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Heathers POV
I laid back on the railing of the deck out back. I stared up at the stars. I heard Charlie come out. The small pattering of his feet across the deck was unmistakable. He walked along the railing and stopped near my head. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Would it be bad to go back?" I asked. "Well, you can't. Your contract expired. You've been released. Pretty much a nicer way of saying you're fired." he said. "I wanna go home Charlie" I said. "I get it heather. It's not easy." he said. "Can you tell me what happened now?" I asked. He sighed. "Your parents and their friend Dexter came down, and finding themselves with new power, they decided to study it. I helped your parents to become strong and Dexter grew jealous of how powerful they were. He attacked your parents, telling them to give him their power but they refused. They had a battle and your parents lost. A little while later, Dexter was caught and sent to prison for his crime. Although now, he has a false name. Everyone calls him Zex." he said. "Why didn't you help them?" I asked. "Your mother spelled me. She told me to stay back so that if they didn't make it, I'd be here for you. I refused because I wanted to help but that spell held me back. I couldn't help, even though I wanted too. I watched them die with my own two eyes and it kills me." he said. "I don't blame you for anything Charlie. I'm glad you're here." I told him. "Just know that I understand how you feel. I lost my bestfriend when your father died. I know that's not the same, but before him, I lost someone else very dear to me." He said. "Who?" I asked. "My husband" he said. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked over at him. He's looking up at the stars. "You know Tublo culture. Right?" he asked. "Yeah, don't you have to get married at 16?" I asked. "Yes. Zed was the head guard. He was so cocky. He loved to show off and make people laugh. It took me forever to give into him. We got married when we were 18, and then the Terblos attacked" he said. "The cat aliens?" I asked. "Yes, the ones from mercury. I was a grounded soldier. I stayed back to measure their stats in the field. We told them to retreat. We told them it wasnt going to work, but Zed wouldn't listen. He charged them and there was a huge blast. The Terblos retreated and our troops were sent flying to the ground. When everyone was recovered, Zed was missing. There wasnt a single trace of him. He was gone." he recalled. "I'm sorry Charlie. Did they make you remarry?" I asked. "No, they only make you marry once. After that, I ran away and found your camp. I found you in the cradle and your parents almost killed me but when I assured them I was no harm, they welcomed me and treated me kindly" he said. "I guess my parents were pretty cool" I smiled. "Are you kidding? They were hero's. Not just for what they did to me, but for what they did here on earth. They were super hero's and they protected the city." he said. I sat up and looked over at him. "Can I do that?" I asked. "Be a super hero?" He asked. I nodded. "If that's what you want. I will help you become whatever you need Heather. The city needs a hero anyway." he shrugged. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Zex has a daughter. She takes after him. Her name is Zill." he said. I took a deep breath. "Ok Charlie, I need you to train me." I said. He crawled up my back and hung on my neck like a scarf. "Will do" He smiled. "Oh and Charlie?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow. "Call me Apollo." I smiled. 

"Ok, this is your parents old training grounds" Charlie and I walked though a large field. He pulled a lever and the grass flipped over to reveal a track. "Woah" I was impressed. "Yeah and that's not even the half of it. Its got a pool option, forest option, and a few other things. Anyway-" he said. He made a white board with his magic. "How'd you do that?" I asked. "You'll learn. For now, I'm gonna give you the villain run down. The things you'll have to encounter in the city." he said. I nodded. He waved his hand and three pictures appeared on the white board. "That's really detailed for a white board" I admired. "That's cause its magic. The white board is for something else" he waved his hand through the holographic pictures. "These are The Arrows. A group of teens who are all outcasts and misfits. They travel by grappling hooks and fight with bow and arrow. They are never alone. If there's one, there's another. They're all humans but they have magic arrows." he explained. "Oh great" I said sarcastically. "This is a Dinotron. Probably the most common thing you'll come across. They're giant robotic dinosaurs that come into the city, destroy things for about 5 hours and then disappear. Creator is unknown." he pointed to the next picture. "What's a dinosaur?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment and then moved on. "And this is Zill. She does the most random things. It ranges from simple theft to arson. However, she's never killed anyone, even when she's had the chance. That doesn't mean she wont take you out specifically." he said. I stared at her photo nervously. The photo disappeared. "Now that that's done, lets get onto your powers." he says. he flipped the white board and it said FLIGHT on it. I gulped. This is gonna take a while. 

A month later
I placed my hand on the wall and a hatch opened in the floor. This, is the basement. It has bedrooms and testing rooms and other stuff that I zoned out on when Charlie was explaining it. The most important thing is this giant table in the middle of the room that holds all the information you could ever want. Charlie and I walked into the basement. He's in his human form. Charlie took me to a door that led to an entirely white hallway. We walked down and into one of the testing rooms. "Ok Apollo, this is your super suit." he pressed a button. A capsule opened and my eyes widened. It's a dark red suit with a blue outline. The hands and feet are yellow and it has a red cape on the back. "Why those colors?" I asked. "Because when I showed you a color wheel, and you acted like a child with a lollipop, you liked these three colors the most. Plus your magic is red." He said. "How do I get it on?" I asked. "Use your magic" He said. "You know I'm not good at this though." I pouted. "And that's how you'll get better." He smirked. I stared at the suit for a second. I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers, and my suit was on me. "Woah!" I exclaimed. Charlie handed me a red mask. "Don't take it off." He warned. "Ok, but why do I have it on now?" I asked. He showed me his phone. "Is that a Dinotron?" I asked. "Yep. Now go. Talk to me telepathically if you need me." He said. 

I teleported out to the scene. I looked up at the big metal dinosaur. "I cant do this." I said to Charlie. "Yes you can. Kick his ass Apollo." he said. I took a deep breath and flew up to the head. I blasted it with fire. It swung around and bashed me into the side of a building with its tail. I gripped my stomach. I groaned in pain flew back up before it hit me again. I held out my hands to shoot it again but water came out by accident. It started glitching and sparking. "Uh oh." I mumbled. A big spark smacked me down to the ground and knocked off my mask. I quickly shape shifted to hide my face. I looked down at myself confused. "Why am I a dog?" I asked. I could hear Charlie laughing in my head and I rolled my eyes. The Dinotron fell to the ground after it stopped glitching and the force sent me flying back. I landed by some people. "Are you ok?" a woman asked. I looked up. She has a stroller with a little kid in it. The kid stared at me. "Paws!" he pointed at my feet. I smiled and wagged my tail. "Come back with your super speed. Don't get caught" Charlie said. I panicked and zoomed off. 

"Well now you have a stupid hero name so good job." Charlie said sarcastically. He's fixing my mask. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the tv. I'm on the news. They called me Paws. 

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