St Mungos Part 1

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Tina's heart was in her throat and her head was still ringing from the sound of Newts screams. As she watched him get flung against a wall as limp as a rag doll she couldn't suppress her sobs any longer and began to cry loudly, helplessly, in a way that Tina would usually pin as weak but she had lost the strength of will to fight it. The only other noise in the room was Theseus' desperate pleads and the sickening crunch as Newt collided with stone. As she watched Newt slowly be levitated back towards her she felt a tickle on her wrist. Tossing her head she saw Pickett's spindly green legs working at the padlock and chains slung around her wrists. Trying to relax slightly she tried to stifle her sobs but she couldn't hold them back when Newt was lying motionless on the floor. Thankfully he began to force himself upright but began to cough, hard. When she saw him pull his hand away she could see large splotches of blood splattered over his palm. Tina had seen enough internal bleeding in her career as an auror to know that's not a good sign. Grindelwald's voice began smoothly

"Coughing Blood Mr Scamander that's not a good sign? If you join us, Queenie could heal you and the pain would stop. It could all go away

"N-NEWT?" She cried, her voice cracking at her panic. He stumbled slowly to his feet and looked Grindelwald in the eye, There was blood dripping down Newts nose and out of his mouth and his eyes seemed unfocused as he stared the man in the eye.

"You are the opposite of everything I wish to be. If you kill me I'll die happy and loved. Something that wouldn't happen if I joined your side." Tina so badly wanted to tell him she loved him but she could feel that Pickett was almost done and if she had any chance of getting everyone out of there alive she needed to remain silent so she watched in horror as Grindelwald replied in a horrifically calm voice

"Hmm pity. There was such possibility for you and your creatures" and raised his wand to Newt's head. Not even having time to cry out in desperation he began to utter the dreaded incantation.


"Petrificus totalus" A hardened female voice yelled and Grindelwald keeled over allowing the frozen Aurors to leap to life and begin hexing as her chains fell away. Tina looked to who had petrified Grindelwald to Queenie with her mouth in a firm line and her wand still pointed at where Grindelwalds head was. She shook her blonde locks and then reached in her pocket and threw Tina's trusty wand towards her. Grabbing Pickett off the floor and shoving him in her pocket she leapt off the floor and dove for a wobbling Newt. However, before she could get to him he fell to the ground with a pained thud.

"NEWT!" Tina cried and fell to the floor beside him to cradle his head in her lap. He was blinking slowly but didn't seem to be responding

"Newt?" Tina whispered

"Hmm" Was all he mumbled

"Newt? Talk! Keep talking!" She yelled frantically shaking him slightly. He looked slightly more in her eyes and hoarsely whispered

"I love you, Tina. I-I love you so much-" He coughed loudly and his entire body trembled beneath her fingers at the force, blood trickling out his mouth.

"L-Look after my creatures and l-look after yourself" Newt continued hoarsely

"Newt stop sounding like your saying goodbye" She admonished with tears streaming down her face. He merely chuckled hoarsely and smiled weakly as he ran a single finger down her face and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Tina didn't care that the fighting around them had finished or that Rosier and a couple of acolytes had just apparated away with an unconscious Grindelwald she was only worried at the man who still was holding one hand to her face.

"Newton?" A distressed Theseus yelled, obviously finished with tying up acolytes and now terrified for his brother, as he ran up to where they were sat. Newt chuckled hoarsely again and called quietly as Theseus crouched down

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