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It was a day and a half after Newts parents arrived when Madeline finally gave him the all-clear to go home. She did strictly lecture that no extra exertion was allowed until he'd had a check-up with her in a weeks time but he was free to move steadily as long as he was to continue taking his potions until then.
I'm going to have to put the man in a full-body bind.
Queenie must have heard her thoughts as she giggled and said
"I thoughts so to" Newt shakily got to his feet and staggered slightly only to be caught by Jacob and Theseus.
"You'll slowly be able to walk again. Little and often and the newly healed muscles and bones will start to work properly" Madeline added. Newt groaned under the weight of his own body and began to shuffle to the bathroom in his pyjamas.
"I am putting on some proper clothing" Newt muttered
"Newton, are you going to be able to get dressed properly? Do you want some help?" Theseus offered and Newt scowled
"I'll call if I need help" before hobbling towards the bathroom. He'd been getting steadily more annoyed since he had woken up and she had no idea why. Everyone was there, even his parents, so why wasn't he happy?

"Oh, Teen isn't it obvious?" Queenie asked kindly and everyone turned to her
"Newts getting stressed because since he was expelled it's always been him against the world. Even with his family he only saw them intermittently and it's only really the past month and a half he's got on really well with Theseus since he was 17. He's used to being independent, all those scars all over him are because he's always looked after himself. He went after you to keep you safe but he doesn't worry about himself. Suddenly he has all of us helping him walk, doing his creatures and Tina the first meal you had to feed him because he was too weak to feed himself! He's embarrassed that you've had to take care of him"
"Well he better suck it up then because I don't care if he's used to being independent and on his own because the moment I arrested him outside that bank we became a team"
"I suppose you're right" A voice sighed from behind her and she saw Newt in his usual suspenders, waistcoat and bow tie as he leant heavily against the door frame.

He finally looked normal again, her Newt was back. She gently walked towards him then kissed him as softly as she could on the lips before wrapping him in a tender hug. He moved some of his weight off the doorframe and onto her and held her closely. She leaned her head on his shoulder and inhaled deeply, she then began to giggle hysterically. He no longer smelt of hospital and pain like her parents had the final time she saw them- he smelt like freshly fallen rain and straw and adventure. He smelt like Newt. She must have been worrying everyone as Newt cautiously asked
"Are you okay Tina?" She quieted her giggles and pulled away.
"Newt I am absolutely wonderful now let's go home". They began to get ready to leave and Newts mother piped up
"Newton, do you want us to stay with you? You shouldn't be home alone yet" The entire room froze and everyone looked between each other awkwardly. The entire time they had spent with the elder Scamander's living arrangements had not come up.

"Mum I won't be alone" He grabbed Tina's hand for comfort and Tina squeezed it slightly.
"Newton! It is improper to live with a lady out of wedlock!" Helena began and Newt looked quite taken back
Of course, they think it's just him and me
His face screwed up in thought and Tina decided to help him along
" Newt they think you're living with just me" Newt chuckled lightly and shook his head. He opened his mouth to respond but Theseus beat him to it.
"Mum, Dad. Newt hasn't lived alone since we returned from Paris" Seeing his parent's angry glances, Newt took over and began
"Yes, you see Jacob and Tina and now Queenie are all from New York and up until recently, all their extra belongings were there. I offered them to stay with me because if Jacob went back to New York permanently he would be obliviated again and Tina would've been-"
"Alone" Tina supplied
"Nagini had no home at all after the circus and Credence so I was happy to open my home to her. Then Theseus didn't want to go to his home alone so he took up my offer as well. B-But Tina and I don't share a room or anything. She stays in my old room and I stay in the cabin in my basement. Nagini also has a cabin down there and Theseus and Jacob stayed in the spare rooms.

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