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A/N Slight warning this is slightly more graphic in torture then the other two so read at your own risk.

An hour earlier

Newt burst into the auror department after spending the entire lift ride swearing violently under his breath. The entire department was in utter disarray. Paperwork was piled high and everyone was moving swiftly as they combed through evidence in almost complete silence. It was odd to not hear the usual gossip and petty arguments but now was not the time to lament the change in tone.

Hurrying into Theseus' office he saw his older brother looking exhausted, pouring over a map covered in red pins.
"Anything?" Newt asked hopefully and Theseus shot his head up before sighing and burying his head in his hands
"Why not!" Newt bellowed knowing he was over the line but his emotions were running freely now and he didn't feel like crying any longer.Theseus looked back up of him with a light of sympathy in his eyes and murmured
"I-I don't know what to say Fido"
"I-W-H. THIS IS YOUR JOB! YOURE AN AUROR!A WAR HERO!Why can't you find her?" He started off yelling but his voice trailed off to a soft,broken whisper as tears began to fall down his face. Furiously swiping them away he stared at the floor, no matter what he did he kept crying. He rarely cried but he just couldn't stop. They just kept coming. He heard some movement and his brother wrapped his arms around him,pulling Newt tightly against his chest. Newt was to exhausted to fight off a well meaning and rather comforting hug so he buried his head in Theseus' shoulder and returned the hug tightly.

As a sob tore through his body Theseus began soothe him gently,shushing him like he did the night Newt came home from being expelled. They remained embraced for a while as Newt sniffled into Theseus' shoulder hopelessly. They only broke apart when the brunette women and curly haired man Tina shared a desk with came bursting in
"Auror Scamander!" Both Scamanders looked at them expectantly (with Newt discreetly wiping his cheeks on his sleeve)
"Culken?Waters? What have you found?" Theseus prompted
"We know where she is. There hide out is an old Manor House. We sent Rogers and he detected several Muggle repelling charms as well as protective measures but they're dead weak"
Newts heart sparked with hope. This means that they would have only have had Tina for a little over six hours which means she may be reasonably unharmed.
I hope

Theseus strode out of his office and bellowed
"AURORS WE HAVE FOUND HER! GET YOUR WANDS AND LETS GO!" The Aurors all around sprang into life and Newt flipped open his case and summoned Cerberus. He then popped him in his front pocket which made Pickett squeak indignantly initially but with one look silenced and saluted (a trick he learnt off Jacob).
"Pick when we get there Tina might be locked up somewhere. I need you to get her free okay? Ignore what's happening to me,just stay with Tina. Keep her safe." Pickett squeaked a positive reply and puffed out his chest at the important job.
"Brilliant." Newt muttered and turned to Theseus beside him
"If you try and stop me from coming I'll come anyway"
"Fine" Theseus conceded "But you're sticking with me. You're not trained in wand combat and I remember us practicing for defence against the dark arts and you were launched in a pond so I'm not taking chances"
"First of all I was in second year and you were in sixth and secondly, okay fine I'll behave"
Theseus rolled his eyes and took Newt's arms stiffly.
"Aurors we are apparating to Astra Manor in Nottinghamshire . Let's go." Aurors started disappearing with a pop and Theseus squeezed Newts arm before they apparated as well. They appeared with a crack on the edge of a deep forest and Newt saw most of the Aurors either surveying the area or casting spells to disable the wards. after five minutes the wards were disabled and they found the doors unguarded and unlocked.
"Well that's suspicious" Theseus muttered as did most of the Aurors. Newt decided to cut to the chase and released Cerberus who began to circle the group in preparation. They burst through the several doors and saw an evenly matched group of acolytes waiting eagerly for them. One called
"Go get Goldstein! Warn the main hall!" And an acolyte broke away. Spurred on by his anger at the entire organisation he whistled for Cerberus and it dived into the mass. Spells began to be fired everywhere and as Newt dove out of the way of a crucio curse he remembered quite starkly why he avoided wand combat,he was absolutely dreadful at it.

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