Chapter-12: The Thread Of Attachment

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The next day being Sunday, the entire family was at home. After so many days all of us had our breakfast together at peace. After breakfast, Bondita, Batuk, Som and I, went to the roof terrace to play. At first I was reluctant to go but on Bondita's insistence, I had to join them. We had decided to spend the holiday merrily. The next question that arose was which game to be played. Bondita and Batuk immediately started fighting. It seems they had a long list and they cannot compromise with one. That moment I understood that I was not going to have any rest that day. Finally me and Som intervened in their argument and came up with the best possible solution ever. That is, playing all the games.

"Eyyy......", Bondita and Batuk jumped in joy. Som and I couldn't help but smile looking at their joy.

We started off with "aankh micholi". Again there arose a fight between the Bondita and Batuk. Since they both are of the same age, they cannot come to a conclusion on who will be the first one to chase. All of a sudden Bondita looked at me. I narrowed my eyes and was trying to decode what was exactly cooking in her mind.

She gave a mischievous grin and told Batuk, "Batuk, we shall start from the eldest one in the group. Since your dada is the eldest, he will be first one to chase."

I huffed in annoyance. I don't know why but while playing this game, everyone wants to be a runner than a chaser and I am no exception to that. I want to tease the chaser than becoming the chaser himself. However, everyone gets their turn, so, I agreed. Som tied a cloth around my eyes and together they uttered, "Ready, steady, go".

We played this game for some time and then moved on to the next one called, "ghoda chamar khai". We laughed and giggled like anything that our entire mansion reverberated with the sounds of our happiness. Listening to our sounds, kaka came to the terrace and burst into happy tears looking at his children being so happy. He blessed us and left while we resumed our game again. After getting exhausted with this game as well, we moved to play hide and seek.

This time it was Batuk's turn to count the numbers while the other three of us rushed to hide. It was not an easy task to seek us in the mansion as our house is very big. Bondita and I hid in the study. We have many secret places such as book shelves, cupboards and other cozy wooden furniture to hide, which only we both are aware of. I cackled at the very idea. I had no clue where did Som run to. He must also be having some secret places in the mansion which he alone may know. I was so sure that Batuk cannot find us and within one round he will be completely exhausted and raid the kitchen for food. I giggled thinking about my poor little brother.

Meanwhile I remembered Bondita. "Where she must have hidden?", I thought. We both entered the study together but then I took shelter in the only shelf of a small wooden cabinet placed near the entrance of the study that easily accommodated me. I don't want to get caught because in the game "hide and seek", the whole fun lies in hiding rather than seeking. Hence I don't want to be a seeker at any cost. At that moment I heard some sound. On keen listening I figured out that Bondita was somewhere around my study table. She could be easily caught due to her jewellery that hinted about her whereabouts.

"I can easily find her because I know every movement of hers and the sounds associated with it, but I am not sure whether Batuk will be able to do it or not.", I felt.

"God, how long should I sit in this shelf", I thought getting irritated.

Then I heard some footsteps. Undoubtedly it was Batuk. He probably checked the entire study and on failing to spot us, he left saying, "Where did dada and boudi go?". It was a thrilling experience.

"I couldn't be spotted in my own house. Wow!", I said to myself.

After Batuk left the study, I thought of stretching my body and came out of the shelf. Then I got curious to find where Bondita is. I plodded towards the study table and found her in the single empty rack of my table. She sat there tightly pressing her eye lids against her eye balls with the fear of getting caught.

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