Work Part 2

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They exited the Atrium more or less in silence, just with Newt holding the door to the lift both times and letting her through. He grasped her hand once they entered the entry area and they disappeared with a pop.

They reappeared in a dirty alleyway filled with rubbish and a stray cat. Newt looked wearily at Tina but when he realised she was just watching him expectantly. He started to let go of her hand but when she instead moved to wrap her arm around his he blushed faintly and lead her out of the alley. They walked for a few minutes until Newt noticed that they had arrived at the place he was looking for and stopped abruptly causing Tina to slam into his sturdy frame. Newt shuffled awkwardly inwardly cursing his lack of tact and gestured abruptly.
"We're here"
They had come to a stop in front of a small Muggle cafe which appeared to have walls lined with bookshelves. As they walked in, Tina was silently staring at the scenery in a way that made Newt feel incredibly nervous so he mumbled
"I thought it would be pleasant as a- as a-" He could feel the word on the tip of his tongue but it didn't want to come out.
"First Date?"Tina cautiously supplied, making his face relax into a sheepish grin.
"Newt it's perfect" Newt grinned at her more earnestly and shuffled her hand off his Arm and back into his palm as they walked to claim a table.

After ordering some sandwiches they settled into the quiet corner of the cafe. Newt glanced up at Tina to see that she was staring at him. He cleared his throat, fidgeting slightly, watching as she suddenly jumped back into consciousness and glanced down at the napkin in her lap. Deciding to break the ice Newt asked
"So how has your day been so far?" Tina's eyes found their way back to his face and she smiled slightly
"It's been rather good so far, I'm sharing a desk area with two other Aurors that are nice if not slightly chaotic. I mean earlier when Abigail was waiting for an owl she spent the entire time throwing paper over the desk dividers into Ree's hair" She chuckled slightly and then continued "It's also odd to see Theseus in a professional capacity. Not only did the first time I met him I tied him to a chair but I also live with him" Tina chuckled some more and Newt's chest swelled with happiness.
"It was rather hilarious though to see him tied to a chair"
"What was it that you said 'Best moment of your life'?" Newt laughed despite himself
"It's not every day you see your influential,war-hero older brother incapacitated in a desk chair"
They both chuckled some more and then Newt made rare eye contact with Tina. He reached over with a slightly shaky hand and pushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear before murmuring "You truly are wonderful you know"

He was hit by his usual wave of embarrassment and tried to pull away but yet again she prevented it by gingerly placing a hand against his outstretched arm. Newt sent out a shaky smile which she returned. Shortly afterwards sandwiches arrived and the topic turned from the past to the future
"Newt being back at work made me realise something-" Newt heard the slightly reproachful tone and straightened, swallowing his mouthful while his eyes darted all over her. He nodded for her to continue
"I think I'm going to organise a portkey back to New York" Newt felt his heart and stomach construct painfully and his head swirled in panic.
Of course, she'd want to go home to New York. Why would she stay here with me?
"O-Oh" was all he managed to squeak out. She looked at him confused for a split second before it broke into understanding. She had a reassuring smile as she grasped his forgotten hand
"Newt, I'm not staying there permanently. I just thought it was about time to empty ou- my apartment and I think Jacobs got some things he needs to collect first"
"R-Really?" Newt stuttered exhaling in relief at her words
"Well yeah? We only just caught each other, I-I don't want to go running in the opposite direction"  Tina replied before adding in a quiet tone "again"

Newt squeezed her hand in response with an odd expression on his face before it relaxed into his nervous smile.
"I must warn you though Jacobs, not a good international portkey traveller. He vomited rather a lot last time"
"So a bucket may be a necessity," Tina asked with her eyebrow raised
"Definitely a necessity. So when would you-" He hesitated, the idea of her being gone for an extended period of time made him feel uneasy.
"I was thinking of this weekend. We could take a portkey on Friday afternoon and be back Saturday evening"
"You know you better double-check those enchantments on your case before we go"
"Because I need to be back at work on Monday and I don't want to spend the weekend scrambling after your creatures, no matter how great they are" Newt was thoroughly confused. His case would be with him why would that be a problem
"You want me to come with you?" Tina burst out laughing at his confusion
"Of course I do, Didn't I just say I don't want to leave without you?" He blushed at that comment, it did seem rather obvious now that she mentioned it.
"Oh, Newt" Tina proclaimed softly, squeezing his hand once before removing it and fussing with the leftover plates.

Newt pulled out his pocket watch and noticed they were running short on time.
"Um, Tina?" She looked up from the table
"We need to start heading back." Tina offered him another smile as they stood and once their coats were back on they paid and began walking back to the alley.

They walked in companionable silence and all too soon they had arrived. Newt offered his arm to apparate but she ignored him.
"Tina?" Newt asked hesitantly and seeing her lack of response as she continued to stare at him with fiery eyes he started to pry again. Tina suddenly launched herself at him and connected their lips. After the initial surprise Newt sunk into the kiss pulling her closer by wrapping his arms around her waist. Eventually, oxygen became a problem and they separated, somewhat reluctantly, in the darkened alleyway. Tina blushed at his expression and murmured with her eyes dancing
"I've been wanting to do that all morning but I didn't think giving Theseus a heart attack wasn't the greatest way to start my job" Newt looked up at her and smiled
"No, I think he might have been rather insufferable"
"Let's go," Tina said, wrapping her arm around his and they once again disappeared with a crack.

Newt walked her back up to the auror department and unsurprisingly the moment the lift dinged Theseus, Abigail and Ree hurried up to the fence of the bullpen and watched expectantly at the couple. They both stepped out into the hallway and completely ignoring the trio
"I'm going to go to my legitimate office in the Beast division. It's on level 8" He told her softly
"Okay, I'll meet you in your office at five?" Tina replied unable to fully mask the disappointment at having to get back to work. Newt nodded and went to go before hesitating. Her coat had become twisted during apparition and Newt swiftly straightened it while looking into her eyes.
"See you later Tina" He whispered before striding to the lift.

Newt walked into the beast division and sighed at the familiarity of the cacophony of noise of the department. He was about to enter his office when Mike Winters (one of the few people he actually talked with) came strolling up to him. The man had a fascination with equine-esc creatures but was regularly normal in his speech.
"Hey Scamander, haven't seen you for a bit"
"No, I had to help out in a few incidents"
"Oh, we all know. News of you in Paris spread like fiend fyre"
"As well as you being there with a young lady"
"Oh." Newt blushed "How-" Mike laughed at his embarrassment
"There were several Aurors there, one of which rendezvous with our department, remember?"
"Yep and he said you were with a dark-haired MACUSA auror"
"Yes, that's Tina. We just had lunch." Seeing Mikes eyebrows raise suggestively he added hastily  "As friends"
"Alright Scamander if you say so" Mike sighed but then as Newt went to enter his office Mike added
"Mr Scamander, that pink lipstick is a lovely shade on you" Newt instantly began swiping at his mouth blushing horrifically but noticed none was coming off on his sleeve. Mike saw his face and began to cackle loudly as he walked away.
"Just friends" he scoffed as he entered his own office and Newt all but dove into his.

A/N 'Just friends' we scoff.

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