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Fair warning for this chapter it gets a bit, steamy. Nothing explicit but there's a bit of snogging. So if that's not up your alley there's a TL: DR at the bottom.

The sky was starting to streak with pink and Newt wanted to slam his head against the wall several times. He had been up for hours trying to forget the horrors of his nightmare and was currently sitting barefoot still in his pyjamas sipping tea. Usually, nightmares didn't affect Newt that much, at there worse he spent a few hours staring at the ceiling before either sleep or a new day claimed him, but this one lingered over his head like a dark cloud on his consciousness. His dreams hadn't haunted him since he was expelled but this one was so- real.

The dream played out once again in his mind's eye as his eyes travelled to the gradually lightening sky.
It was so dark, Newt couldn't see his hand in front of his face when suddenly a spotlight appeared and it showed him standing on the stage of the amphitheatre, alone. Newt went to pull out his wand but it was missing and as he fumbled with his pockets multiple cracks rang out through the air. In front of him appeared several people. Jacob had appeared in the audience and was desperately trying to approach, Theseus had a wand pointed at his neck and was being handled roughly by an acolyte, Nagini was a snake being handled expertly by a darkly dressed Credence and in front of him stood Grindelwald with Queenie and Rosier flanking him either side. Grindelwald was holding a trembling brunette auror, one who he had never seen so scared, in a tight grasp and twisting his wand into her neck.
"T-Tina!" Newt heard his voice cry
"N-Newt? I-I'm scared" Tina's voice softly replied, choked with tears
"Hush darling" Grindelwald growled poking the wand further
"LET HER GO!" Newt felt himself scream
"Ah-Ah ahh Mr Scamander" Grindelwald tutted "Better behave before you regret it. Now be a dear and hand over your creatures!"
"No! I-I won't let you win!"
"Oh, such character. I'm afraid to say Mr Scamander" He paused and looked at Tina with a malicious smile "We already have- AVADA KEDAVRA" He bellowed and all the others followed suit, Queenie striking Jacob with a cold dead stare, Newt tried to scream but nothing came out and as everyone apparated away he dove to Tinas still warm corpse and cradled her in his arms, longing for her to give him one last smile. But her eyes remained still and empty with all the fire drowned out. And Newt sobbed with Grindelwald's laughter echoing around them.

Snapping back to reality he let out a long-suffering sigh and went to brew yet another cup of tea. He would go down to do his creatures but the majority of them wouldn't be awake yet and some of them get rather cranky when woken up too early. As the kettle began to hiss Newt heard some soft footsteps padding down the stairs. He turned to the doorway and saw a sleep crumpled Tina in the doorway, she was also still in pyjamas and her hair stuck up slightly at one side.
"You're up early?" Newt commented seamlessly pouring another cup of tea
"Funny I was about to ask you the same thing" Tina replied before adding "I just woke up and heard the kettle whistling. What about you?"
"Oh, ah umm" Newt stumbled "I had a-a rather unpleasant dream" He wasn't exactly bothered about telling her but she was looking so adorable that his mind had short-circuited.

Tina frowned at him sympathetically and walked gingerly up to him before running her fingers through his hair and kissing him on the nose, then his cheeks and then his lips.
"It's okay now" Tina murmured and Newt couldn't suppress the choked back a sob.
"Okay, okay" she continued while Newt buried his head in her hair, breathing in deeply. After a few minutes they parted and he sighed deeply against her murmuring
"Don't you dare apologise Mr Scamander" she murmured in return. Newt turned and looked into her eyes. His heart swelled at the sight and he began to nuzzle her softly before nudging his lips against hers.

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