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Welcome to my fanfic! I have mostly focused on my Harry Potter Hinny fanfic -Eternity and a day- but after watching both Fantastic Beasts a few days ago due to insomnia I couldn't resist. Much like Eternity and a Day I have no idea how far this will go or how many chapters it will be. I am not an overly consistent writer but I do usually update regularly. Please do like, save and comment as not only does it really motivate me but I do enjoy being given new ideas. Please do go check out my other fanfictions but other than that enjoy!

The stone step was cold under him but the coldness grounded him in some inexplicable way. The feeling of cold meant that he was still alive and not burning in that graveyard and the occasional shuffles of those surrounding reminded him that most of them were still there too. After having tea with Dumbledore (and wrestling several teaspoons off the older niffler ) the odd collection of people had decided to have a second to collect their thoughts before having to even dare to envision the future. Newt could almost feel everyone's emotions emanating up to the top step where he was sat because, despite his extreme dislike for eye contact, years of caring for creatures meant that he could read body language reasonably well.

Theseus' head was bowed as he stared at the ground below, his fingers intertwined with his hair. Nagini was sat staring ahead through the ancient window which overlooked the surrounding valley with her shoulders hunched and unmoving. Jacob seemed to be tied between holding back sobs and allowing his eyes to wander over the castles many magical attributes and then there was Tina. Ever the Auror she was also looking through the window but with a hardened jaw and a blank expression. Challenging the idea that anything was wrong with her. However, Newt knew better because in her usually fiery salamander eyes a pit of sadness wallowed.

It could have been hours until Newt finally gathered enough of his scattered mind together to string a somewhat fluent sentence together
"Would E-Everyone like to come back to my home? I-It's not-It might- It's not large but everyone will have a bed and I don't know how keen everyone is to go back-back"
"Home" Tina finished with her voice wavering slightly
"I-I'd like to take you up on that offer Newt" Theseus murmured still staring at the ground aimlessly. Everyone else nodded quietly or made some sort of affirmative noise-causing Newt to clear his throat again and a voice that sounded suspiciously like Theseus popped into his head
"Honestly Newton the man who could not stand a hug from his own brother inviting people to live in his home including the girl he's in love with" Unconsciously blushing Newt tried to reason with the voice"I do not love her she's just a friend"
"Ah yes but you want it to be something more don't you?" Theseus' disembodied voice bit back causing Newt to be sure he was practically glowing red.
Everyone was looking at him expectantly, obviously noticing him clear his throat then blush bright red, making Newt drop his gaze and he cleared his throat again
"Follow me" then he began to walk back towards the Hogwarts entryway. Everyone followed and eventually they had reached the edge of the anti-apparition wards. Reaching for Tina's hand with one arm (blushing furiously as he did so) and Jacobs with the other he checked everyone was connected before disappearing with a crack.

They appeared on a slightly damp pavement in London facing a yellow brick townhouse. The street was thankfully empty so no one noticed the five beings appear with a crack. The front of the red house was up a few steps which were guided by a peeling black bannister. Newt led them up the steps fidgeting with his case and placed his hand on the doorknob looking at the sign he had carved on one boring night which read
"Number 9 Sherringford Square ''Sighing with relief when he felt the magical locks on the door relent he flung open the door to a homely looking hallway.
"Um Welcome to my Home" Newt murmured placing down his case.

The hallway had a single runner on it which covered some old but impressive looking boards. The only other objects in the hallway were a strip of coat hooks and a small table that held a wad of parchment and a battered-looking blue quill and ink. Newt lead the exhausted group into a medium-sized living room with a deep red sofa and two matching squashy armchairs which sat facing in towards a worn coffee table covered in several water rings from discarded cups of tea. There was a mug still sat discarded with a book on Mugwumps laying open beside it. Newt mumbled under his breath a little, waving his wand, and banished some of the general clutter he'd left lying around.

Apart from the seating area, there was a large fireplace with several trinkets Newt had collected lying on it that were still slightly wonky from when the Nifflers got out as well as a small dining area. Newt walked over to his desk that overlooked the street below and yanked open one of the drawers to reveal a brown paper wrapped package. Slipping it seamlessly in his pocket he decided to give it to Tina when they were in a more private setting and then led the group under the chandelier and towards two doors
" Well the door closest to the fireplace is the door to the kitchen and the other door is my basement" Newt mumbled still feeling slightly out of his depth that he'd just invited actual people to stay with him.

After Newt showed the group the quietly elegant kitchen with a dining table in the middle, once again covered in several water rings. He opened a couple of cupboard doors then groaned in annoyance. It was incredibly bare with just flour, butter and some suspicious-looking jam at a single glance. Hoping that no one was hungry he turned to address the exhausted group and attempted to at least look somewhere near their faces.
"Wh-What do people want to do?"
"Honestly Newton I just want to sleep" Theseus replied roughly. Seeing Nagini and Jacob nod also Newt responded
"Well there's um three bedrooms and I'll sleep in the basement w-with my creatures so s-someone-"
"Mr Scamander I'll take the couch, I've never really slept in a bed so I'll be fine" Nagini interrupted
"O Okay and please call me Newt-Accio blanket and pillow"
A black and yellow knitted blanket and an old-looking green pillow came soaring down and Newt handed them over. Nagini began to leave as he added "Goodnight"

When Nagini left he brought everyone else upstairs and gestured to three doors
"Theseus you can stay in the room you slept in when you helped me move" Newt pointed to the middle door on the corner of the Landing. "Jacob take the room on the right and Tina take my room" He blushed at the end of his sentence and through his fringe he could see Tina did too. Clearing his throat he continued
"Bathrooms through there and there should be bedding but you might have to search. I need to tend to my creatures and get them out of the case so sleep well" He then turned on his heel and hurried down the stairs not noticing the footsteps following.

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