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When Tina asked to accompany Newt she wasn't exactly sure why she did it. After being so stupid about him she didn't really want to be left alone and the house was starting to feel a bit oppressive, Newts three-bedroom and single bathroom home really was not built to house five people. She would complain more but honestly Newt opening his home up warmed her heart especially as she knew about his reluctance around people. That as well as the fact that the crowded house meant that she was staying In Newts bedroom. Newts bedroom held a similar quality to the hut in his case. The quality was the controlled mess mixed with the earthy scent of just after it rained that she'd come to associate with him and the amount of comfort it brought with it was immense.
Overall , she pondered as Newt led her down the street of terraced houses, Newt's presence brought her a lot of comfort. Unlike most of the men she had met, such as Achilles, Newt was gentle and caring. He gave way more than he took and last night when he sat there, meticulously mending her battered body, he didn't try to make a pass at her he just cared for her and she could feel herself falling even deeper for him at the mere memory.
Glancing up at him she realised that he had been looking at her and they blushed(something happening incredibly frequently recently) before quickly looking away. The day was much warmer than the day before and it seemed everyone and their kneazle had ventured into the sunshine and thus couples were walking everywhere. Hand in hand and smiling at each other.
"Maybe soon that will be Newt and me"
The thought came out of nowhere but as she watched a clearly quieter man listen attentively to a chatty woman the smile that spread across her face couldn't be suppressed.
"We're here," Newt said gesturing to a glass storefront which was part grocers and part bakers "It's run by a squib who takes both types of customers" he added as they stepped in. Instantly Tina's nose was attacked by the smells of fresh bread as she admired the store. Half the store had several shelves as well as a large service counter and a rather short and bubbly man who at the moment Newt walked through he declared
"Newton Scamander! I would have thought you'd have forgotten about little old me with all your success written in the paper! I have your book y'know very enlightening"
"Good Morning Bryan"
"And who's this lady? This isn't the American lady friend that's had you all in a twist?" Newts ears glowed red and he mumbled
"This is Tina Goldstein"
"Pleased to meet ya love" He offered her his hand which she shook bashfully
"Now how did you get Mr Bachelor author that head over heels in just a few days?"
Tina stammered and Newt had gone silent before exasperatedly asking
"Bryan can I just have a box of BB, a box of PJ, a bottle of FW and we'll bring some more items up in a second" Bryan nodded with a knowing grin and went through a door behind the counter
"Newt what's BB, PJ and FW?" Tina asked curiously. Slightly worried that it was a creature that would wreak more havoc on the Muggle world. He looked at a muggle family by a box of apples and back at her before stooping down and whispering in her ear making tingles shoot down her spine.
"Well, I already told you that Bryan serves our kind and the others so he keeps some of our stuff behind the counter. We have to use abbreviations to keep it discreet.BB is butterbeer, PJ is Pumpkin juice and FW is firewhiskey" he moved away and began to pick up some vegetables.
After a while of gathering items, they ventured into the second half of the shop which was a bakery being run by a harassed looking teenager. Newt looked confused but collected some bread and paid before going back to Bryan. His face was still scrunched up in confusion and he asked casually as the squib passed them two boxes and a bottle
"What happened to Eric?"
"Oh, he moved to Birmingham to live with his new missus. That's his assistant but he's not overly good. Lookin' for someone else but not many people wanna buy a traditional bakery like that anymore. Especially someone who will turn a blind eye when the elves deliver"
"I might know someone" Newt replied discreetly looking at Tina who smiled at him and nodded
"Oh?" Bryan encouraged
"He's a man I met in New York who's followed our escapades ever since. He had a bakery back there and he's had to move due to-well he's been more involved than a muggle should be" Newt continued
"Well tell him to amble down here and I'll happily sell him the bakery " Newt nodded and checked behind his shoulder before pointing his wand at what they had bought and they shrunk to easily fit in their pockets. Tina grabbed a pile of the items quickly before any no-maj's could see the tiny loaves and apples on the counter.

Newt led her out by the hand and they began to walk out into the sunshine.
"Bloody Hell it's hot" Tina heard Newt mutter beside her before he rid his coat, discreetly tucking Pickett into his waistcoat, and draped it over his arm. In an act of boldness (or quite possibly stupidity) Tina shifted her coat onto her left arm and slid her free hand into Newts dangling left arm. He stiffened at the contact and looked at her imploringly but when she offered him a shy smile he reciprocated and slid his hand more comfortably into hers, lightly brushing his thumb over her knuckles.

They walked in silence but Newt stopped suddenly when they came across a gate to a park and she halted too. He was fidgeting nervously when he gestured to the tall black gates.
"Would you like to walk through the park with me? It will be a slightly longer walk but it is a rather pleasant day and well- that can be a rather rare occurrence in this country as I'm sure you'll realise soon" His ears burned pink but Tina couldn't resist his nervous smile and freckled cheeks
"I'd love to" His nervous smile widened to a grin and they set off into the park. It was nothing on Central Park but it was a rather impressive expanse of grass outlined by terraced houses on all sides. In the middle was a small fountain with what seemed like hundreds of names etched into the stone. They followed the path up through the park passing several other couples and families, either enjoying picnics, sweets or just one another's company.

They came across a bench next to the fountain and decided to stop momentarily as both were feeling the heat
"Queenie would have loved this" Tina couldn't help but think as she watched the fountains water cascade down continuously
"The sunshine, the noise she would have been in heaven"
Tina could feel her face dampening and furiously swatted away tears. Trying to keep Newt from worrying further she followed his eyes to where he was watching two dark-haired children try and befriend a squirrel. They weren't having much luck until their father stepped forward with an open hand holding a fragment of sandwich and the squirrel slowly approached. Tina looked up to see Newts eyes clouded in thought and she decided to join him in being lost in her mind.
It was a long time until they eventually arrived at the door much to everyone's annoyance as Theseus was about to send out a search party. However at the sight of a coatless and smiling Tina and Newt he chose to scowl and mumble under his breath instead of hexing them to death.

Hey, that last bit rhymed! This is the last prewritten chapter before we are truly off and running. There may be quite afew UK idioms, phrases and words so if you don't understand it, comment andI'll explain in the next chapter.

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