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It was so dark when Tina opened her eyes she had to blink several times to reassure herself that her eyes were indeed open. The burns on her arms stung painfully but after a quick once over she seemed to be relatively unharmed. Something she had found rather suspicious. She wished she could say it was the first time she had been kidnapped by a murderous psychopath but it wasn't, and she was usually a lot more roughed up by the time she woke up.
They're using me
That's why she wasn't injured. They want Newt.
Mercy, what if they make him join them? What if he joins them willingly?

Not even trying to suppress her tears she let them drip silently down her grimy cheeks. She had no idea where she was, it could be a cell, a basement or even a dungeon but there was absolutely no way to tell. After a few minutes of wallowing Tina was interrupted by a sudden blinding light igniting candles up one wall outside her cell.
So it is a cell
The new appearance of light caused pained groans to ignite around her and some feeble protests and prayers. She wasn't alone. The sheer noise of the grunts meant that there had to be at least 10 to 15 people all in cells. The walls were just more bars and on both sides, Tina could see shadows of people. The prisoners sunk back into silence until a chipper and a chillingly familiar voice came bursting through the darkness.
"Good Morning" There were more grunts and groans and Tina shot upright.
"Now now that's not the way to do it" She was met with silence. Queenie didn't seem dampened and said in her usually floaty voice
"Fine, here's your meals. There's more today because Gellert's in a good mood"
"Why?" Came a hollow chuckle from several cells away and Tina felt her stomach contract. She knew exactly why.
"Because he has found the perfect man to join our cause". Tina couldn't hold it back and she yelled
"HE WON'T JOIN YOU!" She heard the sharp clacks of polished heels on the stone floor and then Queenie came into view.
"Oh, Teenie. Newt will see that this is the way we can all be happy. You could come too and Jakie and then we could be together again!" Tina took a steadying breath and spat
"Queenie, you're the one who left. You left Jacob behind. He lives in London with us! He was never obliviated" she sighed then murmured "and Newts happy anyway" Queenie's eyes lost their sparkle and she murmured
"Yes, I saw. You found love too. He did look ever so happy as did you. Teenie can we just be sisters again for a second? Can you tell me how it happened?"
"Why should I do that?"
"Because I missed you Teenie. I just wish you'd see that this is the right way!" Tina felt her hackles raise and spat
"Oh yes! That's right! The right way! The Aurors we've lost, the muggles-No Majs that were burned alive and the people all trapped down here were just collateral damage! For the greater good?" Queenie sat down abruptly and pushed through a rather nice looking meal and a cup of water. She must have felt her confusion and sighed
"I'm allowed to cook my own meals so I make some extra and divide it up. I made, even more, today and-here" She then did the same to the cell next door before standing up again.
"I'll be back soon" She muttered before walking swifter out and plunging the basement into darkness. She heard everyone dig into their food and Tina following suit. This was definitely her sisters cooking as she flavoured the mashed potato just how Ma used to. Her little sister was still there but she was buried under Grindelwald's work. Once she had finished and gulped down the water she moved to the driest part of the cell and curled up.

"T-Tina?" Came a hoarse voice from the cell to her right. Tina jumped to see a faint shadow moving beside her.
"Y-Yes?" Tina ventured
"Is it really you!" The voice exclaimed
"Yes. D-Do I know you?"
"I-It's me. Leta"
What in the name of parcelus
Tina didn't reply for a second and the hoarse voice continued
"L-Leta? Leta Lestrange?" Tina blurted
"Yes. It's me" the voice hoarsely chuckled
"We thought you were dead"
"So did I but here I am" Leta sighed moving closer to the bars. Tina felt the woman's hair brush by and her heart ached. How happy will Newt and Theseus be when they discover her alive?
If they ever get here
The voice protested and Tina decided to silence it.
"How long have I been here?" Leta breathed
"Um I think it's October 29th"
"A month and a half!"
"Yeah. A month and a half." Tina echoed. Was the Paris debacle really only a month and a half ago? That would put their first kiss as only a month ago.
"I-Is Theseus okay?" Leta asked quietly and Tina didn't even need to think before answering.
"He's a broken man Leta. It's been rough for both Theseus and Newt" She heard some shuffling and Tina assumed she was nodding.

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