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Shameless fluff ahead. You have been warned.

Three days had passed and Newt didn't look any different. Leta had been dismissed as well the next day but she and Theseus only apparated home to gather some clothing momentarily before returning. Everyone had begun to pair off as Newt showed no sign of waking up because they all needed to eat and sleep (and in Letas case throw up). Tina however never left Newts side for more than half an hour or the time Madeline handed a dreamless sleep potion to Queenie who then practically forced it down her throat. Tina hadn't been left alone the entire time (something she assumed was planned) so she was now sat holding Newt's hand while Theseus sat quietly on the other side of the bed. Everyone else had walked to the cafeteria to get some food. It was mostly to try and calm Leta down as she had been increasingly frustrated at the predicament and also frustrated because she wanted a pumpkin muffin and couldn't find any.

Newts parents were supposed to be arriving tomorrow at the latest and they had no idea the state their youngest son was in. As her thoughts began to spiral she felt a flutter of something in her palm. Bolting upright she slowly opened her finger and looked at Newt's now cold hand resting in her palm  Since they put him in here he had been steadily getting cooler, a fact that had been haunting her for days, however, the worry flew out of her mind as she saw his fingers twitch again.
"N-Newt?" Tina whispered and his fingers twitched again. His heart rate had increased slightly from the slow beeps it had been for the past 72 hours to a steady thudding.
"Is- I-Is he?" Theseus stammered looking intently at Newts face
"I don't know just get Madeline" Tina murmured. Theseus launched towards the door almost knocking over the rest of the group coming back in. He didn't even stop he just called
"Newts moving!" and hurried down the corridor.

Tina heard them all walk in and Leta threw a muffin wrapper on the bed and took Theseus' absent chair. Nagini, Jacob and Queenie also gathered around all looking expectantly at Newts still body and they gasped again as his hand twitched. She looked up to see Queenie squinting heavily at Newt's head before gasping and jumping slightly.
"He's waking up! His thoughts are really woozy though." At that second Theseus came bursting back through the door with a surprised-looking Madeline in tow. She hurried to the monitors above his bedside table and sighed in relief.
"I believe Mr Scamander is waking up" A chorus of relieved laughter and 'Thank Merlins" echoed through the ward only to be interrupted by a loud groan.


Newt woke up to immense pain. Every bone, muscle and ligament burned with intense agony and his head thudded. His brain was swirling and the only thing he could make out was a weight in his hand and some startled whispering. Then it fell silent until a hurricane of noise appeared with shrieks and screams. There was some more murmuring and Newt groaned, raising his hands to his face only to wince and place them down swiftly. He didn't want to open his eyes yet because it felt like he had the worlds worse hangover and the last thing he could remember was Theseus telling him to obey orders outside of an old-looking house.
I must have got hurt, wait. Tina!
Panic overrunning him he forced open his eyes and groaned again at the light. Thankfully the lights turned off and he blinked to see a bland grey ceiling and hoarsely called

"T-Tina?" Newt called hoarsely and Tina removed her hand from his and cradled his head instead.
"N-Newt?" Tina stammered and he coughed loudly before shakily raising his hand to rest on the hand cradling his cheek. Tina moved over so he could see her face
"Yo-u'reback" Newt whispered. Tina gave a wet chuckle and stroked his fringe away with her free hand.
"I could say the same thing to you" He chuckled hoarsely then whispered once again in disbelief, reaching up to push a loose strand behind her ear
"You're back"
"Yeah, you found me Newt" He smiled crookedly again and croaked
"I'll always find you, Tina"
The tender moment was interrupted by Madeline declaring
"Well from the looks of it he's in full possession of his mental faculties." She then raised her wand and several bottles came flying into the room.  Newts face looked quite confused as Madeline fussed about.
"Theseus can you help him upright," Madeline asked as she uncorked bottles
"Of course" Theseus replied and started to lift Newts torso slightly as Tina moved his pillows so he could sit upright. Newt still looked incredibly confused but as he began to shuffle his face morphed into one of agony and he started to breathe heavily.

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