said as she parked the car. We got out of the car and walked inside. We went straight to one of the spare bedrooms and opened the door. A portal opened in the doorframe. "After you" I gestured to Layla. She walked through the portal and Astro shoved me through before coming in herself. She closed the door behind us and I glared at her. "Welcome home Fates." We heard. A three headed dog ran up to us and jumped up on Layla. "What the- Cerberus? Ugh! You brought the dog?" Astro asked annoyed. I looked over at the tall man in our house. He's got bright blue hair spiked up on his head and a very muscular build. "What do you want Hades? You called us out of school so this better be good." Astro said. I jumped in front of him before he could speak. I cleared my throat and changed my voice to sound like his. "Girls, I am very disappointed with you. I told you no meddling on earth! I let you return here free of charge, but I wont let you destroy this world too." I mocked him. Astro and Layla chuckled. Hades hair went a flame and we smirked back at him. "Oh come on. You know I was right." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Don't push your luck Fates. The only reason I let you return to this world is because my daughter requested it. Now, get back to work." He growled. We huffed and went back to our stations. 

This is our string room. It's literally where we make the strings. Well, at least where I make the string. I'm the spinner after all. I spin the strings of life and I can see into the future. Layla measures the lifespan of the string and can see the present. Astro has to cut the strings of life when they're ripe and she can see into the past. Those are our jobs as the three Fates. "Couldn't even get through one day of classes. How stupid." I groaned. "You must have known though. Didn't you see it?" Astro asked. "No Astro. I tend to like a few surprises now and then. That's why I don't look into my own future, or any of yours." I said.  "We know!" They said. "Then why do you ask?" I snapped. They looked away. Layla went on her phone. "We should have stayed on Earth 3." She grumbled. "You think I'm happy to be here? With Hades breathing down my neck all the damn time?" I asked. "You're married to his daughter. What do you expect?" Astro asked. "Yeah? And who's fault is that?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "You guys really think we're here because Quinn asked for us to come back? Hades doesn't give a shit about her! We're here because we were sent to Earth 3 to fix everything that was wrong there and we failed. Our time spent there gave us all scars. So will you two stop the fighting and just shut up? We're here now to start a new life with the re-birth. So focus on that." Layla snapped. We backed down. Layla doesn't speak up a lot, so we know better than to talk now. 

I knew Heather would be brought back to life. After our failure on Earth 3, we came back here. This earth is the only one that us Greek gods and goddesses actually exist. In other universes, we exist as other species like humans or aliens. We were sent to Earth 3 to fix it since our counterparts on that earth were dead. We were there for years and Astro and I even got into relationships with humans. Things went sideways though and now we're back. I've been married to Hades daughter, Quinn, for two years now. The long distance made it easier since we don't actually love each other, but now I'm sure Hades will be up our asses to spend time together. When we came back here, we were just in time to see what happened to Heather, so we decided to have some fun and go up to earth to start a new life.

Astros POV
Hades is pissed at us for going to the surface. He's such a hypocrite. He acts like he didn't have any fun in his glory days. Besides his days are supposed to be over anyway. A long time ago, the gods agreed on The Second Degree. Its an agreement that states that all the original gods, like Hades, Zeus, Persephone, all of them, would produce an heir and then die. Hades is literally the only one that hasn't killed himself yet. The Fates have already been doing that for years. My sisters and I are the sixth generation. Hades has two children. He just refuses to die because he's a pussy. He says he's to busy being kind of hell to deal with it, but that's just a lame excuse. He's always trying to order us Fates around but we could care less what he says. He has no legal authority over us, even if we do live in hell. Emma is mad at me too. She's mad because she thinks I killed her ex girlfriend on Earth 3. I didn't, but I'll let her believe it because it's better than the truth. 

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