New York Part 2

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Newt studied Tina closely as she began to walk through the old flat. The flat was just as he remembered it except there were no garments drying and the fire was long burnt out. Jacob seemed slightly unsure of what to do so he went to take a seat on the sofa while Newt followed Tina into her room. She was sat staring unseeingly at some bookshelves opposite her bed and as he entered she only slightly inclined her head in acknowledgement. Deciding to just join her in the silence he sat down gingerly on the bed beside her and entwined their hands. Slowly Tina turned to look at him and sighed before murmuring "It's so strange being here knowing that after tomorrow I'll never come back"

"That's understandable, I mean how long have you lived here?" Newt replied softly, running his finger over her knuckles

"8 years, I moved here from Ilvermony and lived alone for two years until Queenie left school. That was the last time we lived apart" Tina explained, leaning against him sadly. They stayed like that for a while until she removed her head from his shoulder and stood up. She then swept her wand around the room and the objects flew into some conjured boxes. Tina turned back to Newt who was still sat on the bed and muttered

"Got to start somewhere"

Newt joined her and in record time the entire apartment was packed in boxes and stowed in Newt's case apart from the few things they would need in the morning. Several hours later after feeding the creatures, they were all sat in the living room in mournful silence. Jacob gazed longingly at the dining table then broke the silence

"D'ya remember that night we all had dinner for the first time?" Newt sighed at the memory and replied quietly

"How could I forget?"

"I still prefer Strudel" Jacob chuckled

"I still don't really have a preference," Newt began "Although I do rather like strudel" He continued with a small smile but it fell at the tearful look on Tina's face. She obviously noticed as she offered him a small, shaky smile.

"I'm Fine Newt it's just getting late" Newt checked his watch and noticed it was approaching ten.

"Shall we retire then?" The magizoologist asked the group to see two firm nods.

They walked into the hallway and Jacob hurried into Queenies old and now barren room leaving the young couple alone. Newt grabbed both her hands and looked directly into her eyes

"Tina-"He began only for her to squeeze his hands and say

"I know Newt. I know". Completely at a loss for the comforting words that would soothe the inner turmoil that was clearly visible in her eyes. So instead he pulled her forward slightly by their connected hands and connected their lips. The kiss was far too brief in Newts opinion but he knew that kissing in the hallway was quite a risk due to the fact Jacob was only a thin wall away. So as he pulled away he rested their foreheads together so that their noses were touching and refused to move. Tina sounded slightly breathless and her hot breath was tickling his nose slightly. They remained like that for a few seconds until Tina reluctantly pulled away entirely and murmured with a wide smile

"Good night Newt" Newt mirrored her grin and whispered

"Good Night Tina"

Early morning found Newt whistling as he fed his creatures their breakfast. The change in time zones often led to some grumpy creatures so Newt was at the receiving end of lots of despondent grunts and growls. He was approaching his last feeding stop, a galleon in hand, when he noticed that the niffler nest lock was undone and the door was wide open. The babies were still curled up asleep but their father was missing.

Merlin's Beard

Not even bothering to check his case Newt locked the door and double-checked the charm before tying his tie, throwing on his waistcoat and hurrying up the case steps, wand in hand. All but launching himself out of the case he began to scan the room for any signs of the niffler. Everything shiny was packed and there wasn't even a footprint that indicated it was still in the room. Newt hurried into the kitchen to see Jacob and Tina chatting quietly over mugs of coffee. Barely stopping to say hello Newt began to fling open the drawers in the kitchen area then laid on the floor checking under the few pieces of furniture. Seeing that there was no sign of any creatures, Newt let out a groan of annoyance and stood up. Jacob appeared to not have noticed but Tina had her arms crossed and was eyeing him suspiciously.

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