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"Can the newlyweds please make their way to the dance floor?" Gabrielle's voice called over the hubbub of chatter at the end of the meal. The chattering silenced and Newt looked expectantly at his older brother and his new sister in law. Judging by their faces dancing in front of nearly two hundred people alone didn't scare them at all and they rose with their usual dignity before practically floating to the dance floor. The beginning bars of Magical Evening began and the couple settled into a steady waltz.  As they began to sweep across the floor Newt felt Tina rest her head on his shoulder. She smelt rather pleasant and he leaned his head so it was resting on top of hers.
They truly do look happy Newt thought while watching them dance. He thought back to early March, they announced the engagement the day before his book signing and he remembered a strange feeling coiling in his stomach. It was anger, he wasn't jealous as his mother assumed, he was hurt that his brother knew everything that she had done and still wanted to marry her. If anything it just flared up his annoyance towards his brother, but Paris changed things. To be fair Paris changed an awful lot of things but mostly he saw his brother and Leta in a different light. He knew Tina had a large help in fully letting go but as he watched them the pain he felt at the engagement seemed a million miles away. They were happy and he had Tina. Wonderful, fantastic, beautiful and mildly intimidating Tina. And he was hers as much as she was his.

The music was beginning to slow and Newt saw out of the corner of his eye his father taking his mother's hand and he knew what was coming next. Theseus and Leta stopped dancing but remained in their position on the dance floor as Gabrielle's hyper voice echoed
"Scamander family dance" Taking a deep breath he stood up, bowed slightly and offered his hand to Tina praying that his face was not as pink as it felt as he did so. Thankfully Tina swiftly took his hand and Newt straightened up and led her to the dance floor leaving Jacob, Nagini and Queenie watching in anticipation.

There weren't many Scamanders still alive due to the Bohr war killing off two of his fathers three brothers and then the Great War so there were at most ten couples. However, to his abject horror, there was an awful lot of focus on him and Tina. He knew it was still a shock that the youngest Scamander was courting (him bringing Erwin the Occamy as a plus one to the last family wedding didn't help matters) and that she was a well-established auror. He knew some of the older members of the family frowned upon Tina almost solely because she had a firm career with little Masculine input.
Heaven knows what they would think if they knew how we met Newt thought absently as he bashfully looked at Tina. Seeing her almost imperceptible nod he took a deep breath and placed one hand on her waist before taking her right hand in his. She hesitantly placed her other hand on his shoulder then she looked up at him with fear prevalent in her eyes.
"Newt I really don't know how to dance" She whispered
"Just follow my lead," Newt tried to reassure, but he was equally nervous.

Soft music began to swell and he took a deep breath before slowly starting to move Tina to the rhythm. It wasn't a slow song but thankfully it was slow enough that he had time to right their awkward movements and still keep reasonably in time with the music. After a few bars it didn't take long for Tina to begin mirroring the other women and they began to waltz slowly across the dance floor, looking at each other the entire time. As Newt gently span Tina around he heard a cacophony of clicks to his right and looked up to see the few members of the press that Theseus had permitted watching them hungrily with their cameras raised.
"Newt, what are they doing?" Tina hissed sounding quite angry. Tina wasn't being curious she was annoyed, something that scared him as an angry Tina was rather terrifying. Continuing to move her across the ballroom he whispered back
"I hope we can get those photos, I only have the magazine article" Tina's expression softened and she relaxed slightly in his arms. They continued to dance until finally, the song came to a stop then Newt leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Tina kissed softly back before suddenly pulling away and flicking her head around to the collection of photographers, scowling as she did so. Not wanting Tina to become known as the auror who hexed a load of photographers he gently laid a hand on her bare forearm.
"Let's go get a drink" Seeing her raised eyebrow he rolled his eyes teasingly and added
"I'm going to the children's table" She shot one last death glare to the press who now seemed to be hurriedly writing things down and then shot him a smile and began to walk with him to the table of beverages.

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