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It was early morning when Theseus came bursting into Tina's room.
"Ah! Mercy Lewis Theseus what are you doing?" Tina screeched and sat upright in bed
"Grindelwald's attacked a village in Wales, we need to go now!" Tina jumped up and dove towards her wardrobe. Theseus quickly left and Tina felt the familiar nerves and excitement of going to an active case. She could hear people moving outside as Theseus bursting through her door had roused people from their sleep. Once she was dressed she looked at the clock to see that it was 5.30.
Grindelwald obviously doesn't need his beauty sleep
"GOLDSTEIN WE NEED TO GO" Yelled Theseus from what Tina was assuming was downstairs. Grabbing her wand she flew out of the room and ran down the stairs. Theseus and Newt seemed to be amid an argument. Newt was in his pyjamas but his eyes were alight in fear
"Newt for the last time you cannot come, you are not an auror!"
"So what? It hasn't stopped me before?"
"Newt you can't come!"
"So what am I meant to do?"
"Stay here. Feed your creatures. Make breakfast" Theseus described in a lower tone
"And wait for the inevitable Patronus from St Mungos?" Newt sounded almost broken as he said that so Tina decided to make her presence known.
"Newt, we'll be careful" He snorted humorlessly and sighed
"No, you won't. You're Aurors that's not what you do. Just please BOTH of you come back in one piece" His eyes seemed to shine slightly as he looked at the two of them and pulled the two of them into a rare hug.
"Wow Fido, I think that's  only the third time you've ever hugged me"
"Yes, well just don't make me regret it" Newt huffed before turning to Tina and giving her a swift kiss. As they parted he whispered
"I love you. Now go save lives"
"I love you too" Tina whispered back before grabbing her coat and following Theseus out of the door.

She grabbed Theseus' arm and the span on the spot to appear in a field. Looking across she saw a village alight in purple flames. Drawing her wand they charged towards the flames. In the village there was debris everywhere but no sign of any acolytes. After a quick search all she had found were Aurors, some were more injured than others but it seemed to be the result of fiendfyre and no actual spell casting. The fire seemed to be gaining speed so Tina used the same spell she used in the amphitheatre and started beating it back. Theseus had at some point appeared as had most of the auror department and they were pushing it from all sides. The flames were getting smaller and smaller and Tina foolishly thought they were holding it until suddenly they burst forth in a massive shock of light. Everyone cried out in pain as the flames singed their skin and Tinas body flashed with pain.

As the light dissipated it showed the flames had shrunk down to a normal almost domestic size and where the main core of fiendfyre was, three people stood.
"Grindelwald" Theseus spat. Grindelwald was looking on smugly at the group of singed Aurors and he was flanked either side by a woman. On one side a woman she vaguely recognised from the Amphitheatre looked at him adoringly and on the other side was a face that was both familiar and foreign. Queenie's hair was in an even tighter bob than before and she was wearing an emerald green dress, her eyes were the most changed. They held no innocent twinkle or cheeky glint but were cold and dead looking. Suddenly realising their dilemma Tina called out.
"EVERYONE OCCLUMENCY SHIELDS NOW!" Queenie looked directly at her and glared, Tina tried to ignore it and instead scrabbled to block her mind and think of something irrelevant. The village was silent except for the crackling of flames then Grindelwald spoke
"Tut tut tut Miss Goldstein. Not up for fun, I see and no Mr Scamander either. Shame. According to multiple articles, I thought you two were an item" Queenies eyebrows raised but she maintained a stony expression
"Don't talk about Newt!"Tina yelled
"Oh, young love. How touching!" Grindelwald laughed
"Why did you do this Grindelwald?" Theseus bellowed
"Ah and the other Scamander. Tell me how's Leta?"
"Shut. Up."
"But to answer your question. Well, I was rather bored and I knew nothing draws Scamander and Goldstein more than a battle. Oh well. Ones good enough for now. Wherever Goldstein goes Scamander follows" He pointed his wand at her and she flew towards him, she tried to struggle but suddenly her body wouldn't move. Tina heard the commotion of twenty spells being cast but she couldn't retaliate in the slightest.
"Shush," Grindelwald muttered before it all went black.


Newt had been waiting for hours. The weak autumn sunrise had begun to slash the darkness with streaks of pink and orange but no one had returned. Jacob had woken up when Newt had but had quickly gone back to bed once Newt had expressed his need to be alone. A decision he was regretting as fear coiled tightly and swam through his stomach.
What if something happened? What if one of both were dead? What if the battles getting worse and they need help?
Newts thought process started to spiral when he heard the door click open. Leaping out of the chair he was sat in he hurried to the hallway to see an exhausted, burnt and- guilty? Looking Theseus. Newt swung his head around but saw that Theseus was alone.
Oh no
His heart fell through the floor
"Th-Thee wh-where's Tina?" Newt demanded shakily
"H-He took her Fido. We managed to land a hex on Rosier but he disapparated them all. I-I'm here to get changed and apply ointment then anyone still mobile is coming into work." Newt crumpled against the wall and sunk to the floor with tears swimming in her eyes. Graves had got away only because he was needed for polyjuice, no other captors had survived. But Tina was different- she was a fighter surely?
"We'll find her Fido. I promise"
"I-I can't. I-I need h-her. I-I love her" Newt stammered out between choked back sobs
"Newt. All of us at the office are going to find her and Merlin's beard Fido I'm going to find my future sister in law" Too stressed to even begin to stutter out a denial Newt managed a weak nod. Footsteps came stumbling down the stairs and Newt looked up to see Jacob looking expectantly at them. His eyes flickered around as if looking for something then he crumpled slightly
"Please tell me Tinas just gettin' milk," Jacob asked shakily and Theseus shook his head
"He's got her" Jacob let out a stressed squeak before sighing deeply and walking towards Newt resting a hand on his knee.
"I'm sure they'll get her again buddy. Tina's strong, intense and can be scary when she wants to-" Newt gave a hollow chuckle at that. His Tina was a brave and courageous Thunderbird. She won't go down without a fight.
"And besides Queenies there a-and sh-he may have ch-chosen a different side b-but they still love each other"
"And love conquers all" Newt murmured and Jacob gave a solemn nod.
Tina's strong Newt kept thinking in his head, almost chanting it aloud

They sank into a pitiful silence and Theseus leapt up and hurried upstairs only taking seconds before hurtling back into the kitchen. Jacob had made some more stock for his bakery the previous night and went to grab it. Newt didn't pay much attention but heard Jacob and his brother conversing
"Here I suspect everyone at that office of yours is gonna need some good food if they're gonna find Tina"
"Y-Yes thank you Jacob" He heard Theseus mutter
"Reducio" then moving towards the door
"I'm coming with you" Newt demanded for what felt the hundredth time that morning flicking his head up to look at Theseus
"Newt you're not an auror" Theseus sighed exasperated "You'd only hinder. I'm sorry but I don't want to see you until lunchtime at the earliest okay" Not managing to listen to it any longer Newt jumped up and hurried down into the basement. He was yet to tend to his creatures so he moved rapidly towards some buckets, hurtling into a woman.

Jumping about three feet into the air he looked down to see a startled Bunty looking at him. A wash of guilt fell over him because Bunty had been on an enforced holiday more or less since they returned from Paris to give her a break and she had only returned a few days ago.
"Terribly sorry Bunty" Newt stammered out
"It's fine Newt" She looked at him taking in his probably dreadful appearance and asked
"What's wrong?"
"T-Tinas gone" Newt blurted out and Bunty had an odd expression on her face
"You two broke up?" She ventured with an almost smile on a way that made his stomach contract painfully
"N-No Grindelwald's got her" He had to choke back a sob then asked swiftly "Who hasn't been fed yet?" Bunty looked shocked but murmured
"Zouho, Kelpie, Augery, Bowtruckles and Nifflers"
Newt nodded then shot off towards the bowtruckles. He had left Pickett on the tree last night as he and Tina wanted some private time and any time they got close he'd make gagging noises or get jealous and sit on Newts head. But now he wanted to see his oldest friend.

Approaching the tree he saw that Pickett was sulking on the furthest branch, exactly where Newt left him. Newt sighed fondly and walked over to the tree. He fed the others first then offered his hand to Pickett. The little Bowtruckles went to blow a raspberry but appeared to sense Newts mood and climbed on eagerly, making his way up to Newts shoulder where he leant against Newts ear.

After a few hours of mournful silence as he tended to his creatures he decided he couldn't take any more so told Nagini and Jacob to stay in the basement with the door locked and apparated to the Ministry.

Now fore warning this is the first fanfic to actually get to an action point so I have no idea how I'm going to write it. But it should be fun.

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