Diagon Alley Part 1

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Another unintentional two-parter as I started to write and got caught up in the fluff. I'm only addressing around seven of you but those seven who are reading this. Thanks :).

"What?" Tina asked eventually
"Diagon Alley is a wizarding street hidden from Muggles" Newt tried to explain "It has all the wizarding stores and Gringotts the wizarding bank"
"In America, we have a book of stores that you're issued in Hogwarts and magically updates. Too many wizards congregating in one area would be problematic so most magical stores either have no maj repelling charms or a separate area for wizards"
"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Theseus laughed before turning to Newt "Well little brother, the last time we went school shopping together was the summer before your sixth year! Fancy a trip for old times sake?" Newt looked at Tina expectantly who nodded excitedly
"Fine but I'm ordering the ice cream, I still haven't forgiven you for giving me corned beef after my book signing. Also, we need to cast a charm on Jacob so he'll be able to see the Leaky" Newt listed quickly
"Of course. Now come on honorary Scamander's it's about time we had a family trip" Newt watched a varying range of responses from Theseus' statement. Tina blushed deeply red, Nagini's face went from excited to ecstatic and Jacob looked like he wanted to hug everyone.

Jacob went to get his boots and coat, as did Tina and Theseus leaving Newt and Nagini alone.
"Newt, how am I going to pay for this? I don't have any money."
"Don't worry about that part Nagini. My book is doing rather well um money wise so we'll be fine" Nagini still didn't look convinced but nodded slightly more resolutely and hurried to gather her things. Newt accio'd his case, money pouch, waistcoat and coat and made sure he was fully dressed.

Soon everyone was ready and looking forward to the trip. He noticed everyone besides Theseus walking towards the door and asked his brother
"Should we risk the floo network?"
"If we explain it properly everyone should be okay. Tina, have you flooed before?" Theseus directed the last part at Tina who didn't seem to understand at all
"Floo what now?"
"I'll take that as a no then" Theseus muttered more to himself. Newt decided to be narrowly more helpful than his brother and said
"We aren't apparating we're going to use the floo network" While beckoning them back into the living room. Thankfully they all reentered and Theseus had already taken a handful of the green powder out of the pot.
"Alright everyone the floo network is how we get around to wizarding locations without having to apparate. It's helpful if you're travelling with those under age or not keen on apparating. I'll go first and show you what to do" Theseus then stepped into the fireplace yelled "The Leaky Cauldron" and threw the powder down, disappearing in a green flame. Newt checked that he had gone seamlessly and turned to the stunned looking group.

"It's perfectly safe but you have to speak incredibly clearly, who wants to go next?" While he was explaining he grabbed the pot of powder and held it forward. Tina walked up confidently and grabbed a handful before stepping into the fireplace, throwing the powder and yelling "The Leaky Cauldron!" She also span away and Nagini quickly followed suit. Listening to Newt say
"Tina and Theseus will already be there" before spinning away. Once Jacob and he were alone Newt pointed his wand at Jacob's head.
"Woah Buddy what are you doing"
"Liquettius" Newt murmured and Jacob jolted as if splashed with cold water.
"You should be able to see Diagon Alley now so in you go" Jacob hesitantly took the powder and as he stepped in he sighed
"Newt I've said it before but you wizards have a weird way of doing things"
"See you at the Leaky Jacob"
"Yep," Jacob gulped and yelled "The Leaky Cauldron". Double checking that he was indeed the last one he placed the old pot back on his mantlepiece, held his case in one hand and a handful of green powder he stepped in and was last to yell the old pub's name. After a second of slightly nauseating spinning, he stepped out gracefully into the reasonably quiet pub.

He looked around to try and find the rest of the group but didn't have to look far. Theseus was the only one entirely on his feet. The travel had obviously affected everyone else slightly more than expected as the other three had obviously not gotten the hand of stepping out and were still on the floor. Tina was making a valiant effort to pull herself up off the floor using the nearby table but Jacob and Nagini had hardly moved.
"See Harmless" Theseus chuckled but everyone else merely groaned. Newt went to help Tina up who instantly swatted him away so instead he pulled the muggle and the maledictus off the floor. They both looked slightly pale but better than they did when he first arrived. A few seconds later Tina was also upright and after Theseus blasted the Ash off of all of them with his wand they moved out of the entry area and into the main room.
"Ah, Mr Scamander and Mr Scamander how are you both?" Came a chipper voice from the bar
"Good Morning Benny" Theseus greeted and Newt nodded in acknowledgement. A small head popped up over the bar and Theseus continued "And you Tom" The small boy giggled and hopped up on an old-looking stool.
"Are you two stopping today?"
"Most likely at lunch Benny, we're showing some friends round"
"And who might you three be? I ain't seen you lot before"
"Jacob Kowalski sir" Jacob moved forward and shook his hand
"I'm Nagini," Nagini said softly offering him a wave
"And I'm Tina Goldstein" Tina also walked forward and shook his hand. At Tina introducing herself Bennys eyes lit up like Christmas had come early.
I really need to avoid firewhiskey, Newt thought.
"Oh ho ho. This is the young auror then Newton?" Newt groaned in response hoping it got the message across and avoided everyone's gaze.
"Ebenezer Edkins,Benny for short. I've heard a lot about you love" Newt groaned again and heard Tina reply
"Um, how?"
"Must have been about April time and he was in dower mood. Asked for a firewhiskey which is a rare occasion for him anyhow and told me all about how these letters had stopped coming and how he didn't know what he'd done wrong. Two whiskeys later and he told me everything"
He felt everyone's gaze on him and cleared his throat, ignoring them all he raised his head and addressed the group
"We best get going if we want to make it back here for lunch". Risking a glance at everyone's faces he sighed in relief when he saw that Tina looked slightly embarrassed but looked more amused than angry.

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