Diagon Alley Part 2

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They ambled down Diagon Alley more or less in silence as everyone was either admiring the surroundings (Jacob, Nagini and Tina), Lost in thought (Theseus) or admiring those admiring their surroundings (Himself). Tina's excitement at the old street made Newt's heart flutter. Her eyes were wide as she took in all the lights and her mouth was slightly agape. He discreetly slid their hands together and squeezed her hand softly. She jumped when their arms brushed but she looked down at their adjoined with a soft smile on her lips. She moved closer so their shoulders were touching and caught him off guard by kissing him sweetly on his cheek. He stopped in his tracks, his brain completely freezing as he looked at her. He could feel his cheeks darkening as she just smirked and tugged on his arm to keep him moving. The rest of the group had caught up and were shooting the pair knowing looks. Tina's cheeks blushed pink and then she asked a question that caught him off guard
"Why do you still look like that when I kiss you?" She asked shyly
"Like what?"
"Like you did the first time?"
"Because it still makes me feel the same as the first time Tina." He stepped forward and pushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear. In a lower tone, he continued"It feels wonderful".
Tina nodded shyly and he took her hand again, "Now let's go" Newt murmured, guiding her to the old shop that Newt was almost certain hasn't changed since it was constructed.

The rest of the group were waiting outside and once they rejoined Theseus gestured for him to enter first. He walked in and an old and eccentric man came hurrying forward.
"Ah Mr Scamander, Chestnut and Unicorn Hair, 10 and ¾ inches and bendy."Then he noticed Theseus beside him "And the other Mr Scamander and I remember yours too, Hawthorn and Dragons heartstring,12 and ½ inches and unyielding. What can I do for you gentlemen as I don't recognise your travellers."
"Our friend requires a wand Mr Ollivander if you could do us the favour and help her find one?" Newt asked clearly
"Of course, come here dear." He gestured to Tina. Tina looked shocked and stammered out
"Oh no sir I have a Shikoba Wolfe wand it's Nagini who needs a wand" She  gestured to Nagini who waved weakly
"Oh, Terribly sorry. Do you mind if i" He offered his hand out and Tina slowly handed over her wand. He laid it on his palm and then listened to it
"Interesting, Maple wood and Thunderbird feather,11 and ¼ inches and firm. I assume you're a fighter and crave action, correct? Ambitious and you possess a strong moral compass" Tina merely nodded then he asked
"Mr Newt Scamander, could I have your wand temporarily?" Newt was confused at the question and handed his wand over. The eccentric old man held both wands flat in his palms and peered at them closely
"Fascinating" Ollivander murmured
"Um Mr Ollivander, what exactly is fascinating?" Tina ventured and Newt nodded in agreement. Why was the man so fascinated with their wands? They have nothing in common.
"You wands have an affinity for one another. They fit well together with their characteristics as I imagine your own characteristics do. You see Chestnut and unicorn wands often belong to those who despite their main focus being creatures or herbology possess a strong sense of justice and Maple wood often belongs to fighters. It means that your wands are both so similar yet so different that when defending one another their power will be stronger but it does mean you can never turn the wand on each other"
Well that's sort of a relief, In a weird twisted way
"O-Oh well, I guess that's a relief" Tina muttered, shooting him a smile. He offered them their wands back and as they grabbed them the wands touched and a vibration rang out in the shop.
"Fascinating" Ollivander murmured again.

'Now Nagini," He beckoned her forward and started sorting wands "Oh and sir in the corner, don't touch anything. I know a muggle in a wand shop when I see one and it can be rather catastrophic."
He started discussing wands with Nagini and ten wands later a shower of golden sparkles issued from a pearwood and dragon heartstring wand.

Newt paid and they left with Nagini holding the bag excitedly and everyone else was either beaming proudly or still blushing from the wands interaction.
"Textbooks?" Theseus asked the group to see Nagini nod excitedly. Newt inwardly groaned, he had been avoiding bookstores since his book was released to prevent unwanted attention.
"Into the hornet's nest" Newt muttered to Tina which issued a quiet chuckle. Walking into Flourish and Blotts, Newt noticed the store was reasonably empty and began to relax more, that was until Jacob gasped loudly and pointed to a large pyramid of books by the service desk. It was the best seller table and it was stacked high with books.
"Hey, Newt this is your book right?" Jacob called
"Yes. It is. It's my book" Was all he could stutter
People were buying his book. People were learning about magical creatures in a way that wouldn't bring their downfall.
"Oh, Newt that's fantastic!"Nagini cried
"Yes, My little brother a distinguished Author!" Theseus grinned, reaching over to ruffle his hair. Newt batted him away but noticed the store owner approaching
Oh Merlin here we go
"A-Are you Newt Scamander?" Newt tried to school his expression and muttered
"Y-Yes I-I'm him" The owner was obviously gearing himself up to ask something
"Would you mind doing an impromptu book signing?"He looked over helplessly at Theseus and Tina who were watching curiously and both just shrugged
"Terribly sorry I'm out with friends right now"
"Oh don't worry about us Newton" Theseus called happily and Newt scowled in response
"Perfect! The desk is over there. I best put up some advertisement" And lol that the owner was gone. Newt called after him
"W-Wait!" But the owner was already outside editing some of the posters with his wand.

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